Sup Forums under DDoS after finding connection b/w DOJ & Comet Ping Pong #PizzaGate #DrainTheSwamp alert by @lovaliten

Other urls found in this thread:

search.wikileaks.org/?query=comet ping pong&exact_phrase=&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type[]=46&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results


Did they find this yesterday or the day before? This is not a new lead.





dark stuff

>Sup Forums under DDOS for the brazillianth time
>must be a tactical attack on the latest Sup Forums conspiracy theory

I think the image server is what is getting DDOS'd right now

Or it could be that you are an obsessed pedo

Share this information with infowars please.

>literally out of arguments at this point
major kek

bump for justice

Why aren't these threads gaining any fucking traction? What the actual heck, goys?

this isn't the only hotspot for this specific conspiracy, rest assured it is getting exposure through other channels.

We don't like fish, especially not red herrings.

like what? what other channels?

>not liking Herring

This is a strange universe I have migrated into


They're getting deleted and it's killing our momentum. We just had a thread about deleted threads get deleted, too. Like I said in the other thread, if we take enough of this info to news outlets or even to WikiLeaks and get them to at least comment on it, be it on Twitter or wherever, we can have something to base our threads on. We need ongoing threads to keep it all together because we can't be assed to post every single fucking infographic and copy pasta in each thread.

We may be better of taking a more general approach to the titling of the threads otherwise.

/x/, eight-chan, the list goes on...

Is the person who operates the Pizzagate wordpress site here?

If so, please add the information about how James Alefantis' sister Susan wrote a letter in support of convicted pedophile high school teacher Christopher Kloman

I have posted it many times before

Mainly bigger chan is where I see the most threads. I think they do alot of the digging too, not sure though.

>inb4 he either never replies again or replies with something cryptic and useless


Anywhere but InfoWars. The last thing we need associated with our research is Alex Jones. If his name gets attached, then it will make it that much easier for the bluepilled to disregard it outright without thinking twice. We need to think smarter than that.



How did you guys even find out?




An un(mc)canny resemblance.

I suggest you get behind 30 skeletons.




No, Infowars is going to be media exclusive with Donald trump. Donald trump actually has an interview scheduled with infowars soon and it will be the first time since transition of power that he had any coverage. Donald is sure to get wind of this if it's covered on infowars. Who cares about blue pulled people getting wind of this when Donald trump will.

We recently found the instagram account of James Alefantis. The contents of it are indescribably bizarre and the contexts of the posts and comment chains are weird. Alefantis does not have any children nor do his closest associates, but the photos seem to be a near constant assortment of different children of a variety of ages, intermingled between posts about gay bars, clubs, photos of common rape drugs, and piles of foreign currency. After it being trawled through for 24 hours it has been set to private. A large set of archived copies can be seen here in the next section. Similarly the instagram and twitter accounts of Comet Ping Pong are being edited selectively. The accounts of the people favoriting and commenting on these posts are equally bizarre in both content, context, and demeanor.
archive.is/9FN8n - Girl, striped, taped to table
archive.is/r93DT - Michelle Obama playing Ping Pong
archive.is/vSqri - Girl, drinking milk
archive.is/vaDfJ - Girl, standing in basket
archive.is/jXWrG - Photo of refrigerated meat locker, weird comments
archive.is/0Az6u - Baby eating pizza "oh my god. Stop it" comment
archive.is/sSzEZ - "Boum Boum" Room (euphemism for brothel)
archive.is/qPJWe - Close up of an eye of a dead pig
archive.is/k0YJ3 - Close up of toddler boy
archive.is/NaP2M - Girl in yellow dress running on grass
archive.is/S742A - "Long Dong Pizza Shop"
archive.is/8xQIo - Marina Abramovic

This thread is getting turbo slid, which makes me wonder if the new ewo thread is only staying on top because its controlled opposition

I say we all decide on an official site or grouping to conduct investigations on. Sup Forums is filled with shills and is not as underground as many users may think. As we're all aware, the media has been holding a close eye on here lately.

archive.is/ayA91 - Someone holding girl, #chickenlover hastag (euphemism for gay pedophilia)
archive.is/ZwwUn - Girl and newborn
archive.is/Pw7Fq - "French kissing" a taxidermied dog
archive.is/S6jzu - Topless model
archive.is/hPsLM - Girl in striped shirt, at park
archive.is/dJoiL - Screencapture of Child Beauty pageant show episode, subtitle about pizza
archive.is/mKH6M - Painting of 69 position sex on-top of slice a huge of pizza.
archive.is/5UecO - "German Baby: $1200" photo of doll
archive.is/aiiUE - Two individuals staring at hole in foundation of Comet Ping Pong
archive.is/4uB5R - Photo of Ping Pong being played between Obama and young boy at WH Christmas Party
archive.is/8Bq8e - Letter Alefantis received from Hillary Clinton
archive.is/TS5mj - Trenching work in basement of Comet Ping Pong
i.sli.mg/ljC4qF.png - "Ping pong in London sounds fun" $$$$ and Xanax bottles
i.sli.mg/wGsp3j.png - "I LOVE KIDS" T-Shirt with two shirtless men
i.sli.mg/zF3Ofm.png - Yet another photo of an infant, no name
i.sli.mg/2FyXrV.png - Infant described as a #hotard, a portmanteau of "whore" and "retard"
i.sli.mg/Vus1NK.jpg - NSFW from Jeff Koons and Cicciolina exhibit.
archive.is/FMLbx - Foursquare post with a child's face (in striped shirt) censored with pizza slice clip-art
i.sli.mg/caECVY.png - #cumpanda presumably artist Matt Sesow



owner of comet pizza is fucked. just thought you all should know.



>implying a thread on Sup Forums where people post a bunch of info and never actually do anything matters to the DOJ
>being this delusional

Like that's going to accomplish a thing

How exactly is it being DDoS'd? Also, I hope everyone posting these threads is under a proxy. =/

people got sick of the conspiracy shit before the election because it seemed retarded and beyond desperate. especially the madeline mccan shit.

this seems like a bigger story tho, so ill start following

literally the worst way to present evidence. everything is all over the place and the fonts are too small.


If that's really true and getting it to InfoWars may get it to The Donald, then I guess go for it, but don't you feel like Trump has probably gotten wind of it already? I mean, think about that Steve Pieczenik video. Nigga's straight up ex State Department and he's calling the Clintons and the Foundation out for child trafficking and pedophilia. There's no harm in trying to get it to his attention anyway, but the real fight is in convincing bluepilled people. Otherwise, we're just a circle sitting around agreeing with each other.

I have a proxy. It's called 5.56x45

I really want to see these people get BTFO, so I'm going to give you guys a bump by thanking you for investigating this.

The Madeline McCan stuff was a stretch, but everything else has been pretty legit.

I flipped the guy on the right so the freckle above his eye is in the right place. Delete the one you have and spread this one instead

Just trying to get the thread moving. Those aren't mine. Post what you've got. I know my shit's a good few days behind.

As for the Madeleine McCann thing, I think it's okay to keep digging, but we shouldn't include it in these infographics until we've got something better. It isn't strong enough to risk discrediting the rest of our work by association to lump it in with all this Comet Ping Pong stuff.

Check youtube, he's already aware :/




that just makes it look less authentic, use the same non-flipped pic that comes up when you google the actual police sketches

the only thing retarded and desperate is you, for cock. not memeing

fyi wikileaks is compromised, details were posted on 2x4chan

relates to documents they released not matching the hashes they said they would, and wikileaks not sending anymore pgp verified messages anymore

they really did get taken out on oct 16th or around then, at least 12 wikileaks members are confirmed missing / dead, not including the wikileaks director. Assange may be alive and unaware, or he may be vanished. He still hasn't shown himself publicly in any fashion, still nobody can get in contact with him. The election is over, his internet shouldn't still be cut, yet not a peep.

These threads and the ones related to the pedo investigations are all getting shut down on Sup Forums, don't be surprised when this 404's, go to 2x4chan to get actual updates.

holy shit you guys are onto something big here.
This left the point of it being a (((coincidence))) a while ago and now its almost certain some fuckery is going on


Super dark senpai. Have a bump

>they really did get taken out on oct 16th or around then, at least 12 wikileaks members are confirmed missing / dead, not including the wikileaks director

Wait a fucking second, where can I get actual confirmation on this?

this is the most disturbing shit i've ever seen on here

Any source on missing WikiLeaks staff? What do you think of the people running the Twitter and that did that AMA on Plebbit the other day?

It's true. Donald and Alex have a relationship now. Donald has been snubbing MSM since the transition coverage and I'm pretty sure infowars will soon have exclusive rights to the White House once Donald is in office. I can't get it to infowars though because I don't have any social media accounts.

Source for interview date - Dec 2

Source for Donald snubbing mainstream media

Previous interview with donald on infowars

go to 2x4chan and discuss it there, anything posted here gets deleted

bump 8 chan and /x/ not talking shit

are you fucking kidding me?
Jeffery Dahmer laid his corpses out like that

>need to sleep for work tomorrow
>abandon thread


good night left side

What the actual fuck.

Surely they're covering all of this up right now, though as Sup Forums reveals it?

Is pol actually getting anywhere or are they just finding random bits of info?

the thing is, itll be extremely difficult to prosecute

what kind of evidence must one find in order to uncover the whole shit? and get everyone involved, from clintons and obama to low level fagots, to jail??

its impossible, youd need police agencies all over to get on it. the fbi is also on it, comey emailed stuff about pizza

proof or gtfo fagot

“In Mykonos,” Alefantis says, “in 2½ days everyone will be saying, ‘Hi, Septime!’ Austrians, New Yorkers—he identifies everyone on the beach, knows their whole story. He creates a whole world on an island in Greece. In two days! So if you think about DC after 15 years—the world is a more special place because of him. He creates a sense of magic around an event that is normal. When he is there, there is a whole other energy.”
>Septime Webre

There's volumes and volumes and volumes, but of course, not all of us have all of it, so every time a thread gets made, we depend on everyone getting back together to put their stuff back in the mix. I've been out of the loop for the past couple of days, so I'm not all caught up, but I do know that we found a password-protected section of Comet Ping Pong's website (with only a password field, no username) and managed to get into it, where there was a directory of ZIP files marked "LGL" or "MK," and they all had what looked like hex code names.

Comet Ping Pong people also own Buck's Fishing and Camping two doors down, and next to them is Besta Pizza, which had an obvious pedo logo that they changed the other day, and some group owned by or otherwise affiliated with the Clinton Foundation is across the street.

Honestly, I've lost track of all the leads. The deleting of threads has really hampered it all.

random bits of info. the whole thing is dying out. there was a previous thread earlier about a guy who went and visit the venue. Apparently its super packed and many of the art and deco have been moved.


Please delete the attachment after downloading it

Well bump for protection

Who gives a shit about a pizza place? Why are people so autistic about proving the pizza place owners are pedophiles?





pedowood all over again

but magnified


anyone have updated discord invite link?

Having media they will also see this shit and take note of it.

Bad for the site overall but atleast we'll have an overseer so to speak.

So it's just going to fall apart?
If that's the case, all this has done is help them cover their asses.


it doesn't bother you that these people who are linked to one of the most prolific political figures in US history are raping kids under their own venture? wtf is wrong with you.



Tons of pre-existing evidence of global pedo-ring implicating governments and etc.:

Podesta e-mails make mention of Comet Ping Pong, "family-friendly" restaurant/venue with ping-pong for kids:

search.wikileaks.org/?query=comet ping pong&exact_phrase=&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type[]=46&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results

Comet Ping Pong owned by James Alefantis, once listed 49th "most influential" person in DC by GQ:


James Alefantis cought in love triangle with chief of Media Matters, David Brock; Allegations of blackmail



>“Get served at Comet Ping Pong, a hipster-heavy pizza parlor in the Upper Northwest with rough concrete walls, bathrooms hidden behind secret panels, and table tennis galore. Thin crust pies from the wood-burning oven are as much of an attraction as the regularly scheduled live bands.”
Podesta e-mail with HRC pizza logo says to donate to "PizzaPAC.com" registered to one JZ Drizin; Most recent tweet is retweet from Pizza Packet, company that sells and delivers nothing but seasoning packets for pizza


Address listed for Pizza Packet goes to post office. Address listed for a sponsor of a Pizza Packet contest (762 Park Place, NYC, NY) goes to pic related; Pizza Packet is owned by "Itchie Gross"; Richard "Itchie" Gross LinkedIn profile has picture of a commercial jet


Address for "Dr. Itcuie Gross, MD," who does not seem to have an NPI number, goes to 533 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY; Does not look like a doctor's office; two young children can be seen at the entrance

CTR pls go

It's a very popular pizza place (it was even on that Guy Fieri show) in DC. It's not really weird that people who work in DC would have gone to it.

I just want to let you all know that people are getting knocks at the door over this. I'm one of those people.
I'm no longer aiding in any investigation of this thing (I uncovered and linked some key evidence and assisted in drawing links from Comet to every other business on the street), but will still be tweeting out anything big that is found.
I'm just posting this here so you all know there is some real risks involved in this, and I think the bulk of the work should be given to non-usa Anons for that reason.
I want to see these people all put in prison or hanged like the rest of you, but if we all get v& then this whole thing dies.
Be careful everyone, we really have opened Pandora's Box on this one.
_DO NOT_ stop digging, though.
If you get questioned, do not give more information than necessary and remember that you are not actually breaking any laws by digging into all of this unless you happen upon real cheese pizza then God be with you because you'll need him.
Huge props and respect to all anons who have helped in any manner, and again all be safe and careful.
Definitely submit this info to Trump himself, even if it has to be printed out and snail mailed to him.


Angels of Love Deals From Heaven deals with Haitian kids, based in FL; Follows Pizza Packet on Twitter


Address: 15592 NE 15th Ave, North Miami Beach FL

Google Maps indicates that it is the only house on the street with all windows barred; Does not look like a business of any sort


