WTF i love trump now?

WTF i love trump now?

Other urls found in this thread:–Syria_relations

Thats our guy :)

It's the only sane policy at this point. The whole world unites to kill Muslims. Who can be against that?

the jews who created isis

This man will be president forever.

"rebels" and "moderates" on suicide watch

>implying their opinion matters anyway



>""""""moderate"""""" rebels

Fuck them goatfuckers.

there has never less doubt in my mind that TRUMP is out guy. Holy shit. Thank you kek.

Dudes, removing the incompetent American influence from that conflict would be the greatest blessing the Syrians could ever receive, nevermind that we could send all these Syrians back proper and give them false university documents and such.

The Syrian rebels ARE Isis. There is no difference.
When we fund and arm them, they're rebel freedom fighters.
When they blow up a hospital with the money and weapons we gave them, they're Isis.

There's no way we could reasonably support the FSA at this point.

They face the Syrian government, the Russian government, and ISIS. In order for them to win they'd have to push back those 3 forces simultaneously. And by backing them we are essentially waging a proxy war against the Syrian government and the Russian government which could lead us to war with either state.

Additionally the FSA is not "moderate" and they aren't even completely Syrian. They're just opportunist mercs.

I wouldn't even say we should "bomb the shit out of ISIS" we should just fucking leave the region and let the Syrians and the Russians do the bombing for us so we don't waste a dime. They'd be able to push back against both easily and then we could come to an agreement with the Syrian government to create "safe spots" to return refugees.

>Trump lost friends in 9/11
>Saudis who funded 9/11 would greatly benefit from Assad being kill.
Checks out. Get fucked FSA.

"rebels" BTFO

Yup. I love watching the mental gymnastics people will put themselves through to justify this bullshit.


based trump is based. funny how the liberals are cheering for the war candidate and are too stupid to realize it. i suppose the weed and pcp has something to do with it.

Hillary was the one that put the whole plan into motion to go after assad, All the way back to 2011 when the first protest started they were already fnding uprisings through the DOD's programs.

(((NeoCons))) BTFO'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope is coming

in 2 yrs time after they stop funding them and they eliminate the kabob, peace will come to syria and they will probably even start reconstruction, TRUMP will rebuild SYRIA!!!

>PRAISE KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm so happy for her

jesus fucking christ

Israel will never allow it. They won't interfere with the pacification process but they'll throw a fucking fit if we try to aid reconstruction with Assad still in power.

anyone have an archive of the wsj interview with Trump? I don't want to pay to read it

What's their beef with Assad? Syria isn't part of greater Israel is it?

Those poor people who decided to rebel against a secular leader and need the help of a superpower on the other side of the world.

Nobel Peace Prize when?

Oh who are we kidding

Reagan: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall."

Trump: "Mr. Putin, build that wall."

We're making progress.



You know hundreds of years ago, they would've been on their own.

Implying Trump isn't an Israeli shill

Did she make a Trump video? I forget what her channel was

Next stop Constantinople.

what a qt

Moderate jihadists BTFO.

Praise Assad
Praise Trump

>Friends with Russia
>Ends the hostility with Philippines
>Stop financing rebels in Syria
And all before he's even sworn into office

Well Israel did take the Golan Heights region from Syria in 60's. But I think Israel's immediate concern would be that the US would be rebuilding a nation allied with Iran.

Qatar BTFO

The Ummah is afraid of me...I have seen its true face. The cities are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their jihadism and murder will foam up about their waists and all the terrorists and sympathizers will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper...


Much of the SAA, Hezbollah, and Iranians who are fighting the idiot wahabi FSA & ISIS are Muslims. Wahabis are idiotic terrorist tools used by the west.

Ok, now I'm legit scared for his safety. The (((powers that be))) will not have him do this easily.

what is going on here?

>Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

just innocent moderate syrian rebel things

How can one man be so based?
Words cannot describe how jealous I am right now.


Can we just nuke Syria already?

It's time.

>Syrian rebels
pick both



Religion of Peace at it again

Ah alright good to know, sorry I'm sort of new to the politics involved. I'm just a peace nick for the most part and think the US should stop dicking around in the region already.

Derp. Yeah Syria takes up a huge portion of greater Israel. Use your search engine.

Globalists on fucking suicide watch

this, im scared now. Syria is a huge part of the neo-Kalergic plan to destroy the west.

No, Hillary!

No war with Russia!

>What's their beef with Assad?
His government is still technically at war with Israel, and has been for the entirety of Israel's existence. That's just one small part of this decades-long feud.–Syria_relations

Remember when the lefties tried to say that kid was 18 or some shit. As if that would even make it better.

Israel want their gas and Syria is a Iran ally


*Suicide bomb watch



wait wat


Better version

And these are the motherfuckers that took the famous picture of the little boy that supposedly got hurt in the Russian bombings. The one Hillary used as propaganda. Evil fucking cunt.

I can't even believe people want the opposite. How many fucking Muslim rebel groups have we armed and had turn on us once they got what they needed?

Praise KEK

She also killed Gadafi and thus flooded europe with boatniggers.
May she burn in pieces.

Muh nigga

wtf i love normies now

Does Israel back the rebellion? Legit curious about this.

I know the western media backs them, but I can't determine if its b/e Hill was pulling strings for the rebels from the get go and they are cucked by her. Or if they are cucked b/c (((reasons))).

I read Hill's e-mail which said she was doing this for the benefit of Israel, but she lies about everything, even unnecessary shit.

Can someone drop me a redpill, or a sauce on this? Even a tl,dr would be great.

I want a tally of rulers who have called for Assad to be removed and who have been removed or humbled severely beforehand.

The saudi king died.
Egypt's Morsi got overthrown by the military
Cameron got humiliated and left in disgrace
Obama got humiliated and Trump has taken over and reversed course on Syria

Remember these are what they want you to accept into your countries. Not Vietnamese boat people refugees.



I checked 'em but wtf man

>"abdul i don't want to fuck that goat poosie"
>video starts

Conquer Turkey, bring back Austria-Hungary and fold all of Southeast Europe and former Turkey into it.

And then ISIS thanked Trump for making their recruitment efforts so much easier.

I understand ditching moderate beheaders but what about the kurds and their actually moderate allies? Some of them are good people and youre just letting Assad murder them.

The kid was fighting/working for the other bad guys and they caught him. I guess they couldnt or didnt want to take prisoners so they had to kill him.

well, that's what you get for cheating

That's great. It's about time a US President did something sensible.

(((moderate))) syrian rebels beheading a 14 yo boy for fun

Based fucking Trump, I knew there was a reason I helped meme him into office. ISIS on suicide watch.

Pretty good start.

The thing people forget is that Syrian rebels ARE ISIS. They're trying to make a Caliphate, too. So every gun given to them just goes straight to ISIS.

Oh those are the wonderful people we're giving millions to. The same people who will strive to make all of Syria look just like that if we keep giving them support.

The same people Assad and Putin are trying to get rid of and blown into tiny pieces, but Mrs. Clinton wanted to put a No Fly Zone over Syria to protect them.

Those freedom fighters.

The wonderful freedom fighters seen in that webm beheading a 10 year old boy.

I'm sure there are webm's out there of what they do to the 10 year old girls, but that would be illegal on Sup Forums.


Assad true ruler of syria

that kid got pranked hard

watch isis give up within 1 week of the us dropping its support of the 'rebels'.

Turks, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and US all backed the "opposition" (read: ISIS, AQI) in order to "isolate the Syrian regime".

I love the minorities of Based Leafs. I hope you kick Faggot Trudeau out of office and elect someone who's based as fuck.

How do you make such a connection?

And if true, what's a few new recruits for the "JV team" in the big picture?

B-but if we kill the brown people Hillary won't have anyone to sell weapons to!

Damn i think he might broke his spine. poor fella would never able to walk again. sad.


And peace will be restored to the region. Praise KEK.

Trump may just end the Syrian Civil War and let the moderats be carpet bombed by based Assad.

Give the man a Nobel Prize.

Yeah, ISIS might get some short term benefit of being the only jihadi group left in Syria, but there's no way they could survive a concerted effort by the Syrian government, Russia, and the US, plus any of the Shia militant groups that will no doubt want revenge for all the Shia stuff ISIS destroyed.