Only those who served can post here. Only those who shitposted for nearly days at a time could know what we went through. Shitposting is all I know now.
ITT: We celebrate our Meme War Vetrans
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How do you deal with the flashbacks?
I can only fap for so much to keep the demons away.
I made years worth of memes in days.
I gave it my all.
Lesbians and BBC God, the war changed me it keeps getting worse, so instead of finding help I think I'll develop a drinking habit till I reenlist
It's truly been an honor serving with you lads
Fuck off leaf, Your kind was basically half CTR. We don't take to kindly to you snow niggers in these parts boy
The War goes on
thanks 4 the emails
Source now
So 4th Riech now?
I was just another shit-posting soldier fighting along side heroes.
May Kek bless them all.
Rest in peace all the brave souls who didn't make it out
Dumping epic thread from meme war
There was a meme during the battle of the delegates
We had a tough night with Florida
I made a meme with godzilla needing floridas delegates to live
Did any user save it? As a meme vet this was like losing my rifle on the field of battle
Want to save it and remember it with the rest of my memes
Never forget the time when frogs rained upon CBSN
here since day 1, glad to had served with you
144th shitpost div, it was hard during opp ted cruze missle. Lost some friends during the battle of sad frog.
Grand meme magic sorcerer reporting in.