What is the National Socialist view on eating ass?
What is the National Socialist view on eating ass?
Degenerate but only frowned upon if you do it only with your hetero spouse. You won't be sent to the camps.
as long as it's not Jewish
Christians are a sub-branch of Jewish thought
you know ass is where the shit comes out right
who are you to say what is and isn't respectable?
kill yourself
Unless you start forming eating ass support groups and trying to talk about the problem of eating ass perception and how damaging it is and start asking for affirmative action to put more people who eat ass in positions of power and asking for eating ass to be more socially acceptable in public.
Did Hitler make an exception for his wife?
hitler was a sensitive man
on what grounds? you are a kike not an Aryan
Anything that is not heterosexual monogamous sexual intercourse in the missionary position with your spouse for the sole purpose of procreation is degenerate.
Yes, that includes eating ass.
you're a Jew who follows the Jewish Bible about the Jew Jesus
you're not an Aryan
you're just another larping kike
I'm an official NS spokesman. I think I'm qualified.
you're not
you're just a filthy kike larper
sarcasm is clearly lost on redditors
Eating ass = Degenerate
Cunnilingus = Degenerate
at least be gracious in defeat instead of attempting to save face
and who enforce your bedroom etiquette?
Bullshit. Sexual degeneracy always gets you sent to the camps if you fuck up.
At least don't be a nigger when you've been called out for taking easy b8.
you're just flaming
i'm all for it.
fight me for my heresy I care not.