Got BTFO by aunt and uncle

Help me Sup Forums
Me, my aunt, and uncle were talking about Trump and they asked me what I thought about him. I thought I was ready to come out with my beliefs but I was wrong.
I'll skip the boring stuff but basically when I brought up Wikileaks and Hillary's emails I couldn't for the life of me remember what exactly she did that was illegal. Needless to say they completely demolished me in our "debate".
What did Hillary do exactly? I need to know for next time so I don't embarass myself again. And no, I'm not CTR.

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Canadians seem to be the ones more offended by all of this.

She lost the election

Well for one she deleted e-mails after she was served a subpoena for them. And then lied about it in congress.

They really are. Just shows how cucked our country is.
But she must have done something right? What were all those threads for? And Wikileaks?

Ok, that's something. I knew that too but couldn't remember under pressure.
Also, isn't the fact that she had a private server illegal too?

They asked you what you thought about Trump, and your first point was to bring up the emails of another candidate? Who gives a shit about Hillary, look up Trump's actual policies that you support agree with as to why you support him. And don't just bring up the wall.

I said Ild skip the boring stuff. I only mentioned the emails in this thread because that's where I got BTFO

Its hard arguing with older family..who know you very well. Its intimidating. Just troll them at first...don't be concerned about winning the argument ..that will put you off.

Cheated, personal email server, Benghazi, Palestinian corruption, protesters manipulation, name it.

I fucked up my grammar here, but this is a good place to start.

His first propistion to impose a term limit on members of congress is one of my favorites. This is something basically only Trump can do because he's one of the few non-politicians who ran.

>vague politician bullshit

The e-mails are the evidence of crimes she committed. it will be determined by the Law...unless you are a legal minded person don't go there.

Supposedly she kept classified documents on the email server. - Illegal
And more likely she lied while under a subpoena about how many emails she actually had, which is a felony offense.

Clinton Cash

Do t feel bad user, the country BTFO of them

She also lied about having classified documents on her private server. She actually had tons of classified documents and a handful of TOP SECRET documents.

The archetype of a Sup Forumsposter

>unless you are a legal minded person don't go there
duly noted
I was going to bring that up but I ran out of time and had to leave
thank you

kek, my first thought after leaving was "Sup Forums would be ashamed of me"

The emails were just bullshit made to fool retards like you.
Don't feel to bad about it

Real question here, why were you forcing an agenda without prepared evidence? Why inject an opinion if it's not informed? Plenty to hate Hillary for, but this is just stupid.

Mishandling of classified information is a crime, the private server was one among many, like her Guatemalan maid printing classified emails for her

they started talking about the election out of nowhere and I told them I'd rather not talk about it (because I know I'm not informed enough to debate anyone) but they pressured me.
I should've just pretended to like Hillary.

it was the diplomatic version of jaywalking
illegal and you might get run over by a car but not really a big deal

Here's some:

Rigged the DNC primaries

Accepted money in return for favors

Taken Saudi money for favors

She took my sandwich

Lies constantly

Her staffers have made the dead vote, several times

Tied to some really occult shit

$250,000 for a speech

Correct response: " I remember reading several horrible things about the Clintons online. I'll try to find the source for you later ". You get to choose your debates, you're never forced.

>You get to choose your debates, you're never forced
I'll remember that next time

I'm glad my whole family is catholic or Protestant. You just say he's the prolife candidate and the debate is over.