really makes you think...
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
>This is the map if only people that don't matter voted
Literally no one should be surprised by this.
A lot of work to do ;^)
>implying white people matter
>People vote for the party that exclusively panders to them
Now post the one with people who have jobs and fathers.
If we don't matter, how do we keep destroying the world?
Checkmate commies.
>Implying Black Lives Matter.
hahaha, in fact, yes they do
No kidding, that's a LOT of deporting to do
Wow, big surprise when the gibsmedats unanimously vote for the party of gibsmedat.
>A group where literally everyone holds the same opinion is ideal
Wow really made my neurons fire. It's almost like the Democrats want America to consist of a population complacent with a one-party system.
No, they're just saying that the GOP has done a terrible job at appealing to non-whites. If there were no white people in America, the GOP would be dead, but most likely rather than a one-party system, we'd see the Democratic Party splitting into two main parties over some issue or another.
If white people are as racist as minorities think, why have they never taken a moment to step back and wonder why
Actually, this one is quite agreeable.
I don't know what really makes me think here.
It was not wasted, kek has taught us not to waste gets. It's his message.
A special diety is with us!
because said racist whites are too busy babying minorities and being virtuous
We're 70% of the electorate and won the election so yes, yes we do.
This is KEK's price for the election. He's now trolling US.
White male landowners should be the only ones allowed to vote, as the founding fathers intended.
because we've gone with the theory that our assumption was correct. niggers being bitter for slavery. you're not getting reparations. get a fucking job
Cause it's Bill, and Bill!
wtf did just happened?
>white folks. sincerely. you have work to do.
Working on it.
Because you white people think you are better than anyone else and that you are all angels while we are a bunch of savages.
Also, those numbers.
t. nigger
t. tripfag
Nigger that's savage talk
Really confirms they did the good choice
>this is the map if only people of color HAD voted.
Why? Are the other races somehow incapable of doing the same thing as whites? Sounds a bit racist if you ask me. I thought everyone was equal.
We don't think. We know.
It's not that we're better than you, it's that we are one group and you are another.
So we must kill your group and benefit our own. Morality is only a tool to aid in acquisition, if it hinders you, turn it off.
We just want you to fuck off.
>White folks. Sincerely. You have work to do.
Yeah, we have invaders in our land.
Thats liberals for you. They think they are angels giving away free shit while blacks/ minority's are so savage they are pardoned of everything and dindu nuffin.
t. savage
you are racist
Kek wants us to acks da impotant queshuns
t. someone who doesn't know what a tripfag is
You could literally say that the Democrat party has done a terrible job of appealing to whites.
>white people who don't get sucked into identity politics are racist
Really makes you drink...
How can people who can't read vote?
t. college freshman who thinks he understands Nietzsche
t. invader
its not a democacy if there is only 1 party in charge. Mine as well be china
> You have work to do
What did he mean by this
(the resemblence to the "if drug users voted" map is purely coincidence)
>Brown people opinions matter more than Whites
this is all I got out of this retarded post
Tripfag. Namefag. Lolifag. It's all the same cancer.
KEK is here lads. Remain calm.
Is that because the ballot boxes would be stuffed and tampered with?
But do they have driver's licenses?
They did better than they've literally ever done.
>if a huge portion of the population disappeared and took their morals and values along with them
This is the map if only guacmen voted. Not so tough now, are you, Donald?
But we are better?
Every single successful civilization on this planet has been created and managed by Whites/Asians
meanwhile they've all been destroyed by war or women
underrated post.
First Brexit, then the trumpening, now this...
I'm pretty sure the law requires voting places to accomodate people with disabilities, including illiteracy. I don't know how exactly they do it, but I can think of some ways it could be done (i.e. someone says "put on x on the blue circle if you want to vote for Hillary, red circle for Trump, yellow for Stein and orange for Johnson") and then leaves to let them do it.
because the minorities don't.
Nice b8, Weeb.
>t. nigger ape
What the actual fuck?!?
If the GOP was completely wrecked, you'd probably see the Democrats splitting up into two major parties. One-party systems don't occur naturally.
>how Africa would have vote
No wonder they are shit
t. redditor
You don't need a driver's license to vote.
"White folks, you got work to do."
Did this guy smoke a bit too much opium or something? Trump just proved that you can win just by getting a majority of white voters and picking up a small portion of working class minority (ie, non welfare people) and overcome this.
If he comes through on even half his promises, it will be an easy 4 more years.
>wow she's pretty good loo....
>iggles shirt
I didn't know Democrats were running Africa...
Those colours are retarted
speak for yourself.
Makes me want to walk a marathon.
That Graph
Nintendo God Tier
Aryan Patrician Tier
Mexican jumping bean and white/asian women Tier
Nigger and mexican woman Tier
Shaqifa daughter of Quainz Tier
>You don't need a driver's license to vote.
That's the joke.
holy shit australia was not just a meme
what is a V compared to an M? White male vs white vagina-bearer?
yes! Time to do work!
"you have work to do"
Indeed. Death squads when?
Checked and keked
Lm@oing @ ur lyf rite now kiddo
"People of color". Why do they use this phrase? How is it different than the phrase "colored people"?
Whatevs. They still don't get why they lost and until they do, that map is just gonna keep getting redder and redder.