I´m approaching an age where my biological clock is starting to tick and I will want to bear children sooner or later. I find Nordic men attractive, for example, but the few times I run into them they are beta males who stutter or just stare. Where are the most manly, alpha and attractive men?
>pic related, man I don´t want
Who are the best males to reproduce with?
Me ;^)
Obviously not. Preferably Christian
You are spanish, stick with your people. Also Sup Forums is not a dating site.
Jew is the original Christian m'senorita ;^)))
guys who support Donald Trump.
I don´t want to date any of you. I want recommendations. And I am only half Spanish
Well slavs are children of mud and water. If you fire and wind you can create perfect children
African men
Close, Jew is the original ANTI-Christian.
A succesful spanish guy, look for them in a church
>Where are the most manly, alpha and attractive men?
>most manly and alpha men
military and police
>most attractive men
probably faggy fashion models
Where in Europe can I find them? The only non leftist men I meet are uneducated in politics.
A Habsburg or a Bourbon, make Spain great again!
As long as they're at least 6'2
Do what trump does. Try Slovenia or Croatia.
They all go with their families and I also live alone in the capital without my family. I cant go to church to hit on guys kek
OP is actually a fag who unironically like that kind ofclothing and is a closet transvestit who RPs as a woman on imageboards
How about trying the alps region?
And yeah you'll get that up here, Danes are the most outgoing southern and west Norway ain't that bad either
>The only non leftist men I meet are uneducated in politics.
all the others are smart enough to keep their mouths shut in public.
if you speak out against leftist dogma, you set yourself up for getting shunned, cast out and rejected by society. it can royally fuck up your employment opportunities.
Pick me?
There are barely any alphas out there, you cunts emasculated them from childhood
Assuming this isnt shitposting, how old are you?
If you want to come to Los Angeles, I just got a promotion at work, and am getting my life started after finishing school.
Im of german/swedish/polish descent. I want a white wife to marry and have kids with and keep the white race going.
You must be willing to also be confirmed as a Lutheran and attend a church with me on sundays. Im 27 years old, if you are serious let me know.
i am
Coincidentally I´ve been to Slovenia although I was only 17 and I met a really attractive alpha guy.They don´t travel to Madrid much though
Where in the world is that fashionable for straight men? Wtf happened to you kids?
You can, ask for information
Men like attention from women
If you average or more u will have no problems
The ones with gains.
Doey Sup Forums have a problem with gay people
Of course no one is going to believe me but I doubt anyone would shun me. I´m considered really attractive (at least in Spain)
Any rural New Zealand men
High caste people, nobility.
Nordics are pretty much snow-niggers. They look good, but they don't have the same superior genetics as the true nobility.
Black men are naturally stronger and tend to not be as shy, so I guess them.
Smart strong white men.
I'll marry you, proud Nordic man with some Anglo, the only thing is I have to report to my local shitposting brigade at 4pm AEST every day for three hours of shitposting alongside my regular employment. Also Gibraltar stays British no exceptions.
If that's fine with you then great, because I love Spanish girls.
top kek
homosexual are gay that's a fact
Fuck off sweden. Ive had enough of your shit today.
Dad how did you meet mom?
Italians might be right up your alley. Or in this case your vagina.
I´m white but I have dark eyes. I have Irish heritage so it´s not super dominant. Also I am Catholic sorry
I treated all my boyfriends like alpha gods and alwys try to boost their self esteem.
take her advice
Git you a ticket to Texas.
sea and ice
t. Descendent of Russian, English, Persian and Jewish aristocracy
Slave descendants are subhuman
ask them to take their shirt off
if they are covered in hair and have muscles you should fuck them
No one wants your crusted toasties flaps :3
Go back to partying on black dicks, that's all you're good enough for. Just don't fool yourself into thinking they'll stick around to raise anything that falls from you. Not that I blame them, the near barren fields of your time ravaged womb could not produce anything but autistic abominations. You had lots of chances to produce viable beautiful children. If you don't have one now it is god's will and wisdom that your defective life will not pass on it's genes.
False, you deceiving kike
The migrant crisis already solved this problem
>I´m white but I have dark eyes.
For the 1000th time
>brown eyes
You dont deserve any white man, let alone a nordic one
Tits or gtfo
Not gonna lie I´d like to have kids with light eyes.
God no. They hit on me constantly too, and lots of south americans are really persistent atclubs. I´ve had altercations an have been kicked out of clubs for yelling racial slurs and the ones who wont leaveme alone lol
Me :3
Pls b my gf.
I think Sup Forums is only gay for Milo.
I meant women in general
I´m only 22 retard
Muscle gut, furry, thick cock and beastly ;^)
>Jewish "aristocracy"
So you're from New York?
Proofs pls
Please. For humanity's sake.
That´s what I thought :(
Tits or gtfo
If this shit is true, I'll go back to studying the bible because it's better to be a christian raising a family than being pro whatever this shit is.
We are living in a worldwide sodom and gomorah.
>only 22
>already wasted 6 years of prime fertility
Yes but thats not what I meant, my Jewish side were higher ups with the Bolsheviks :^)
pick me, i'm a trap so you won't have to hide your latent bisexuality and i won't mind if you fuck other guys on the side as long as i can too.
Seems reasonable.
Where do I meet them?
Find an Asatru alpha male. Honor the family and the gods!!! Our marriages last.
>small jaw
>chink eyes
>infantile and neonatal skull shape
Would enslave/10
They why do you say that biologic clock is ticking
Make sure you read the whole thing, then follow it up with St Augustine and St Thomas Aquinas.
This is exactly what I mean my nu-males
Yea. Spread your fucking STDs around you filthy nonhuman bug! Jews arent even men. Every jew i have ever met was a closet homo.
>40 is the new 22
Silly dumb prole scum.
Tfw you know the dude in the OP irl
You need a brazilian to make you a woman.
I´m ready to find my partner. I hate the modern dating game.Even if I don´t want to havethe kids immediately I don´t want to fuck around with dudes who dont have long term potential
Ah Spain; I remember being 13.
we're seriously on the best timeline.
Something broke
I don't want it fixed
Midwest america.
>tits or gtfo
Pls stop
>Australian aristocracy
Nice meme lad
Funny, I'm pretty much everything you're looking for, and I'm in Madrid studying right now.
But seriously, make sure they're three things:
1. Politically right-leaning
2. Christian (Just for morality's sake)
3. Family-oriented
Now, how to find this? No culture really has more or less of these people. It's all about the places you look and the vibe you give off. Personally, I'm just extremely harsh with a high set of standards and easily repel people below my standard. If you think someone looks interesting, say something slightly opinionated to test the waters and gauge reactions.
There's a resurgence of nationalism and 'alpha-ness' going on in the world right now, so it should become slowly easier to find the men you want, but then again, most of them like myself have all but given up.
All else fails, just be assertive, guys do enjoy having a break from always being the approacher.
Come to America and be my gf
You can make me traditional spanish food like burritos and chimichangas
There is Asatru in Spain.
Basically what nationality of men should I be on the lookout for that aren´t castrated, and at least mostly redpilled?
i'm not a nu-male tho, i hate them. men should be masculine, traps/girls should be feminine.
What part of Spain?
If you're anywhere from Andalusia you should kill yourself.
>All else fails, just be assertive, guys do enjoy having a break from always being the approacher.
>thinks he's alpha
She said she wants a manly man faggot.
This post is borderline deleteable. Why are you asking Sup Forums about dating. What do you Sup Forums manlets know about women.
>Jewish "bantz"
Jesus if you are everything I´m looking for tell mewhere you´re going out next weekend and I´ll show up lol. The men I meet are fucking sad
She said she's actively on the search and her 'biological clock is ticking' - I'm just throwing options out there retard, I never said anything about myself, I'm generalizing.
If you don't want him then I'll take him. He was made for my cock.
>on Sup Forums
>knows english perfectly
yeah you must be some pseudointellectual 6/10 evil woman in her early 30s, literally no one can satisfy you
Took way too fucking long for someone to say this.
Jewish "bantz" are currently running the world by aboriginal friend
>tfw even plebian jews have higher verbal IQs than all the le epic aussie shitposters