Did I miss something? I have always assumed Minnesota was part of the "Great white north" and was always a red state. Your nfl team is the "Vikings" for christ's sake. What is the back story on Minnesota being a blue state?
Did I miss something? I have always assumed Minnesota was part of the "Great white north" and was always a red state...
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It's made up of Swedish immigrants and there is a bunch of minorities in the cities
Just like in Sweden, it has somalis
Unions and Somalians
enough to turn the state blue?
>I have always assumed Minnesota was always a red state.
nigger pay attention in history class. Last time Minnesota went red was 1972, and before that was 56.
>St. Paul
Niggers in cities. Minneapolis is a shithole, you never hear about the violence in these cities on the news though.
Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area makes up 70.4% of the entire population of the state, which is the 12th largest in the union.
It's just a giant area of trees and lakes and not much else outside of the city and its suburbs.
Swedes, the same no matter where they are.
>Minnesota was the only state Reagan didn't win against Mondale. The whole Mondale's home state thing isn't enough. They are eternal cucks up there. They're basically fucking Canadians and inbreeding took having a spine out of the genepool so of course they vote blue.
*12th largest by area
city is full of hmongs
is it mostly minorities or "college educated" white liberals?
Minnesota has literally voted blue in every election since 1972, you're just a dumbass
It's actually interesting because it's pretty much one of those extremes or the other. There's very little middle ground.
Minnesota had a lot of Scandinavian immigrants.
I think every area that has a white-majority is very liberal.
White people are altruistic in nature.
They don't know what it's like to be around niggers and other shitskins on a daily basis
t. Marylander who lives in Prince George's county
All the white people there are Scandinavian immigrants. They proceeded to import tons of Somali and Hmong immigrants.
Minnesota is literally Sweden 2.0 in many ways.
Coincidently there is a ton of Swedish heritage in MN as well.
This. It's fucking swedes. They are genetically cucked. So let's just dismiss the idea that Sweden doesn't know what it's doing. They are not Aryan. They are snow niggers.
This. it's cute how that worked.
they're like fucking canadians
Welfare state and heavily unionized
Maryland from Baltimore here. Half the residents are still blue pilled retards..
The twin cities are full of bleeding hearts and gibs. I went to grade 1-7 in central MN and the number of Somali students increased every year until they attained critical mass. It seemed like 75% of them were named Muhammad. They didn't learn much English and just roamed in massive packs.
I also had a 16 year old West African in my 6th grade class who didn't know what a plus sign was. After about a month in school the American blacks took him under their timberwings and he turned full ghetto rap. Great job by the school officials on that one.
>Got settled by Swedes.
>Invited a bunch of Somalis because muh feelings.
>Enrichment occurs.
>All the whites leave for the 'urbs redpilled.
>2024: MN goes red.
You heard it here first.
Minnesotan here. Trump only lost MN by 44k votes. Gary"What is Aleppo" Johnson got 100k something votes and Evan McMuffin got 50k. If 1/2 of McMuffin's voters decided to not be bible-thumpers and 1/4 of Johnsons voters had put down the bong for more than a minute, Trump would've won the state
Minnesotan here. We really are. It's really the swedes and Somalis who make it a blue state. I really wish we didn't have suck an immigration budget.
Baltimore is a cesspool of degeneracy. I'm pretty sure there is something in the water there.
How the fuck do Somalians get to the USA? Tin boats can't survive the Atlantic.
navy magic
Nah. It's just all the niggers. Most of the white people that live here aren't from the city.
Minnesotan here
Way back a long time ago it was the democratic farm labor party, blue to protect the farmers and union workers because that's what democrats used to do.
The state is heavily Lutheran. One day the Lutherans heard about how the hmong people were suffering in a war and the US wanted to help them so they thought "What would Jesus do?" and went full retard and started importing them by the thousands. The decision was based in kindness and ignorance. The same policy was taken with other countries, like Somalians, and more recently Syrians. The state stayed blue, but whites started to figure out how much the immigrants sucked the hard way, and areas around the cities started turning red as whites who were suffering from the immigrants fled the cities, while the ignorant rural citizens kept voting blue, and the immigrants started voting blue, keeping it a blue state.
This past election the rural areas finally figured out how much of a problem the immigrants are and went red, but it's too late. The immigrants in the cities are enough to keep the entire state blue. More immigrants keep coming, and whites aren't having enough children. There are a few ways to stop the immigrants, but Minnesota is likely doomed to slowly become an immigrant hellhole.
Most of the state outside Duluth and the Twin Cities are red. Honestly travel 10 minutes outside the TC into the suburbs and it's mostly red.
We've been taking in Somalis since the 90's and Hmong since Vietnam; not surprisingly we have the highest populations of their diaspora. When we elect dudes like Dayton it only further propagates the agenda. Hell, people were freaking out because we elected our first Somali state representative and showcasing it.
Minneapolis is DONE. Uptown cucks us up with the gentrification of numale hipsters spreading through. There was a big story of some Hmong girl that was supposedly assaulted by Trump supporters then arrested that got hugely circulated, then these people went quiet when it turned out to be yet another lying #TrumpsAmerica story.
We're exporting fucking ISIS recruits, the police fail to maintain a positive relationship with these people, and Black Lives Matter has a tight grip in the metro area.
We NEED to go red.
Daily reminder reminder that Swedes were not largely Vikings, at least not the Vikings that invaded the West.
Danes and Norwegians are the actual Vikings
SD-fag here
Those faggot at LSS (Lutheran Social Services) bring them over here and give them free shit like living, food, and other things. Fuck the LSS
And like the others have said, its mostly because of the Swedes that live there. A lot of Norwegians make up North Dakota and South Dakota and we go red every time.
Too many Somalians
The Somali, Hmong and Mexican vote was enough to put the Dems over. The race was actually pretty close. Seems to me that MN is turning more red, but Dayton's minorities keep them in check. Also I know of several foreigners in MN who were rounded up by liberals and told to check the Hillary box on the ballot, even though they couldn't even read English. Also the Imams basically force the Somalis to vote Dem.
These as well. There's a white flight going to the suburbs like Eagan, Woodbury and other areas.
Not surprisingly they tend to be red (at least my district was this election)
wtf minn bros?!? Somalis? hmongs?? wtf are hmongs??
If you needed anymore proof that Lutherans were the fucking devil
The gentrification is one of the few ways to turn the state red I think. Niggers and immigrants can't afford gentrified areas.
hmongs are the old version of refugees, they weren't terrorists, but as soon as they got some political power they tried to make "wife kidnapping" legal like it was back in their home country. That's where if you can kidnap a girl you get to keep her as your wife.
just remove the H :)
They just get crammed into low income housing that's more densely populated. The Crack Stacks are pretty much a colony of Somalia.
Won't be surprised if we see more Ghettos in the Sky and Nonreading Rainbows popping up the next few decades.
lel. you've been misled. At least according to presidential elections this is the bluest state in union.
You can probably blame the cuck scandinavian blood for that.
Although i have that cuck blood, i still fought against it. Minnesota was surprising close this year. I thought it would be a landslide Hillary win
Lutherans are the biggest cucks. Most feminized version of Christianity.
god damn this is sad.
>american niggers literally ruining a kids life who just wanted to do good for his family
>So let's just dismiss the idea
Don't you mean "dispel this fiction"?
Its because Swedish mostly went to Minnesota. Yes there were Norwegians but they have mostly moved on or were bred out.
Norwegians mostly went to North Dakota.
I spit out my coffee reading this, it's so true, immediately when I saw the thread title I knew the answer.
Swedes are incredibly naive by nature like you wouldn't believe, we really think everyone is as good as we are. It's sort of a double standard though, because we also avoid blacks/brownies as much as possible, we love segregation and white flight is massive in Sweden, those conflicting thoughts causes some weird form of guilt, we feel bad for acknowledging the fact that swedes are culturally superior to most immigrants when faced with reality, which in return causes us to retreat even further and allow us to get cucked even more.
I have a family-branch in Minnesota, they go to the Gustavus Adolphus College, that left Sweden over a 100 years ago and they act exactly the same. Complete segregation yet thinking it's a good idea to allow more brownies to take up space out of guilt.
Naiveness and guilt are our main flaws.
Minnesota will go red in 2020 when Trump wins re-election in a landslide
It would have gone red this year if Trump had campaigned more there, it didn't because of Somalis, BLM, liberal Jews, and cucked whites (Duluth should've gone red this year)
>There was a big story of some Hmong girl that was supposedly assaulted by Trump supporters then arrested that got hugely circulated, then these people went quiet when it turned out to be yet another lying #TrumpsAmerica story.
Gonna need a link on that. Literally every story I've heard like this over the past year has been a false flag.
Hell I used to live in Plymouth MN and my bro had a jewish friend, who spray painted a swastika on some other jewish kids garage door
The whole thing was retarded, but that just cemented in my mind that you should always take these stories you hear with a grain of salt.
Pic related. All kinds of these stories have been popping up, coincidentally the night of or the day after the election. Quite a few were proven false or the "victim" confessed they lied.
And, they're always on facebook/twitter, but there surprisingly is never video/audio evidence of this even in busy places.
Ask Saigamarine and his /k/ buddies just how red MN is.
They've been enjoying the BBC on a daily basis ever since they forgot just what state they lived in
True story here.
Was in college in FL and dorm mate was from MN - very nice guy. He invited me to hang out with him during Thanksgiving break as my family was traveling.
Went to his place. All extremely white. Very nice. Talked like the Fargo movie...."More pop for ya?"
His sister who was 22 proceeded to give me a mini-speech at dinner about how racist FL was and how MN was so much more liberal.
I didn't respond - didn't really care - just kinda smiled and nodded.
Found out later, she had never actually seen a real live black person until she was 17 and went on vacation to Chicago.
I realized they've just never lived around violent, insane "minorities" before, hence their utter confusion about life.
Minnesota is like the Massachusetts of the Midwest. There's 4 key aspects that contribute to its political leanings.
>Highly educated, white-collar workforce clustered in the cities
Minnesota has the highest number of fortune 500 companies per capita, tied with Michigan. (This has fluctuated a lot recently given an increase in international relocations)
The point here being that wealthier, more-educated city dwellers obviously vote one way, and with the stability that large companies bring, that's not likely to change.
>Union strength for blue collar jobs in rural areas
The area near the coast of MN is known as the "Iron Range": Mining and processing jobs here are still union-backed, and the northern communities are heavily dependent on those jobs.
Unlike auto manufacturing, you can't relocate your factory to a less unionized state when your factory is a mine.
all states will go red for the next 80 years after Trump creates the Department of Logic and requires you to pass a test to get your Federal Logic License to be allowed to vote
Barron Trump will be the Secretary of Logic
Trump also has 4 years to come up with a foolproof permanent solution to electronic voting machine fraud, it will be a cakewalk with the excelsior tech advisors he's already picking up like Peter Thiel, it will be a done deal set in stone by March
I'm excited for the next global 9/11 false flag attack that will asspain the goyim into wanting to liberate western europe and killing all the muzzies in the middle east as a convenient bonus to pave the way for greater israel
i'm not even mad that the mossad will orchestrate the global "ISIS" attack behind the scenes
i'm honestly looking forward to being one of the 2800 goy slaves cleaning your balls with my tongue every morning, i'm that grateful that globalism was stopped dead in its tracks. not memeing
You are basically describing Sweden so I'm not surprised, lutherism died out but the mentaly is still here. I mean I didn't see my first black person until I was in my late teens, our naive minds thought everyone was exactly like us and that helping out was the right thing to do. Oh boy were the swedes wrong, as the scandinavians in Minnesota.
>Medical Industry
Rochester, a smaller city in southern MN is the home of the Mayo clinic, which pioneered a lot of medical research. Up until recently ago, Twin Cities also hold a trifecta of medical device manufacturers (Medtronic, St Jude Medical, and Guidant). Med tech is heavily regulated, and those regulations increase the barrier for entry to the market: Decreases in regulation would make it easier for competition and job relocation.
The point here being that the workforce is invested in high regulation due to the makeup of their local industry. More laws to increase complexity isn't seen as a bad thing: Costs can just go up, because Granny still needs a pacemaker.
You'll notice that the Democratic senators from MN voted to repeal portions of Obamacare (Particularly the med device tax)
>Unobjectionable immigrant population
There are two major immigrant pools in MN, and both are pretty harmless. There's an enormous Hmong population that is in it's second/third generation. Honestly, Asians assimilate well.
The other group is Somalis, still in first/second generation. They mostly keep to themselves and, being highly religious (Muslim) don't demonstrate any of the ghetto culture of other minority groups. It's also notable that these are Africans that can't claim civil war / slavery heritage, so none of that "white man keeping me down" gets any traction. If anything, Somalis are grateful for the economic opportunities in the US.
The point here being there aren't a lot of negative experiences that Minnesotans are having with minorities on a day-to-day basis, and a lot of the racial dogwhistling falls on deaf ears.
It's filled with Scani's who are just inherent cucks.
>the Twin Cities
>Rochester and Saint Cloud
>random northeastern part
I understand the first two because of liberals and Somalis, but why Duluth and the northeast?
Somali importation specifically for the sake of turning it blue. That's been the globalist's new strategy for a while now.
Liberal election formula:
1 part election fraud
1 part minorities
1 part propaganda
1 part immigrants
1 part brainwashed college students
This is usually the case. People in the north, even if they have large black populations literally NEVER have to interact with them.
They just move away to the suburbs far away from the blacks and somehow in their mind they pretend that they the tolerant ones.
Just like hollywood elites, it's easy to be progressive when you don't have to live with the human garbage you import
Their poor proletariats, and buy into the dems socialist bullshit
I'm not sure what you're talking about here buddy
Hillary lost, you need to get over it and accept that Trump is your President now
He'll be a damn good one too
Nah that's not entirely correct, vikings traveled mostly west but Scandinavia wasn't geographically devided as we are today. Those who lived more in the central parts of todays Sweden were called Väringar, they went east and basically did the same stuff, Holy Roman Empire never had vikings as mercenaries, they had väringar, they were among some of the most brutal warriors you could hire for money. Russia's royal bloodline stemmed from väringar who ruled over Kievan Rus for example. So while it's true most vikings who traveled west were from todays Norway and Denmark, it also included the western parts of Sweden, the other part just traveled east.
Last time I was there it was union workers still ignorant to the problems immigrants cause, but that was several years ago. It is a medium sized city, so it might have the exact same problems as every other city now.
haha MD Eastern Shore here
The Vikings were a set of cunts.
There's a story of one Viking who was the focus of ridicule from the others, because he felt sympathy for the children he hacked to death.
The mentality of those people ffs!
Steel mill unions
Minneapolis is run by Jewish, atheist, and Lutheran liberals that like to make working and middle class middle of the road people.
The sixties happened
The DFL (Democratic Farmer Labor) is leftist except many of them are pro 2nd amendment so they still get rural support.
Maryland from MoCo. Can confirm.
All of the Swedes.
minneapolis is a somalian shithole now.
I live right outside the city. Trump signs everywhere. Then you go a couple miles into the twin cities and it's just full retard.
1.4% brother. We can get that
Unions and the university
I live on the iron range, Trump won hard in my area
People are pissed off that the mines were laying people off and that we were importing steel
He would have taken St Louis County if Duluth (read: a ghetto) wasn't included
Shit nigga, me too. Great to see someone else is suffering with me.