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That is one of the shittiest looking swastikas I've ever seen. Can't you assholes do anything right?

>wud, wus it like a tiny swastika?
>NO! Dey practically shoah'd my entire door!!

Hey Rabbi?

>kikes are still trying to pull this old trick

wew lad

Fucking low-IQ neo-Nazis are butthurt that (((Trump))) and his kosher family are getting into the White House.


At an art school no less

Anuddah Shoa!

That's the friendliest swastika I've ever seen. It looks like it's waving hello.

its a Tibetan peace symbol, why are they mad someone wishes them peace?

>implying they didn't draw it themselves

Jews have humor, but maybe it's best not to push it.
I mean Hitler did lose pretty badly after all...

All these fanfics are getting tamer and tamer

They could at least put some kind of effort into it


Hail Hortlr!

such low effort false flag. cmon jews you can do better than that.

Why is nobody mentioning it's written on a fucking whiteboard?

Well they got the Swaztika right for once

By jewish law, jews are to NEVER tell the truth.

Hate your masters and never tell the truth.


Its the good asian kind not the evil Germany kind.

You would think if a (((Racist))) did it then they would make a better swastica right?


We are facing another Head of the Hydra, CTR, United We Dream, SPLC, BLM. These are all heads of the George Soros Hydra. Follow the money and it usually goes back to the same place.








They are pushing the Civil War psyop and want violence. DO NOT PLAY THEIR GAME, do not fall for concern trolling, race baiting, and calls to violence. If you see them calling for violence towards the President or any other official please contact the Secret Service or the FBI.




I'm done living in Florida. I hate this fucking state. This daylight savings bullshit is such a pain in the ass. I live in a rural area and own some acres, bunch of trees, barn, etc. But because we have to change the fucking clocks back and forth every year, I can't get all my shit done. Gets dark at like 6pm. Fuck this state. The only time the weather is good here in around this time (cool/cold) after that it's back to BALLS SWEATY HUMIDITY HEAT. And I hate cutting palm trees. I HATE GODDAMN COCKSUCKING PALM TREES. FUCK. THIS. STATE.


its okay she feels all better now :)

Art isn't an option I wonder what he'll turn to instead?


Every time I've seen someone try to draw a swastika they find a way to fuck it up

All you have to do is draw an X and then add the tails or whatever from there


People usually call them feet.


Do a YouTube video

>falseflagging retards can't actually draw a swastika correctly

It's always just a swastika. Old hat for edgey kids to draw to shock people. It's dicks and rape that you graffiti on shit.

It's nice of all these racists to attack in such easily reversible ways. When I was a kid, racists woukd smash windows and burn down homes. It's nice that they use board markers, window markers and just taped up notes these days

I swear to god if they keep these false flags going they're going to meme it into reality

looks like talcum x is putting out great material for us

This part makes me so sad.





We need to go deeper

It is so obviously fake

>we woke up with this on the door

No you didn't


> watcha
> Samurai Jack

Am I the only one pol

shaun king is having a contest of best fictional harassment stories.

just now noticed the marker


I could see this being true, but the funny thing would be how the kid was probably spurred into doing it by hearing constant liberal chatter about it.

Parents talking about grabbing pussy.
TV talking about grabbing pussy.
Facebook talking about grabbing pussy.

Of course he wants to see what the fuss was about. He's a fucking impressionable kid.


I don't see color. Racist.



I have autism so I've never quite understood this, but why do people lie when they have nothing to gain? What do these people gain when they make this stuff up? These reports have absolutely 0 impact on the real world.

That's who we're fighting for, lad.


Amy draws the best swastikas

Fucking kek

my fucking sides

It's exactly the reason Sup Forums make fake tweets: to set a tone and create a narrative.

They gain social capital. Friends and strangers give them attention, and they crave attention because they are lonely and talentless


Probably a Jewish kid trying to be edgy. I went to a mostly Jewish highschool in Manhattan and a lot of them would draw swasties to be different or whatever



Garbage school. Their acceptance rate is something north of 60% because they'll basically accept anyone dumb enough to pester mom and dad into dropping $120k for them to finger paint/design crappy fashion and stay out of their hair. It basically funnels money from rich kids with little to no skills in the arts to fund their more rigorous programs at The New School, kek

damn she has some nice tits.. like damn.


But why are they so bad at it? kek

That's Amy Raises to you

We had the exact same bullshit stories after the brexit referendum


Dopamine, my friend. They are dopamine addicts.

this shit gets me every fucking time

God that looks like such absolute bullshit,it's the kind of note an attention-seeking asshole would write to try to prove their point. Remember the cake writing faker?


>Not even shit
Low energy

>gassed on the spot

>that swastika
>post this on twitter or else

because they are brainwashed by jews


Attention, sympathy, more fuel for their political agenda, and an excuse to protest. These people have become addicted to activism, they need to be outraged and like to believe they're part of a new civil rights movement that will be remembered forever.

I'm in tears

>wife's sons birthday pinyatas

Excellently memed

That's terrible... don't those idiots know that you write a star of david with "Jude" written in it to let other people know to be wary?

Maybe it was an ironic poorly srawn swastika. A false flag with 2 layers.

what's with the hinges?
is that the inside of the dorm?
did someone break in to draw that

These made up stories are the stupidest bullshit I've ever seen, how fucking retarded would you have to be to believe in and spread this shit

>autists cant lie
can u confirm?

>gym class in lockerrooms at school
>our class autist sprays a swastika on the door with axe deodorant
>all boys erupt; "wtf is wrong with you"
>proceeds to set the spray on fire
>now a swastika is burning on the door
>whole class shifts "oh shi spray more on it"
That's the day I realized everyone wants to see the jews burn

>being retarded in 20kek, year of our lord

Fuck off underage

I haven't seen that image in years

Ruling Europe??

This is old. The Jewish girls did this for attention. Not sure why.

Have you guys heard that story?

Autists can lie, it's just more difficult. Personally, I only lie when I really have no choice. White lies are more difficult, not because I'm incapable of telling them, but because I don't always understand the social nuance that causes people to tell them in the first place. If it's a routine social situation, I'm better at telling white lies because of experience. People say I'm too blunt.

Context to that gif

This definitely happened

We can't let the Hindus keep getting away with this!

>"""modern art""""

i just realized the game the jews play. they maintain power because you can't call them out without being an evil antisemitic. Then they just use propaganda to make themselves victims, and then occasionally they are bona-fide victims. Then when people learn of their nefarious ways they become openly antisemitic thus proving the whole thing. there's no way to beat it