Native Americans

Why are Native Americans collectively romanticized?

Like, nobody actually dislikes them and a lot of people romanticize their culture? How have they had their culture been averted to hate unlike arabs or southeast asians or mexicans?

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Because they stopped with the terrorism around a hundred years ago.

Only the indians in North America are seen as the noble savage due to Hollywood.

In Canada they're seen as drunks.
They're mexicans/central americans/peruvians/etc. elsewhere.

i dislike them. they're a fucking nuisance. i wish based jackson had finished the job

You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Yanks made sure they all died heroes.

Why do you care.

When was the last time you were like,

"YEAH, those fucking redskins blasting their music in the apartment are a fucking nuisance"

Like what the fuck, it's kicking a dead horse.

kys faggot.

>unlike arabs or southeast asians or mexicans?
because they don't cause trouble and they got whupped so bad everybody feels sorry for them


As soon as these assholes stop being anti white cunts, no one will hate them anymore. They are constantly attacking whites, as though supporting other nonwhites will help them, in any way


Americans have always have had a frontier spirit, Native Americans are the embodiment of this spirit. Too bad now we're all either dead, fat, drunk, or about to die now though. Kinda sad really. We share a lot of views with white people though, at least when it comes to other minorities. Unlike other minorities we don't fuck with people unless they fuck with us. My tribe got along alright with white people.

Libcucks love them.
I say gas them all and reclaim the land for white man.

Even if they were, they literally make up .001 of the US population.

They aren't arabs that will blow you up.

They aren't poo's that are actually taking your jobs for lower wages.

they aren't mexicans that are destroying politics and the values of this country.

they aren't niggers that rape and kill your daughters.

I just don't see the point to keep on making these threads.

>liking drunk wifebeaters who smell gas for a high because they can't afford drugs

muh egalitarianism

>hates romanticization
literally plays role play.

romanticize much faggot?

it's kinda like how the romans viewed the gauls: a noble and worthy foe that was defeated and conquered.

>mfw the word Native American was hijacked during the civil rights movement in the 60-70s, before that it was used to refer to White Anglo-Aaxon Protestants

The control of language is real

They have not appropiate name.

You can't them indians, because thats for street shitters

So natives or native americans will have to do.

I prefer enjuns tbqh.

Because most people aren't told about how brutal and violent they were before Europeans showed up.

Especially when it comes to the comanche.

Actual Choctaw INJUN here. Fuck Native Americans, fucking savages are romanticized because they're kept in fucking wildlife preserves and you don't have to be around them ever. If you did you'd finish the job. You get money they want a hand-out. Family you've never met comes out of the woodwork with "Cousin" this and "Kin" that. They'll come in your house and walk out with all your fucking bowls and spoons. THEY WILL OPEN A FUCKING HAMBURGER BUN BAG TAKE OUT A HAMBURGER BUN AND JUST TAKE A BITE OUT OF IT AND THEN PUT IT BACK IN THE FUCKING NIGGER BAG AND THEN TIE IT BACK CLOSED WHILE STEALING YOUR FUCKING BOWLS AND LEAVE IT FOR YOU TO FIND. You could have killed every last one of my ancestors and my unborn spirit would have thanked you. Maybe I would have been born white, or a snake in a swamp, or an alligator. Fuck you for not doing the deed and leaving the beasts to languish and suffer on the ground. I was born into the fucking future where everything was going good and you let the the sandniggers and the hippy coalburning faggots take your victory spoils, you won my land with strength and ferocity so you could give it to fucking spoiled degenerate children. You did this to yourselves and then you wrote fairy tales about the mystical tree nigger like a bunch of fucking cucks. I hope Trump makes America GREAT again and the sell outs don't live long enough to see it.

>nobody actually dislikes them
Anyone who lives near a reservation does. They're all fat, illiterate, and constantly drunk. I regularly see drunk children.

First Nation and Aboriginal are appropriate names
Or Amerindian

Argument happening now

calling them an indian would be an insult.


because most of us are chill and get along with beaners, niggers and trailer trash.

also we're drinking ourselves to death and will never have a loud unified voice like niggers.


This country would look a lot different (in terms of Native and White lands) being more 50/50 and living in harmony if it weren't for two things:

1. Natives (through bad luck) always chose the wrong side in wars. French/British, etc.
2. Disease.

Things were peachy keen (Penns Woods) before both of those aspects destroyed them.

My girlfriend is Canadian Native American and I can confirm.

Holy shit

>In Canada they're seen as drunks
Don't they actually drink listerine?

fun aside, red people with no association with the spanish sure don't like it when mexicans assume they're brown.


I used to live in a state with a bunch of reses. All Indians are lazy drunks.

Kemo Sabe and Fake-O

here again

Fuck every liberal nigger and white woman who's been telling me for the past two days that "America was founded on Immigration by Immigrants" and "Where would we all be if your people had turned away our people." and I'm the fucking racist for thinking the US already has too many fucking immigrants and doesn't need them by the boat and plane and truck load. The only thing I hate more than native trash is white women. You all should have gotten your shit together a long time ago and nipped that in the bud but you let the dumbest of you run with their dumb shit for long enough that it's biting me in the ass, my only hope is that Trump starts fixing your mess.

>nobody actually dislikes them
I actually don't like them and I can't even explain why.

I just say Indigenous American, American Indian, Amerindian, or just plain Indian.

They're a tiny group and they stay to themselves


>you will never shoot a dead camanche's eyes out denying him entry in the spirit world

They were put into (((residential schools))), torn away from their parents at a young age, systematically raped (some murdered) and their culture was destroyed.
>ironically the same ppl responsible are probably the ones romanticizing them
>they are fucked like that
>tfw the real history of American Indians is not even told in the romanticized version
>tfw they used to populate the Americas in the tens of millions (possibly 100-200)
>tfw (((they))) needed to wipe out any trace of a culturally strong people who might pose a threat
The same thing is happening in Europe it's just polished up to be "politically correct"
>tfw they would've just invaded, killed off the men and raped the women
>same thing but the men don't know or are welcoming the rapists in

>We share a lot of views with white people though, at least when it comes to other minorities

Can confirm, native living in the southwest and I have the same problem with illegals you guys do

Because muh 'noble savage' stereotype.

>Why are Native Americans collectively romanticized?
Because they lost. Badly. Losers are always romanticized, no matter how horrible they were.

They didn't have the glory of being wipe out by proper war or even genocide. They were wiped out by disease and infighting.

I guarantee she is not half. However I am not denying she has injun blood.

The casinos were another really sad chapter in Native American history. Instead of redistributing the funds to their community casino owners either got into trouble with the mob or had to pay back scum bag investors.

Look at this apple virtue signaling
You're like a nigger talking about being "real"

nice generalization

>In Canada they're seen as drunks.

In Alaska, the Native Alaskans up here are almost universally seen as drunks. some of the community whines about it but if they don't want to be seen as drunks maybe they should take care of all the drunk Natives around town. They're the only fucking ones drunk in public here. Even the niggers get drunk at home


Anasazi Indians, Hopi & Navajo specifically, have cool culture & are bro tier. Kachinas & code talkers.

Apaches were loco. They were warriors, they prob still are but no place for that in the (((modern) world. Now they drink. Such is life.

You come across as an autist. So she's half and identifies as native. Why even argue with her about it? It's not like she's Elizabeth Warren who's whiter than snow and pretends to be Native to further her political carreer.

What's with all the Native American threads lately? This is like the third or fourth thread I've seen in the past couple days.

Also worth reading is the odd legality of reservations:

> Simpler culture
> Outdoors yo
> Romanticized savage
> "Peace with nature"
> "Men can't own land"

Just white guilt. Nothing to see here


oh yeah, that thing... never mind then

I don't mind them they stick to themselves and drank too much like the rest of the UP of Michigan.

They're practically dead in America, I could give two shits about them, it's just faggots excuse for wearing a loincloth in public, the few that remain would easily adapt and assimilate if not for liberal tears from all the fucking pocohantas wannabes.

anyone who has even the slightest sense of reality about NA considers them as drunken retards rotting on their reservations

Elizabeth Warren has outed herself as a turd.

Pretty sure the establishment democrats keep her around to put on a big show of chewing out the bankers when they cross a line.

If she was so into her Native identity why hasn't she stepped up to do anything about the conditions on rezs or the pipeline? Even Jill Stein made a point of demonstrating there.

>Be driving in the countryside
>Natives blockade the road
>8ft tall redskinned gorilla comes up
>"gib 50 monie"
>"I don't have 50 but here's 20 thats all I have"
>"wait cunt lt let me search the car I might have a few more bucks"
>find 50 reais note
>Roll down window
>The worst fucking stench comes in the car
>Throw up in my mouth a bit
>"Ok you go"
>Stop by the closest gas station
>Pale as fuck and nervous,ask the bartender for a cup of water with sugar
>Bartender instantly knows what happened
>He tells me they do this all the time,and you HAVE to give them a 50 bucks note and nothing else because they wont recognize any other note
>"They actually come to this 'ere bar to buy booze,they give me 50 bucks and I give them a cheap bottle of booze thats not worth 10 bucks,stupid shits"

I fucking HATE natives

The UP will rise again!

look up the concept of the Nobel Savage.

To make their genocide seem more tragic. It's a Jewish ploy to demonize white colonialism.

fuck injuns 2bh
>most died because of illness, no foul play
>the rest were rounded up because they wouldn't stop killing school children
now they sit on their reservations chugging Listerine and raping 3 year olds while leeching money.

Native American here. My native name is 'Chugging Butter'. I am so god damn proud of my ancestry. Curse the white man for what he did to us.
Pic related, it's me.
t Average Native American

Based Nether indian

Has anyone here actually learned about Indian history and colonization? And I don't mean shitty high school education, I mean actually taking a course at a university or reading a history book.

Mfw I live in the only country in the UP that went blue fuck collage kids

she's in the right...
you are making a fool of yourself and not impressing anyone

this. They practiced widespread cannibalism, they're just memed into being this nature loving, peace pipe smoking people that had their land stolen and were raped/murdered.

Muh noble savage is a type of racist meme scholars are supposed to be aware of and resist but liberals so fuck it. It's another opportunity to bitch about white men.

Kind of late to comment on a thread , I bookmarked this This article explains why we had to wipe out the Comanche , Also they used to harass people going west and cut telegraph lines . If they could block everybodies internet access now like they did to the telegraph we would be killing them now pic unrelated

because spirit of the world is with them

Only read how NA had a war (don't recall their tribe, something apache) it said how Inuit had a war with NA when they were on their way to here. Otherwise only know how our culture/language is pretty similar, but ours is closer to Siberian (have not confirmed this)

Are you a native or a Dane?

Because they're a people who have been oppressed by whitey

Cherokee are desperately trying to get their shit together but it ain't happening. To them the West is a spiritual shithole and they are a spiritual people

Native. But I don't think you'd be able to tell a difference anyway

How is Greenland I was thinking of going up there to see the glaciers and so forth is it worth it?

It's great, been raining a lot, but snow's back it's great. I actually can't tell if I think it's worth it, if you wanna see glaciers, sure. But they're melting pretty fast.

yes, and hand sanitizer

K I have a 15k vacation budget so I was thinking it would be nice to not go to Europe for once.

desu our natives are still better than the fucking H'mong


There aren't enough of them around, at least outside of specific reservations, for anyone to gather evidence against Hollywood's portrayals. Contrast blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims where we all see Tyrone and Jose shooting at each other for the right to sell crack on the street corner while Muhammad blows himself up.

If you want to go, I'd suggest during summer either Nuuk or Ilulissat. You can go see glaciers in Nuuk through Sarfaq Ittuk, or just by walking (in Ilulissat) or by helicopter (Kangerlussuaq and Ilulissat) most people find midnight sun during summer irritating, and the lack of sun during winter. Be prepared for a LOT of mosquitos if you want to go during summer. Generally, there's a lot more experiences you can have during summer.

>Captcha: Agency Pavia

u mad ?

I always wonder why westerner come here
it's nothing great here
even myself still want to go out

Because if you kill them they win.

Thx m8

>Why are Native Americans collectively romanticized?
native girls have tight pussies

This is romanticizing, ne?

this is kind of gay

>native girls have tight pussies
Never heard that before, but truth be told there is no squaw what so ever around these parts

I dislike them the committee disgusting war crimes agents the mighty Anglo race

I live next to the biggest reserve in canada and I used to be a bouncer at a "native club" here in town. There are lots of really whitewashed native girls that put white girls to shame.

A large percent of Americans (including virtually any American who's ancestry dates back to the 19th Century or earlier) have Native American blood.

When the average American looks at the Red Man and his being drunk and impoverish/running a casino, it's like looking at your long lost sibling or cousin down on his luck.

t. pic related, ancestor who was half Cherokee and owned a badass plantation in Mississippi.


harassing people on facebook is pathetic. your parents probably see that and cringe.

Hmong and Mien are basically the Asiatic equivalent of rednecks from Appalachia. Except with a

pic related went to middle school with her and her voice sounded like she was from West Virginia.

natural american spirit cigarette brand is based

the logo is meme magic that turns you into a wise native indian. i smoke the menthol lights.

Damn she's a cutie

Except with a much larger stockpile of weapons (they're still fighting the fucking Vietnamese government 40 years after Saigon fell)