X-men Mutants and humans

Lets face it mutants are superior to humans.
And why do the humans hate mutants?
If my kid gained the ability to
>super strength
>super healing factor (the fucker is never getting sick how can this be bad???)
I love it.

Why do the X-men humans hate their kids if they have a mutation?

Unless practically every human in X-men is a unholy leftist mixed with a equalist (from avatar )
>humans where never suppose to flay!Its unnatural!
>If someone is better in sports we must cut his legs off, we all need to be equal, equal!
their thinking makes zero sense.
I understand that mutations have often downsides like no ability to control their powers however this is fixed by training or some special equipment.
>oh I can not control my eye lazes and need to ware these special glasses?
I know people who would gladly take this power.

So how do even the humans think?
Can you make X-men about something else then
>inferior leftists hate the superior ubermenschen for their talents and skill

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Then why is it that every future where mutants take over is a terrible broken down shithole?

Mutants just exist to spur mankind to awaken the destiny force and achieve their cosmic destiny, they are the deviants to mankind's eternals.

I'm asking about what the humans think.
>Oh no my kid will never get sick!
(super healing factor )
>This is terrible and must be cured !!!1111ONEONEONE
How do you even arrive at this conclusion?

Will eternals have all the powers of every mutant ever?
And how long before human attention?
How do you distinguish a mutant from a eternal?


Sublime did it.

Because the whole "humans irrationally hate all of mutants simply because they exist" is an outdated leftover from when the comic first began, as it was supposed to be a metaphor for racism (as if Magneto's backstory of being a Holocaust survivor wasn't a clue enough).

I also recall an X-Men comic series where there's this hivemind micro-organism which fed off of humans' bioenergy or something, and since the mutants' biology was incompatible, the hivemind saw them as a threat and subconsciously made humans hate the mutants.

They alos have superior stories and better characters

When you metaphors are so bad they end up promoting the most hardcore form of discrimination and fascism/racism that is imaginable, so you try to save this terrible trainwreak by introducing a force that brainwashed all humans.

>metaphor for racism
I stop you right here.
Unless you live in a world where white kids can magically turn into niggers during puberty.
You are wrong.

it was obviously a metaphor for homosexuality.
Or puberty in general.

smart bacteria made humanity hated mutan


If mutants are so superior, then how come they're threatened by total extinction every other week?

>Unless you live in a world where white kids can magically turn into niggers during puberty.
I mean rap music is a thing

How does one cure a super healing factor? If it could be cured, wouldn't the healing factor cure itself?

Maybe everyone is born with a super healing factor, but that is why no one has one.

Because Mutants all have the potential to dominate and exterminate normal humans. It's not a question whether they will do it or not, it's just that they can if they wanted.

Some of them even have godly powers, more than what they can control and justify for.

If god literally walked the earth tomorrow and he had the power to wipe out mankind with the snap of his fingertips, would you truly be happy? Or shitting your pants.

Hey, remember this guy? His mutant powers make him almost godlike, and he runs around calling himself Apocalypse and trying to take over the world. He even has horsemen.


That's how deadpool came back, no cure is permanent. Eventually it just wears off and the healing factor kicks in.

>humanity not allowed to protected themselves! They should just bow down to their mutant masters!

Your location have been locked, prepare to die OP!

No one wants be replaced. No one wants verifiable proof they are inferior. It would be really easy to see how they get whipped in a fear of the extinction of mankind. People like Magneto and Apocalypse would serve as confirmation bias and not anomalies.

It also doesn't help when you have extinction level threats from mutants every other week. Let's be honest. Mankind couldn't survive the average human having super powers. Every single retard would want to be God

This makes you think.

Because in X-men often they shout
>Cure mutation
And humans often threat it like a disease.

The only interpretation is that the humans are on this comical level of leftist ideology
>We must pluck everyones eyes out because blind people exist!

I was asking this question in what scenario can super healing factor be bad?
An why would someone want to cure it?

It'd be a problem if the mutants weren't always so busy slaughtering each other over the most petty of disagreements.

Hold on for one second.
Its impossible for whites however niggers can have Vitiligo (michael jackson disease) niggers are getting albino/white spots and are trying to hide it.
Their nigger parents hate them for this(in Africa they kill you if you have this).

WEW lad some hardcore cometary on the intolerance and hatred niggers have.

Getting Vitiligo/turning white gives you super powers.
niggers/black skin is inferior/defect.
Now we are in hardcore Nazi territory.

it fits perfectly.
Are we sure the people who originally wrote this are not some hard core crypto nazis who introduced it to brainwash the readers into white supremacy?

mutants are humans

> rap music can turn your skin pigmentation black
is this what you are saying user?
>adopting hip-hop culture will give you super powers
>And this is genetic.
is this what you are saying user?

They rarely do this, if you meant fighting each others then yes

my kid is a scrawny bird now

So basically you are repeating every leftists argument about gun control.
>Because guns have the potential to dominate and exterminate normal humans
Mutation is different from advanced technology in comics how?
>Oh its OK to have this power suit that allows you to take out armies like iron man because its technology if its a mutation we will hate you.

>one white person did something bad is bad lets hate all white people.

>one black person did something bad is bad lets hate all black people.
Is this your argument user?
The implications get better and better.

Your argument translated:
>Hitler and his Nazis used his power of sight to dominate blind people this is why no person should be allowed to have vision!
>Its to powerful!

Anyone in marvel can get superpower, not just mutant which lead to SHRA

I'm interested did the X-men continuity ever have humans who idolized or wanted to become mutants?

Mutants are combination of guns and racism

It's exactly what I meant. One group of mutants says something, a few dissenters in the group disagree, and before you know it, they're tearing themselves to pieces over it.

Yes, they used MGH and dazzler fans

I wanna fuck Jubilee.

Some characters were born with physical mutations and didn't need to reach puberty to find out they're mutants (e.g Nightcrawler). So yeah, metaphor for racism still applies.

Son, we pretend that didn't exist.

And no, not all humans in Marvel hated mutants.

The hate came from lots of different places. Religious zealots, governments with no control over mutants, and good ole fashioned racism.

Sublime is the only answer that can satisfy all the questions of why anti-mutant hysteria is so universal and enduring.


>No one wants be replaced. No one wants verifiable proof they are inferior.
This is really hardcore equalism/defectivism
So what are the implications we don't cure blindness because blind people will be extinct?
Why not?
If genetic defects are are to be eliminated why not the defect of not having powers?

How about our war on illiteracy?
Are you sad illiterate people are practically extinct?

Who would not be happy if future generations all have powers?
You see in the fictional universe of X-men I know no one who ever asks these questions.

You can not escape the conclusion you must make the humans logical in the extreme or write them to be hardcore leftists and look bad.

U-Men are Fantastic Four wannabes who got their powers from cosmic rays, same as them. They're mutates.

Thats U foes

We have a winner.

>with physical mutations
>(e.g Nightcrawler).
Explain the other 90% who don't have this.


Because Marvel has to come up with contrived reasons to continue the "mutant hate" in their universe. I'd like to see a family that is severely upset that Emma Frost carted their kid away to a mutant school that is constantly attacked as opposed to leaving the kid in their home where they can do their best to protect them.

>and good ole fashioned racism.
Spoken truly like someone who has no idea what racists believe in.
Try asking Sup Forums.
How can someone be so ignorant, I bet you don't even have racist friends.
Ask a racist don't believe in liberal propaganda.

Every future is bad, period. The future where humans "win" is usually shit like days of future past with death camps. Sometimes whoever won ends up putting BOTH sides in a situation where everyone is doomed.

The worry isn't my kid getting a healing factor, its the worry of *your* fucked-up kid becoming an atomic monster.

You two are talking of different things. There are both U-Foes (a villainous take on the Fantastic Four) and the U-Men (more of Morrison's forgettable wankfest).

Presumably there's tons of potential futures, and since the primary method of discovering a possible future is someone escaping from that furute to come back in time and fix something that caused it, there would be a strong bias towards negative outcomes in terms of which future possibilities you are aware of in the past.
One not able exception was during the Children of Atom event where the future BoEM came back in time pretending to be the X-M, that future was notably favorable in terms of human/mutant relations.

It doesn't make sense to mistreat Mutants whose powers aren't that dangerous, but if you are a Telepath, Reality Warper or you powers only generates death, then I can understand if actions are taken to control those guys. No one want's a Jasper's Warp 2.0 or a brainwashing monster.

>Sublime did it.


U-Men although they are controlled by Sublime.

>Religious zealots
Interesting is there some examples of debate on this subject?
Do the preachers sound insane like this:
>Its Ok for you to have mechanical wings to fly
>If you are born with wings you are the spawn of the devil!
Did people ever challenge these preachers on this subject?
Are there examples of debates?

Are there examples of their ideology ever shown or debated?
Do they make more sense then the average ideolog in Marvel
>I bleive in X
>[shout out a propaganda slogan]
And he makes little to no sense?
Are the ideologies fire tested with actual answers to common objections?

Sublime is essentially a living virus that makes humans hate mutants. It's a really dumb story but it does actually resoove the issue of why mutants are so hated and feared when other mutates/Inhumans have been (historically) well liked and accepted.

Yeah but everyone has the power of sight, the same can't be said for the ability to fucking control magnetism.


Read comics

what is this crazy Sup Forums take on x-men

>shit. I just wanted my son to live a normal, happy life.
>then he developed super strength, the ability to fly, and a sixth toe
>now costumed freaks are going to come conscript him into their army and he'll be killed for cheap drama

There exists in the marvel universe the very real possibility that a kid is a mutant and one day everyone near them just dies. This has happened multiple times.
And even if it's a mundane mutation like gills or whatever, people would still be afraid of them (rightly or not) for the potential impacts on their community, like two competing factions showing up and fighting over that new mutant.

>And why do the humans hate mutants?

It's because a mutant is still just a human being, and human beings are depraved, fucked up people with a bevy of selfish and often destructive wants, needs, fears, and prejudices.

So for every flying wunderkind that goes on to become the next Beta Ray Bill, there's ten more that go on to be psychotic shitbags who use their powers to rape, steal, and murder.

And to think, people want Kamala Khan ret-conned into a mutant when this is exactly what will happen to her if she does.

The picture.
So its OK to chnage yourself using technology to have powers however a DNA based power is wrong?
I wish someone actually stooped the monolog of one of these characters and asked them this question.

Its Ok if they present a complete ideology saying how mutation is bad however metal and machines are great.
This will only make them look sill to the readers something like
Adeptus Mechanicus meats crazed alien ideology
>Little endianists are superior to big endianists!

Naw, I think the reason why the general public hates Mutants is because a well know terrorist who has threatened to kill all humans was allowed to join the mutant social rights team (The X-Men) as if he wasn’t one of the main reasons that Mutants had gotten such a bad reputation.

magneto went on trial and was acquitted before joining the X-Men

So? OJ Simpson was also found not guilty, but he didn’t get to rejoin the NFL. Mags was a literal terrorist and people are supposed to forget that because he said I’m Sorry in front of a congress of people?

>The worry isn't my kid getting a healing factor, its the worry of *your* fucked-up kid becoming an atomic monster.
How many mutants turn out like this?

And what if they look normal why do they hate on them?
What do you even mean under "atomic monster"

Seriously vampirism is a bigger problem for humans in fiction than anything Marvel has written to rationalize the mutant hate.

>Eternal life
>other stuff
>feeds of the blood of humans, needs to feed, has a craving (this is a big problem for humans)

If only mutants where written to look like garbage (you have powers however you look like a pile of shit) not fucken super models with the 1% of uglies(even with this who gives a shit if you look like trash if you are superman).
Or do have a craving for human blood or need some other thing or protection (see vampire example).

Don't have to. Racism is not even a metaphor anymore when people like Storm, Sunfire or Kitty are also discriminated for their ethnicity.

Good ideas.
I think heroes did a fantastic job of exploring super powers in a world full of sane people.
And some people will love their instant death powers.
>powers only generates death
I'm a gangster and I can now exterminate my enemies using my instant death abilities cool.
I'm a government and I have a power to exterminate my enemies using super-humans cool, we have officially entered the Dr. Manhattan levels of war cool.
My countries mutants are more powerful then your country mutants so I exterminate you, there is no stop to the super-human arms race.

> Jasper's Warp 2.0
I think there needs to be a separation between the god level supers and people who can be overpowered by tanks.
on the one hand you are right, on the other if god level mutants show up there is nothing people can do.
Do most people even know who or what Jasper's Warp is?
Or is it only some story told by some guy.

Personally I make a distinction between normal supers and mind controllers.
I understand why mind controllers are feared if they can reprogram your brain this is a massive problem.
We are not talking about some super power like destroying the planet.
Destroying someones mind, controlling it is the ultimate terror.
No gun or weapon can counter this.
On the other hand is a god level entity shows up it can simply reprogram everyones brains so its not something people can prepare or counter.

The leader of this gruop that intends to make cyber-humans is Sublime. He can infect cybors and mutates but he can't infect mutants, so it make sense that he manipulates his group of believing that shit.
I could imagine that the U-Men would argue that humans are pure and giving a human power by human means is acceptable, but if you get powers outside of human means. then its evil. Mutation is the devil's work etc.

Terrible analogy user. OJ had been out of the NFL for more than a decade when the trial happened.

Sublime can infect mutants too though.

ideology looks OK however unless this guy is a bullshit artists who says nonsense there are problems in the ideology.
There is some talk about mutant souls and third species and transcending the limitations of your species.
This raises questions and problems.

Here is how a coherent ideology looks like:
1) We are XYZ [insert name here]
2) We are XYZ regardless of our biological bodies
3) We want power
4) Genetic augmentation gives power
5) Like with machines that we embrace and we use we want us/our children to only have a superior way of living.
6) We are XYZ regardless of our DNA mutant or human.
7) We XYZ want to turn XYZ humans into augments/mutants.
>We are XYZ our ancestors did not have computers/plains they created a better life for us by giving us this technology.
>We will create new technology for the future generations of XYZ
>The same is true for improving our DNA
>We are not augments however our future generations all will be augments.

The relation between some soul and some third species looks like some writer simply grabbed slogans from different ideologies and tried to glue them together in the world of X-men.

>they are the deviants to mankind's eternals.
Mankind already has Deviants and Eternals.

>There exists in the marvel universe the very real possibility that a kid is a mutant and one day everyone near them just dies.
What are you talking about?
>like two competing factions showing up and fighting over that new mutant.
only in a world where the government police/military force is a joke.
However at this point you have no functional government and are living the urban Mad Max life.

> Sup Forums take on x-men
mutants = whites
whites = super powers, oppressed by inferiors who obey a leftists ideology of hating the super-humans.

>psychotic shitbags who use their powers to rape, steal, and murder.
This is exactly like the gun debate.
Left VS right thinking.

There's a story in xtreme x-men about mutant group who used racism reason to opressed normal humans in the street and court.

Point is the general public didn’t see him as anything else after the trail, innocent or not, same goes for Mags, all people are ever going to see is a mutant terrorist working with the Mutants who claim to be against that kind of garbage. Makes the X-men look like a bunch of hypocrites

Probably Captain Marvel/Blue Marvel powers but better.

I get this.
However its:
1) lazy cop out from the writers; some massive brain washing virus making humans act illogically to benefit itself.
2) The humans are illogical and make absolutely no logical sense.
3) I like to see someone try to argue a sane mutant hating ideology. 1 +2 acknowledge that humans are insane do to sublime. So before sublime did readers ever think the mutant hate made ZERO sense or did someone try to argue that humans are logical in hating mutants?

What was the reaction after introducing sublime?

Mutant is a code word for Muslim

>not realising that mutant society would inevitably be a rigid class based
>mutants with mental powers like professor x run everything
>those with augmented strength assigned to manual labour, eye laser powers become welders etc
>zero social mobility, you'll never join the 1% unless your powers are telepathic
Occupy xavier institute when?

>[Implying right wingers don't want this]
You must be new here

>those with augmented strength assigned to manual labour
>eye laser powers become welders etc

>People are going into the jobs that naturally fit their talents
>This is a bad thing!
You know you are on a parody level of leftism.
I think there is a MLP episode where they have a village where people are forced to do jobs that don't fit their natural talents and everything is shit.

Or whatever ethnic group seems to be the bad guys that decade

Hey the talk was about terrorism.
Magneto terrorism.

Multiple times there has been a new mutant that manifests their powers and it's just instantly lethal to people around them. There was the one that exploded a huge area, the one from the Last Will and Testement story, and one where people just died when they were near him. Wolverine actually tracked that list kid down and killed him in a cave. There are probably others, I just recall those three specifically.

Oh I know, I was just pointing out that Mutant doesn’t always translate over to Muslim to that user, Mags is a terrorist and will always be seen as one, and because of their close association with him, the X-Men are branded terrorist sympathizers

Which are weaker and irrelevant.
Dusty prototypes lying forgotten in the corners of a world that is no longer their own, the Eternals defend their own usurpers by the will of the space gods who created them all.

Mutant powers are the kind of shit people would only tolerate from their masters. It's basically very powerful weapon. People can bear be disarmed under armed government, but being disarmed when your neighbour has tank is simply not OK by most.

Realistically, if superpowered people were real, they would rule the world in a quasi-feudal fashion, and most humans would comfortably recognize their superiority and serve them.

Blindness is the defect not the norm.
There IS such thing as deaf people who want their children to be deaf because they see it as a part of themselves/community and don't want that disconnect despite the disadvantage. If we were a world that was built by and for the deaf, I'm sure that people that could hear would be a very worrying prospect for most.

Illiteracy isn't really like genetics but I'm sure there is/were quite a few proud illterates who were anti-literacy.

Also for another real life example, people constantly get dickshy around new technology quickly changing the face of how things are done. People right now are super worried about everywhere all this smart tech is going to take us, what genetic tampering can do, and they're right to be worried. Now you have an example of that, completely outside of humanities control of course people would want to slow that shit quick.

But really a lot of people wouldn't be happy about future superpowers especially that come across like mutancy, since depending on the writer. Most are just freaks with mildly useful powers maybe, then a minority of that have good powers but those powers are simply just destructive, and then a minority that are generally just all around good powers with no real drawbacks, and that's ignoring those that are simply powers with no real useful application and horrible drawbacks.
Then you have the history between humanity and mutants where there are tons of mutants used or straight up causing horrible tragedies.

Also the metatextual reasoning, these are supposed to be pulp allegories for minorities/cultural shifts/weirdos with something to contribute. The metaphor is based around the world at large being unable to accept them.

>Realistically, if superpowered people were real, they would rule the world in a quasi-feudal fashion, and most humans would comfortably recognize their superiority and serve them.

What do you think of the theory that all super hero comics are deeply fascists and pro-fascist?

Sublime should've died when Morrison left Marvel.

It would have to be a subconcious/unintentional thing considering the rise of the genre in the post-war period from largely Jewish creators.
>Inb4 Jew facism run the world shit

They are everything at once, fascist included. Real world government is unsatisfying, because it both interferes with our lives where it shouldn't, and fails to intervene and protect us where it should.

If we could condense government into a single individual with vague but implicitly good morals, like a powerful superhero, we would get a protector that doesn't micromanage our lives when we can manage ourselves, but is always ready to step in when we are in danger. This is what everyone wants. Some are fascists because fascism could give it, some are libertarians for the same reason, some are something else.

I agree, but that wouldn't immediately remove the "hated and feared" thing. People hate changing their minds about things, so even if that position was arrived at under the influence of mind control or whatever else, unless you we're conciously aware of that and actively tried to change it's unlikely the general public opinion would shift much naturally.

has no one written a story where one person asks the idiots if they killed off mutants they think things will go back to normal? No they'll go after the Inhumans, Atlanteans, Lemurians, and other human offshoots. Eventually they'll go back to killing each other.

yeah I read Hellstar Remina.

Thank for the perspective.
>Blindness is the defect not the norm.
Is there a difference if my goal is power?
What difference is there if I get super strength using power armor VS genetics?
I argue for genetic manipulation because you don't need to pay a corporation to manufacture a peace of machinery that will break down.

>smart tech
you are implying that inferiorly build spy-ware is somehow good.
Its not and the design is a complete disaster.
Visit GNU.org to explain to you why the architecture of these devices is insane and on the level like promoting square wheels.

>what genetic tampering can do
What can it do? You never even explained this.

>Most are just freaks with mildly useful powers maybe
Most people would want this.
Give examples of what you are talking about.

>simply powers with no real useful application and horrible drawbacks
Name one example of a power like this in X-men.

>There IS such thing as deaf people who want their children to be deaf because
I know, this is what happens if you don't exterminate cripples they eventually want to make everyone a cripple.
Blame leftism.