We didn't deserve him

we didn't deserve him

if he would run in 2020 he would wipe the fucking floor with trump

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off, he sold out big league.

you aren't allowed to run for president after you die of old age user

>Implying he won't be (even more) senile in 4 years.

Yes, please go ahead and nominate that sellout, can't wait to see Cali flipping red in 2020

lmao this kike couldnt even beat hillary

berniefags are so fucking delusional but hey you have to be a dumb fucking idiot who ignores reality to be a socialist in the first place - and that includes stormweenies

Because Trump totally didn't sell out
>No wall
>No Muslim ban
>Literal GOP stooges on his staff
>Likes Obama
>Likes Obamacare

>implying clinton didn't rig the primaries

>implying bernie had any chance to win even without rigging
>implying it wasnt 100 times more rigged against Trump and he still annihilated her

I dont get you sub 80 IQ shitposters
>Trump is literally worse than hitler because he wants to build a wall
>see Trump doesnt actually want to build a wall this proves he is worse than hitler

Lol. Bernie can't win. He would let himself be cucked into a corner.

>implying anyone is going to want this corpse after Trump runs in 4 years

>he hasn't been inaugurated yet, but let me tell you what he's backed out on

ctr pls

but in case
>he had to put pence and christie
>he wants to keep 2 things from it

he said something around he likes obama during their meeting so it doesnt mean shit

but you need an IQ of above 70 to be intelligent enough to understand what it means to not tell what you genuinely think


>that flag
>any topic

"Despite a prestigious degree, however, Sanders failed to earn a living, even as an adult. It took him 40 years to collect his first steady paycheck — and it was a government check.

“I never had any money my entire life,” Sanders told Vermont public TV in 1985, after settling into his first real job as mayor of Burlington.

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”

One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.

The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off.

A man who was in communist front groups in the 1960s. A bum and professional agitator with no achievement other than in inspiring aw in bums like him that are wuld be liberal arts lenins

toothpaste is jelly that we are the best country

>hospital as a flag

more like mental hospital lmao #rekt

>CTR shill
How can you call me a shill? You're shilling for the president-elect. You cucks are probably on Obamas payroll.

>"He doesn't like Obama because he said so during a rally after he came out dancing to "Toxic"

Seriously why are you retarded? Trump betrayed you
>Checks flag

Ok, explain this. Why do liberals continue to hail him as the second coming of Christ after he duped them out of millions and endorsed the establishment incarnate? Do they have absolutely no sense of dignity?

after 4 years of trump murikkkans will vote for literally anyone

Fuck Bernie Sanders

Say it with me tumblrina:

>we didn't deserve him
You're right, we didn't fight socialists for years just to become them

He'll be dead by then. Kek commands it.

>berniefags are so fucking delusional

Like the people who love corbyn utterly disconnected and floating above us all in their would be marxist bubble of arrogance. How dare we not like islam AND LBGT? How dare we? Deplorable!

>pointing out one of countless great accomplishments of my country: dominating and fundamentally shaping healthcare
>thinks that will insult me

how about you stop being so jelly on an anime forum and instead try to be less of a loser

He will have died of old age by then

>after 4 years of trump murikkkans will vote for literally anyone

Have you seen Amsterdam?

A shit pit full of prostitutes, drugs and filth.

Get your own house in order.

but their delusion is their downfall: Trump won, brexit won, we will keep winning

he is a fucking sell out lmao

>but their delusion is their downfall:

No. Trump would just instruct him that he's not allowed to go after him on anything that could actually do damage.


Yeah, you just get to vote democrat at that point.


kek's too strong now! try figuring out a different way around your problem

Trump is not removing Obamacare pollack

He would take office at 80 if he won

be careful or you will get b& for pony

should have ended after S1 tbqh, show turned to shit

He'd also be 78.

That limp-wristed old faggot couldn't even defend his own stage from being taken over by a couple of nigger bitches, let alone run a nation with any kind of competence.

>implying the learned elder ever had a chance

low energy

He sold out you fucking butt hurt commie no good rat like the rest of em

>I'll be 27 in four more years
>Probably still a virgin

Don't get complacent

You really think (((Globalism))) will be defeated so easily?

Why would you want a socialist in power? A Jewish one at that?

Socialism literally doesn't work

He would be old as fuck by the next election, and he already sorta destroyed the hope of his true following (As in people who aren't Hill shills or "Well, she has the D after her name, that means she's alright, right?" guys) when selling out to Hillary, it would probably worry a lot of of people that he would essentially be proxy Hillary

And again, he'd be reaching into his early 80's, he'd get Alzheimer's or end up dying of natural causes.

>bent over his asshole for the establishment
I hade faith in bernie before he became the dems bitch

That's true.

>Bernie Sanders.
>Being alive in 2020.
Pick one.

>Don't get complacent
I wont. Trump said he'd win, that didn't make him complacent. I will do whatever it takes and therefore victory is certain

>Socialism literally doesn't work

The only people who have nice lifestyles from socialism are the likes of sanders and corbyn. Trophy figures for lefty university political hacks who like to talk about working people but shudder at the notion of actually being one.

He would be dead by 2020

Sanders is a disgrace to the Democratic party.

>try to be less of a loser

>post this
>OP stops posting
now I feel bad for OP... I am sorry

>tfw I'll be only 23

there's so much time left. I will be living in the trump dynasty in the prime of my life.

if the Donald can be president, I can get a gf and lose my virginity

>if he would run in 2020 he would wipe the fucking floor with trump
The only thing that Bernie will be running in 2020 is a ventilator.

>got taken over by russian stoole pigeon instead

No, and I'll tell you why.

America will tolerate a racist, corrupt, sociopathic heartless, crooked capitalist, before ever trusting anyone who is even a modicum socialist.



>He would be dead by 2020
No great loss. Sociology departments mass produce unemployed pseudo marxist hacks who think they are the vanguard/leader of some bullshit leftwing revolution daily. They'll tell the smelly stupid uneducated deplorable superstitious masses what they may think, while the same masses pay their social security bills while they sit around pontificating before they climb the leftwing greasy pole to be a new bernie sanders.

Its fucking over.

I disagree with that.

>America will tolerate a racist, corrupt, sociopathic heartless, crooked capitalist, before ever trusting anyone who is even a modicum socialist.

Newsflash the word racist does not win a debate anymore. fuck off.

You're certainly a shill.

you forgot sexist, rapist

>we didn't deserve him
>literally confirmed to be a sell-out
>was on Hillary's team from the beginning

Why do people still like this kike?

I'm with you user

>you forgot sexist, rapist


The prostitution and human trafficking nexus of western europe. Shout rape louder dutchflag,

Pack all those black women and foreigners into windows fucking 20 strangers a day and make money off it while screaming rape at trump and gloating in how 'liberal' you are as a nation..

typical leftist hypocrisy.

>I'm with you user
He's the lefty numale leaf right on cue

muh socialism.


fuck off with this socialist jew cuck

learn how to spell you potatonigger

>learn how to spell you potatonigger

we're not marking an essay on marx you cunt.

Dutch leftists are fucking vermin.

He killed the audit the fed bill.

He shilled for the witch.

No refunds.

I'm starting to feel that this is just a shill old faggot.


For real though, the DNC did rig the primaries.

I don't think you appreciate how huge it is for a national committee based on Democracy--the idea that people in a nation would vote to select their representative--selected their candidate without consulting the people of the nation whose votes they didn't even bother to count. That's borderline dictatorship, and the only reason it flew is because the left is toothlesss.

I can't believe how many people still support socialism after this. Maybe I'm alone in how red pilled I got this election but I'm done with the DNC for life and any left leaning organization.

Collecting money from people at increasing rates at implied gunpoint for growing a bigger government that can tap into any cellphone they wish. He could be the most benevolent, lovable grandpa that wants to help the poor and the sick and the uneducated and take 75% of my money without complaint, but then once his turn is up the DNC decides that its time for a globalist puppet that destroys western culture for good by starting a nuclear war. Thankfully they got greedy this election and showed their true colors and it bit them in the ass, hopefully for the next 250 years. You would have to be the densest motherfucker to still support a LARGE globalist (or globalizable) state. Our government should work for us, not the other way around and it always turns the other way around when they have enough money and power to suppress the people.

Small government with charitable organizations you can fund (or de-fund) as necessary is a much better system as the money and what it goes to are much more transparent.


lel yeah the republicans are going to work for you

Not a fair assessment. Trump never got to go after Bernfag since he was ALWAYS a non threat. No fucking way Bernie would have won. Get that thought out of your head, 'Berns when he pee's' is a total turncoat he didnt have guts or fortitude, didnt bother to fight the DNC he took his Judas shekels and ran.


That's the defense for packing women in windows like cattle in the Netherlands and having them fuck 20 strangers a day while you congratulate yourself on how liberal you are is it dutchman?

Then you come on here and call Trump a rapist and a sexist.

Amsterdam is a degenerate shit hole. A hive of cruelty and self satisfied left wing dutch people congratulate themselves on all the tourist dollars pimping foreign whores brings them.

Literally vermin.


former berniebro here

I will never, ever, ever trust him again after he endorsed Hillary

Even if he has the right ideas he's too much of a bitch and he'd let corporate democrats walk all over him

Maybe not the cucked globalist ones, the small government ones will, and neither generally try to erode our gun rights if shit really hits the fan.



dumbass republicans ITT don't realize that trump used the republican party as a host body to get elected president, and is actually something like a libertarian/socialist hybrid in reality, and they will be coming to this realization REALLY soon

but you guys got a meme in office xD so EPIC


>we don't deserve a backstabbing communist jew who used millennials to go from broke as shit to retiring on over a million dollars


Trump will snort his ashes mixed with certain product from my country.

>used millennials to go from broke as shit to retiring on over a million dollars

It's immoral and vile but there lies the snake like ability o a man who climbs the lefts political pole spouting income equality to know the color of money when it really counts, when it is in their own pocket.