Can anyone explain why rural lower to middle class voters decided on someone who has vowed to lower taxes on the rich...

Can anyone explain why rural lower to middle class voters decided on someone who has vowed to lower taxes on the rich and upper classes and deregulate Wall Street?

Does Joe in Wisconsin actually give two shits that a billionaire in New York is paying high taxes?

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Because he was a better choice than the Neocon pretending to be a liberal who lusted for war with Russia.

Joe in Winconsin cares about it's his ass that is getting taxed.

Joe in Wisconsin voted for Trump because Hillary said, "Hard working Americans are Mexican."

I'd imagine lower class will care about their own taxes, not what others pays.

>someone who has vowed to lower taxes on the rich and upper classes and deregulate Wall Street?

You have source when he said that?

too hard to follow
1/10 meme

Why is the fact he's successful somehow seen as an argument against him?

because haters gonna hate.

>by telling poor people that other poor people are the reason they're poor

except trump has spent the entire campaign talking about globalization and moneyed special interests. i know Sup Forums is an echo chamber, but the liberal side is 1000x worse. seriously, what the fuck.


He didn't tell us that other poor people are the reason we're poor.

He told us that other countries are ripping us off in trade.

Regulations hit the poor the hardest.

>remove takes under 40k
>cut by half under 120k
>cut by 30% everyone else

Liberals hate success

Trump was hated by the DNC and GOP.

Do the math, shit-for-brains.

Soros Shill!!! Fuck off

Because theyre sick of those niggers terrorizing the streets and seeing Obongo go on CNN saying he admires them.

>implying the clintons aren't filthy rich

Have you ever asked a poor person for a job?

He blamed the globalists who "don't have your best interests at heart". Not sure where you're getting this blame poor people thing. He's clearly laid the blame at the foot of Washington: the lobbyists, the corporations, the international banks. Trump named them all. They're frightened.

Because Donald Trump acted like he cared.

Donald Trump went there and fostered high energy.

Hillary Clinton laughed at them; spit in their faces, and barely deigned to be in their presence. She thought that she could win by pandering to places that would probably have voter for her anyway.

Why did she waste so much fucking time on Blacks, Gays, Muslims, and SJWs when they're already Dems in the fucking first place?

not even clever

This image is what the left wishes were true.
They want to create only two classes, the rich and the poor. That's why they've been trying so hard to destroy the middle class.

Because Hollywood celebrities, DNC and Washington insiders, the Clinton's, globalist financial institutions, George Soros, and major media sources are all poor people right?

I thought Trump was actually poor and lost a billion dollars?

Go fuck yourself retarded shill.

He also promised to re-negotiate all trade relations with other countries, effectively making domestic products profitable again. He's making it easier for businesses to grow while putting huge taxes on international megacorporations.

His tax plan cuts takes for the middle and lower class too fyi. Plus middle and lower understand the importance of keeping jobs in America and theres a good change a lot of them have been fucked over due to priduction leaving the country

because non-mexican/ muslim/ black americans were deplorable according to hillary

Simple, beaners took their jerb

he vowed to lower everyones taxes dipshit

Because all Joe wants is to be left the fuck alone, i.e less regulations, less government presence and his living secured

according to marx establishment+lumpen=working class fucked up.


>who has vowed to lower taxes on the rich and upper classes and deregulate Wall Street?

because that's the correct way to allow wealth and business to flow not just bullshit redistribution schemes which guarantee that more and more people gets out of the processes which guarantee the creation of goods and services.

What clinton and sanders envitioned is to concentrate the entire wealth in a few hands so they can later extract it and share it with the rest of the citizens while literally abusing other countries with slave labour conditions.

THE ONLY WAY to improve the lives of the middle class and the poor people is to guarantee its participation in the generation of new goods and services, not to convert them in a dead weight everyone else on the labour force has to pay for you fucking communist retard.

All lugenpresse links. Why are shills so fucking retarded?

because the alternative was a woman who called them a bunch of racists and "undesirables" and who is literally on record for saying its okay to be two-faced in front of a bunch of asshole bankers.
Also, this:

You've made me think harder than I ever thought i could thunk

Joe is a very friendly man, and his community really values his opinions

>implying i'm not rich too. i voted for a tax break faggot.

joe is such a fucking bro. One time I got a job on the other side of the fucking country and he offered to drive me when he heard that I didn't have a car.

Pic is retarded. He's saying it's because of Hillary and her shits in office. They arent poor.

Nice meme

The government is poor? Interesting.

When the rich guy can't afford to hire Joe because business taxes don't make it economically viable, yes, Joe cares.
P.S. Joe also gets a tax cut

I've worked in an agricultural co-op where most of us were rather short on cash.

Because Hillary thougt that she has female vote and can forget about white heterosexual male..

And fucked up.

>libs still didn't learn their lesson
>they're still insulting everyone and just being cunts in general

at this rate the whole world will be a Sup Forumsidise just because liberals wouldn't stop insulting everyone

Sorry I didn't like to infowars so you can suck Alex Jones flaccid cock.

Because those rich people create the jobs poor people want.

An economy is not a tax farm.

>poor people
in terms of actual people involved in the high echelons of business, yes actually. to avoid high personal taxes all billionaires (no, not most, all) shelter all of their assets inside corporations or foreign tax shelters, and then they reduce taxes further by using exemptions in corporate tax law.

for example, a "philanthropic donation" is generally not taxed. so, if you want to give your billionaire buddy a bit of help, you can just give him a "donation" that conveniently ends up going to his companies, which ends up buying him a brand new mansion or 10 luxury cars.

this is why billionaires have "family offices" and charities named after them. you can avoid taxes doing that.

liberals will never understand this since understanding this is a fundamental requirement to becoming even slightly well off, so they will continue to call for higher income taxes for the wealthy. all that ends up doing is fucking over very highly skilled invididuals (your doctors, lawyers, etc) while leaving the extremely rich alone.

P.S: if you honestly believe bill gates or any of these ridiculously rich people are actually planning on giving away 99% of their wealth, you're fucking retarded. they will """give away""" their wealth to conveniently placed corporations which will then conveniently have their heirs put into major ownership positions. bill gates' kids will get the 5 million like he says he's going to give them, and then his 70 billion dollars in assets will be broken up and distributed equally.

well maybe you haven't been watching very closely but it's fucking Obama's regulations that have created oligopoly. which limits competition, which is bad for a free market economy.

competition is a good thing and creates JOBS. it's pretty fucking simple

Explain this strawman please

Oh that's right you're a paid shill
Thank you for contorting the record

But user hillary is also a rich ciswhite human???

Because free trade agreements and mass immigration policies are disastrous for ordinary blue collar Americans.

Free trade agreements see American jobs outsourced to other countries. They signal the death of American manufacturing.

Mass immigration policies play a crucial role in keeping blue collar wages down, as immigrants are more than happy to work blue collar jobs for shit pay.

Hillary Clinton had a terrible position/track record on both of these key economic issues. Donald Trump was actually pretty decent in these areas and convinced people that he cared enough and was independent enough from the political establishment to actually affect change.

Metropolitan liberals in the West have lost sight of what the left is supposed to be. The left is supposed to represent the working man and his interests above all else. Instead of this, they think that the left is all about identity politics and pandering to minorities. Social and economic justice is only meant for minorities. If you're straight, if you're white, if you're male, the left has abandoned you.

Trump and Brexit is just a backlash against this failure of the left. Ordinary people are tired of the left just taking their support for granted and not looking out for their fundamental interests.

>a rural farmer who has seven figures worth of equipment alone is poor
This rural=poor meme needs to die. There is an absolute fuckton of money and assets in rural Nebraska/Dakotas/etc.

I think a lot of people also forget that women hate other women that's why they're so toxic to work with when there is more than one pretty one in the workplace. They just compete with each other over the most trivial and superficial shit.

>every rural farmer has seven figures worth of equipment alone

You do realize that the president doesn't have any power to lay or collect taxes at all, right?

Did you really believe all the billionaire Jew bankers and and death-merchants were bankrolling Hillary because she was going to take all their money via taxation and use it to buy you presents?

You Marxists are very uneducated and naive.

The president cannot create or repeal laws either.

FFS, kid, come back after you hit sophomore year of high school and take civics 101

Yeah, but all of that stuff is non-liquid

If the average person is too stupid to start his own corporation, this isn't my problem. I look forward to a lower tax rate.

>he doesn't know how much money quality farming equipment costs

it doesn't matter, the goods generated using that equipment are worth far more than the equipment itself

if i were to take your argument and rephrase it in terms of a company like apple, you're basically saying "yeah sure the factories used to make iphones costs hundreds of millions, but that's all non-liquid". it's a stupid argument.

>>he doesn't know how much money quality farming equipment costs
Both my grandfathers are farmers, still doesn't mean that people living in rural areas are rich.


When will you lizard shills stop perpetuating the myth that she is human?

>lower taxes on the rich and upper classes

all classes cuckboy

'Lets assume we know why they're voting the way they are again, this will surely work now even after absolutely nothing changed'

yeah and my grandfather gives people like your grandfathers money to finance their operations (banker), my dad runs a business, and i run a business also.

assuming that someone isn't rich simply because they don't have a shit ton of cash laying around is so blatantly retarded i'm having trouble understanding how you could come to this conclusion. by your logic if a billionaire spent most of his cash on assets he'd cease to be wealthy.

Scroll up and read what I said, you're besides the point.

Because he's going to lower taxes for incomes up to $40.000,- to 0%.
Also getting rid of the extremely expensive bits of Obamacare that are strangling businesses.

Picture related.

nice meme OP, you get that from Occupy Democrats?

It's not about taxes, it's about the candidate who didn't ignore us

What you are doing can't possibly succeed. No more than armed resistance could establish fascism in our country, in fact much less so. The checks and balances inherent to our system of federal law and order were put in place long before you signed up for this. And actually, it was expecting you. So harass people here if you must though that is really the full extent of it, impotent harassment that exploits the anonymous nature of this website. You are only the tools of corporate interest here, take that knowledge with you when you finally leave. And you will leave, too late to spread the tide of change that has already reached Europe. It's over for you and your masters. We have already won. We know this better than you though the sooner you can accept it, the easier your life will be...

Alright, let me crank my autism up to 11.

>every rural farmer has seven figures worth of equipment alone
This is correct, or otherwise very close to it believe it or not. Because of the special design of most farming equipment, it's necessary high reliability and the need for it to allow VERY high output of produce, high prices are all but guaranteed. Tractors will cost as much as cheap cars at best (and can actually go up to the starting point of the luxury car tax, about 50k AUD, if you want one that's pretty good). Shit that is even more specialized like hay bailers and so on can cost very large amounts of money. Combine that with the family house, the property and so on and you can easily get up to seven figures if you run even a slightly economical farming operation.

This goes onto the point I'm making in , which is: You can not say someone isn't rich simply because they don't have a lot of cash lying around. Farmers have to maintain a very high output, they have to do it reliably, and they have to make sure they don't get eclipsed by some other operation. By necessity these people do not have money lying around to spend on random bullshit, it all has to go into the farm.

In fact, here in Australia we have a pretty large problem that nobody wants to tackle: Farmers kill themselves in droves. Why? The supermarket chains here will squeeze them dry for every bit of profit possible. Due to the government not giving a fuck, these people are forced to go to banks and beg for loans to keep their farms running. In quite a lot of cases something happens like a drought, or a wildfire and they are rendered unable to pay, so they have to liquidate their assets. They end up being unable to pay the bank back, and they dome themselves.

Farming is very tight, but that doesn't mean you can't be qualified as rich for doing it. Please talk to your grandfathers more about this, they will know a lot more about this than I do.


because Clinton was for:

1. Lobbying - which would enable the establish / Wall Street more than any other action

2. War - purposely putting us in a war with Russia after she absolutely destroyed relationships with them over her tenure as SoS

I'd rather not be in WW3 thanks.

but thats the truth all non whits out of my country

I'm not even gonna read any of this as it explains why rich farmers are rich, not that everyone in rural areas is a rich farmer. Come back when you're willing to admit that not every farmer is a rich farmer.

I voted for him bc he likes to grab pussy

>deregulate wall st
you're literally making shit up

even elizibeth warren gives tacit endorcement to trump's position on banks

you are literally the worst kind of idiot
Make America Great Again

This. Most of them didn't vote for tax cuts and deregulation that won't affect them. A lot of them voted because they hate Democrats, Mexicans, Muslims and blacks. The really stupid ones voted because they hate Jews.

You're assuming that there are poor farmers, and this is very rarely the case. The economy of scale of farming operations means you either have to be supplying a niche product, supplying a common product for very low prices, or supplying a common product in VERY high volumes. It's hard to keep above water without being efficient, thus the equipment and thus the assets.

And I'm not even going to respond to "not that everyone in rural areas is a rich farmer" simply because that's not what I'm talking about. If you don't want to listen to me at all that's fine, but I'm telling you my personal experiences with the assets of farmers, not rural people in general.

>A lot of them voted because they hate Democrats, Mexicans, Muslims and blacks.

Only the deplorable half

lol, do people actually believe this? look up bigotry, they're using your picture.

Jesus Christ, the point is the density of money per capita is higher in the cities. Stop your farmer autism already.

Holy fuck did Ben Garrison really draw that?

Because he reminds us of this guy

He's not wrong poor people are poor because they choose to be there are so many opportunities in the beautiful country

The majority of the American population is retarded, especially in the states trump won. The only thing they care about is the fact that "TRUMP' GON THROW OUT THEM BROWNIES YALL"