How do we fix America's race relations problem?

How do we fix America's race relations problem?

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lots of ropes

We don't.

Lets be honest, when race relations are good, race mixing is common.

A segregated nation is an ethnically pure one.

Mixing bowl orgy

we don't I've found my days are 100% better now that I learned to not give a fuck about black people whatsoever and avoid speaking and dealing with them at all costs

it's really life changing, thank you #BLM
They dindu nuffin to deserve their opinion

Yep. I want it to get to the point where even normies realize that multiculturism is shit.

We have to pour gas on the fire, without intervention we'll be brazil in a generation.

With gas.

Kill off all the white people.
Problem solved.

>dindu nuffin because the police only shot my son in the hand

1)Declare state of emergency.2)Impose early curfew. 3)Mobilize Nat Guard.4)Authorize ALL non lethal force. 5)Tear gas.


Gas chambers for shitskins

no niggers no problem

We don't.

Our goal should be to make them worse.

Find a way to get the American Negro to realize that they need to get rid of the 'leadership' that has spent the last 4 decades telling them that there is no way that the Negro can improve his or her own life.

We will proceed to fuck them all to death.

Eliminate all welfare, food stamps, and free housing. Create work camps where people can go live for free(think boot camp with cots), soup kitchens with prison quality food. Psychologically it will eliminate the entitlement attitude of non working people and they will realize that it's not white people holding them back but it is in fact themselves and that only people who work have nice things.

That might actually cost more than the current welfare programs.

Implying only black take advantage of said programs.

While ignoring redlining and proven racial profiling during job interviews

Easy mode:
Ship the Google's back to Africa. Problem solved.

Hard mode:
No more "diversity". Stop teaching minorities they are victims. No black history month. Anyone applying for food stamps/government assistance must work doing menial work every week in order to receive it. Idc if it's planting trees or sweeping parking lots as long as it's work. Anything to build a good work ethic and motivate people to better themselves. If we applied this tomorrow is should show results in a generation or three.

everyone is racist. everyone.

>this picture was taken at Dartmouth
literally fuck my shit up

If at first you can't appease, then they should sway from trees

I don't think it would cost more because less people would use it because it would be very uncomfortable. It would motivate people to go out and get jobs.

here to fan the flames

make the nigs realize that they have fuck all heritage but that it's okay to follow in the footsteps of western culture

then make the white americans realize the same thing so they can get over their dumb little enlightenment project and maybe even produce a real thinker after some 300 years


by removing other races, thereby eliminating racism

get rid of the other races


>I've found my days are 100% better now that I learned to not give a fuck about black people whatsoever and avoid speaking and dealing with them at all costs
literally this

Removing the races causing the problems.

>Easy mode
>Shipping 40 million people across the atlantic

No I realize all races take advantage but they all blame their own failures on the rich white man.

Redlining such as real estate and getting a mortgage? Ok whatever just another excuse on why you can't afford a house.

Racial profiling during job interviews? Yes affirmative action is a problem. Many higher qualified whites get passed over for jobs just because a less qualified minority applies and is hired simply for being a minority.

Black people need to check their privilege

>less people would use it

The camps would turn into dumping grounds for vagrants and other undesirables.

How much do you think it would cost to staff even a single place like that?

As much as I disagree with it, the government handouts are a cheaper solution.

Eliminate race.


ethnic cleansing

I'm a quarter kneegrow/three quarters huwhyte, but I ended up looking like a low-test shota-tier happa. Should I just go incognito when the day of the rope comes?

honestly? stop talking about it. stop guilt tripping whites. stop telling non-whites they are are/were victims. our educators and politicians keep racism alive very well, to such a degree I'm not convinced it isn't on purpose.

It would be staffed by them. I have several ideas. I'm not just making this up right now. I've thought about it many times but it's hard to type all details. Also thought of a commune type situation where they all farm for food and build their own housing. It would cost less though especially when you factor in welfare fraud. Also factor in leveling the projects and ghettos and building nice housing, stadiums, and shopping which would bring in new tax dollars. Wouldn't worry about vagrants being dumped. They are mostly mentally ill and currently dumped at mental hospitals where I work.

i take advantage but i blame minorities for taking our jobs


Are you telling me that I have Stockholm syndrome, or that I should go to Stockholm, because it's full of literal cucks?


are you white because of your mom or your dad?

please be in STOCKHOLM so i can put my benis inside your underdeveloped manboy butthole

educate blacks on proper parenting. not that it would work, of course. but that's the heart of the problem. this generation of black youth is a total disaster. 'dindu nuffin' from these kids' mothers is not helping.

Deport all violent criminals to South America Problem will fix itself in 10 years.
Money you save will pay off the country you dump them in.
Mexican Cartels kill em on site if they migrating back north.
Have propaganda campaign for "diversity". In South America.

I'm white because of my dad. His family is full of blonde-hair blue-eyed Dutch and Swedish people, so it probably canceled out the negro genes. My mom is half negro/half anglo and looks olive and racially ambiguous. I can see why my dad banged her, though, because she was a 9/10 when she was younger.

i am a bottom, but only to women who will let me call them mommy :^) sorry user

We don't, we let them come in and enrich us multiculturally.

Two words, Law and Order.

By following Morgan Freeman's advice