Please post more liberal salt i need to fap

please post more liberal salt i need to fap

Other urls found in this thread:

sexual assault assumes the women didn't orgasm at the thought of a handsome alpha billionaire getting right to the point

Not salt but surely lefty insanity

>Shit cartoon style Twitter profile picture

Of course

that sounds more like obama than trump

If she already believes /x/ shit all it would take is a Sup Forums boyfriend for her to be redpilled







my desktop background

I honestly can no longer tell the difference between the fake stories and the fake stories people are making up to make fun of the fake stories anymore

>Then he han


Someone post the gif of Trump flying around drinking a girl's tears

>literally so excited for white people to get their shit together
Uh, what did you think Tuesday was?

this is bait

dont underestimate newfaggotry

Wait I'm bait or Mr Han is bait?

Wow I used to support Trump but after reading this I've changed my mind, I guess #ImWithHer now

Nice Salt and Pepper battle going on in the comments here

>mfw a newfag posts on Sup Forums


Is this real?


"Ok son but dont put top secret government information in a unsecure location"

Hopefully her kills himself while he's gone


You should see my entire FB. Minutes after Trump was the declared winner, all I did was post a picture of smug Trump and got 4-5 long ass posts from friends I haven't seen since HS telling me how they hate me for how much I've changed. Lots of people deleting me as well.

Still a lot of salt on my feed. I think I'm going to delete this shit because liberal tears are literally the only reason I use it.

>Hey, Dad, can I start wars across the Middle-East that cause thousands of deaths and millions of people to be displaced while also engaging in unparalleled corruption and deceit

>Of course, sweetie, but just be sure not to say mean words that might trigger privileged college students and entitled brown people

Charge your phone

Candlejack, old b meme where if you menti

>"You dropped a candle, jack". Then he han

What did he me

"Mum, can I lie, accept money from terrorist states, vote for every war, ignore the law, threaten rape victims and help rapists get away with their crimes?"
"Yes, so long as the price is right".

"Dad can I be reckless with top secret government information?"

"Ok son, but don't say mean things"

>liberals unironically spin the narrative, the only “wrong“ thing Hillary did is to use a private server for official mails

Deleted my life invader er I mean Facebook account a couple years ago. I'm starting to think that was a mistake seeing as I'm missing all this liberal butthurt

>Treason at worst and a massive violation of security policy at best
>"But he grabbed them by the pussy REEEEE"

I totally believe this

I love this guys tweets

I saw a Trump supporter at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how angry I was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and be a sore loser.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Literally just happened as I opened the thread.

I photographed them and laughed and they got mad and left.

They clearly outnumbered me and just bitched out and left. Probably went to go find a safe space.

Why do they chose to be so pathetic?

candle jacks a fucking retarded meme, u newfa

you must be more physically intimidating. I've been trying to loose weight got any diet suggestions?

Has anyone made a White People Mourning Hillary tumblr account yet? I might do it, I feel like some revenge after 2012.



Candlejack was the dumbest meme ever were you had to act as if a someone killed you after naming the guys name and then stop typing in the middle of the sentence.
Like all shit it came from b.
The more modern form is the sniper. There you exclaim "look guys a sniper, he is gonna shoo-" and again aptruptly end your sentence as if you were shot.
Other posters reply in the same way and a full thread of faggotry occurs.
Was never funny will never be funny.
(Except to autistic man babies)

haha nice




Wow. Really makes you think...

>aren't going to shit

>go back to ISIS you Mexican!

I will post a whole bunch. All from one kid on facebook. The greatest part is, this retarded fuckhead is over $200,000 in the hole for an art degree he can't use. He tried to find a job for 5 months after school and couldn't, so he went back to school to accumulate more debt and become the next Michelangelo. He whines constantly, the only reason I keep him as a friend is so I can see how his life spirals out of control for the next 40-50 years. Its gonna be funny as fuck

>not going to shit
I've heard a few Germans say otherwise...


It's true - Merkel made german right wing politics socially presentable again.

The wall just got 10 feet taller, mother fucker.

If you support trump you don't support equality.
If you support trump you don't support POC.
If you support trump you don't support the LGBT community.
If you support trump you don't support women.
If you support trump you don't support freedom.
If you support trump you don't support people with mental disabilities and illness.
If you support trump you don't support any immigrants.
If you support trump you don't support people with physical disabilities and illness.
If you support trump you don't support America.
If you support trump you don't support democracy.
If you support trump you don't support the earth as a planet.
If you support trump you don't support world peace.
If you support trump you don't support people struggling in poverty.
If you support trump you don't support trans people.
If you support trump you don't support prisoners of war.
If you support trump you don't support survivors and victims of sexual assault and harassment.
If you support trump you don't support Islamic people.
If you support trump you don't support me.
Stop acting like they're separate things.
Stop being so delusional.
They are one in the same.
If you support trump you support racism, sexism, bigotry, ignorance, hate, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, war crimes, sexual assault, white supremacy, the KKK, Adolf Hitler, the nazis, fascism, corruption, tax fraud, fear, violence, homophobia, and hate crimes.
This includes family, this includes friends, this includes everyone. Don't tell me you support me as a person with mental illness if you support trump I don't want to hear it and I don't believe you.

To all y'all fighting for change, to all y'all struggling with this election results, to y'all who will be persecuted under trumps rule, to all y'all who resist against the president elect, I love you with my whole heart and as a white straight male of privilege use me, tell me what I can do to help you, tell me when I'm wrong and tell me how to change, tell me to shut up. I stand with all of you, and I am here to help you, not white America. I love you and am heartbroken to see you all hurt.
That's all.

heres the first of the gold mine.

pic related

i want the minute of my life back. fuck you Shamus



My normie shitposting on facebook used to get me 30-40 likes.

After posting pro-trump shit I sit around 2 or 3 likes on my shit. And one is my girlfriend. Good riddance.

>pic not related. Rich as fuck trustfund baby. Doesn't respect where her money comes from.

Hamilton was a fascist piece of shit

anotha one


How did these guys manage to convince themselves that Trump is anti-black or anti-LGBT even though he never said anything bad about either of those groups

I miss old Sup Forums

wanna post this to my normiebook, but I can't reveal my power level.

fuck off CTR

I like how an awesome house is in the starter kit...HAHAHHAHA

Is that buffalo ny?
dropbox full of collected salt, feel free to add your own folders to it, we need to archive this legendary asshurt for future generations

Like I said, the kids a fucking idiot.

What in the everloving fuck is emotional labor?

Start eating only chicken and broccoli , if you exercise too the fat will melt off you

This, and she capitalized on the Left's weakness perfectly after Schröder fucked up.
Germany will be centre right for the forseeable future.


>what u mean no censor opinion? then u can't have police
liberal logic


I need a link to the TYT Livestream.

>not shown, the liberals doing the opposite, preaching about how we are wrong for saying those things and how we need to accept the results, and then lose their shit when they lose because they actually thought they would win

This is not ok Sup Forums


>Germany and South Korea
>Not going to shit

that sounds more like trips than doubles

I don't believe in Candlejack. Just some old Sup Forums meme that went to

Yet no republican ever rioted. Now kindly hang yourself

Why hasn't a red pilled motherfucker just pulled all these off the wall? Its essentially litter, so I can't imagine any repercussion other than butt hurt lefties wailing and flailing.

kek is this real

>In all my years of shitposting, this is without a doubt the Finest quality of salt I have ever encountered

Ah, the spoils of war.

Soak it up wall you can, boys. It's gonna be a while before this much salt again, of such high quality no less

