i voted for hillary 6 times in 4 states. AMA
I voted for hillary 6 times in 4 states. AMA
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4 times cucked
Are you black? Is there truth to the old thought that they bus around niggers?
Reported to the fbi
How did you still lose? :3
Do you personally clean the semen off the bed after Tyrone is done fucking your girl?
which states?
And yet, Trump won with a LAND-FUCKING-SLIDE!
Probably AZ,CO,NM and UT
source on those numbers?
And she still lost, faggot
you must feel stupid
Dont play with peoples feelings by posting something like that, faggot. Source or fuck off.
What grill did you wanna impress by doing it?
I bet you've had 6 dicks in your ass 4 times too.
>1 post by this ID
Bait for the bait god.
What states
Trump cannot be president
He has a conflict of interest
Sorry gals
>Trump cannot be president
And yet he is ....
Because the Electoral College is rigged.
Source? Google shows Clinton still leading by 600k votes.
Not yet.
popular vote doesn't matter beyond a certain point or else california and new york would decide every election.
That's democracy at its most corrupt and the electoral college is in the constitution just to prevent such measures.
Your evil warmongering cunt lost. Get over it :)
>Because the Electoral College is rigged.
Because you didn't win, so now you're going to try to steal the election by changing the rules after the fact?
as if hillary wouldn't have her conflicts of interests lolololo
>Not yet.
If you overturn the results of the election, it will lead to civil war. And I am not joking at all. And your side will not win that war.
>Dems rig the vote
>The electorates still go to Trump
Cry me a river.
The Electoral College (specifically the winner-take-all system) actually ENFORCES tyranny of the majority. It still means a handful of states essentially decide every election - if a candidate somehow manages to win NY, FL, TX, and CA, the other states are essentially irrelevant.
It wouldn't be changing the rules. States are NOT required to appoint electors in accordance with the general election results, and once appointed, electors are free to vote for whoever they want. It would be possible for every single elector to vote for Hillary, without violating the Constitution.
how'd it work? explain the method.
Why didn't you vote 12 times you asshole!?
Now we literally have a literal Hitler in the literal White House. Fuck you
>Because the Electoral College is rigged.
No, it really doesn't.
If the majority of people living in your country are huddled together in a select few states then that is where your majority is, that's where the most votes come from and inevitably where your tyranny manifests over the rest of the country.
The electoral college isn't perfect, but it's certainly better at this point for fairer representation of all states than a select few that're overcrowded with illegals loyal to their own home country.
>If the majority of people living in your country are huddled together in a select few states then that is where your majority is, that's where the most votes come from and inevitably where your tyranny manifests over the rest of the country.
That's not tyranny, that's one vote per citizen. Which is how the country should be run. Tyranny is where the minority is silenced, which is exactly what winner-take-all does.
>electors are free to vote for whoever they want
Whoever they "want." By "want" you mean you're going to terrorize the country with riots and blackmail or threaten the electors until they hand the country over to Soros's puppet who wants to go to war with Russia.
You are not the good guys here, idiot.
Everyone campaigns and votes on the assumption that every state is winner-takes-all. People are not going to accept it if you change that just because you lost.
I'm just saying using "muh tyranny of the majority" to defend winner-takes-all is absolutely retarded.
>mental gymnastics
You agreed to the law of the electoral college when you cast your vote. You participated in the system. The rules when you voted are what apply. You do not get to change the rules post election when YOU LOST. Get over it and move on cuck.
If the electoral college does not vote by the rule of law and will of the people as they agreed to, it will start civil war and it will not be good for your side.
I'll say it again.
Some of these states, California especially. Are overflowing with illegal immigrants. Who, by some crazy fuckwits law, can vote without a registered ID. These illegals would only bolster the democrats voting percentage as the dems are the ones who constantly promise them welfare and other free shit courtesy of the goverment. The college, again, is not perfect, but it's precisely why the majority rule is hazardous. You don't know who's voting in these states or even where they're coming from.
It does too, also stem from the fact that Hillary lost, that you're upset. I would be too if Trump lost, but since it's a fact that voter fraud is evident among these states, it only sweetens the deal that Trump won so much.
Liberals and democrats don't play fair, at all. And this is the absolute result of being caught with your hand down your pants and in the cookie jar while trying to elect your candidate.
No you're trying to use this claim that HRC won the popular vote to justify a coup.
A better solution would be to institute a system that makes it easier to keep track of illegal immigrants, rather than introducing some ridiculous fucktardism that makes the election outcome essentially random with regards to the will of the people.
I'm not trying to justify a coup, just that winner-takes-all introduces an unacceptable amount of rounding error. It's equivalent to saying, "ok, here's 1100 women and 1080 men on it, let's describe this group as over 2000 women".
>More than half of the states went to the Republicans, many of them battleground states
Keep trying.
I don't understand the question
>I'm not trying to justify a coup
Yes you are. You're parroting this talking point to justify a scheme by Soros and his SJW army to change the result of the election. And if you do it, there will be a civil war.
Random in comparison to the outcome of the popular vote. Even if we're not going with a straight direct democracy, who becomes president should be a function of the popular vote.
I don't even know Soros.
>I don't even know Soros.
You should. He owns the SJWs. He owns Clinton. He owns the Democratic Party. He wanted to own the United States.
It's not a democracy at all, it's a republic. And I reassert that there's nothing random about it. The majority of districts had voted pro Republican, and as such the electorates were voted in to support the Republican candidate.
Fuck off leaf
2008 obama wasnt even a landslide
>exactly what trump said
keep crying Pablo
The Electoral College is designed to be hard to rig unless you rig all 50 states.
600k fraudulent votes and counting. Thanks Soros. Thanks feminists. Thanks MSM.
>that's the joke, moron
Who put you on the planet?