Well I've been kicked out of university. What red pilled job should I do now...

Well I've been kicked out of university. What red pilled job should I do now? Don't want anything too hard like military or construction I'm used to the NEET life. Also nothing with long work hours but I also want decent money so I can life with the same standards as I did when I stayed with my parents. Should I go back to uni and get massive student debt?, if so what course is best?

>Also general 'what should we do with failed uni students' thread

become ronin samurai

Why did you do to get kicked out?


If you were in STEM, just finish at a different university. Claim you were "depressed" or something so they'll let you in. If you weren't in STEM, there was no point in finishing anyway.

Military, law enforcement, then politics

You're going to have to sell that ass

1.go on craigslist.
2.apply to job.
3.appear properly dressed, smile, be polite, have a folder with a resume in it and pen in case fill forms
4.do good work
5.acquire skills and move to higher positions


Dropbear harvester. There must be a market walking around with a basket catching them for parts.

> Don't want anything too hard like military or construction

>I'm used to the NEET life

>nothing with long work hours

>I also want decent money

>live with the same standards as I did when I stayed with my parents.

Automotive mechanic

how do you even get kicked

>deal with massive student debt
>Muh weak guv'ment
Mfw 80% of my university was paid by the country

I don't know what the demand would be for certain jobs in Australia, but maybe a distribution center worker?

In most cases they are pretty well paid and the work is lifting shit or freighting shit to trucks with forklifts.

For the >failed uni students
Find a job that there will always be demand for, Distribution centers is a pretty good start, also postal/ups. Work for 5-6 years while with parents to pay off all debt while saving for future purchases like car, apt, etc.
Go to a trade school and learn a trade in less than 2 years.

If you don't have parents that will take you in for another 6 years then try to build yourself up the food chain in the job and if there is a scholarship program fucking go for it. They want someone from the inside they know they can trust instead of hiring a nobody.

get a trade

>1 post by this image.

take this shit to >>/adv/


be an entrepreneur, if u have great ideas that is, if u have none, find and live a passionate life til u do

Read up on ADHD and see if it's a match. Means you have no motivation and are really crap at long term strategy

pretty sure everybody on earth has adhd, then

Kicked out how? A lost scholarship?

Well, this is what I am looking at

Get off your ass and work a real job. Fuck the neet lifestyle and fuck lazy retards like you. If you want a comfortable lifestyle, you have to earn it.

Go to truck stops.
Blow truckers.
Invest in knee pads.

You want an easy, high paying job with short work hours? Own a company and hire someone to run it for you.

Offer handjobs in the park.

Get money from your parents like the rest of us millenials, faggot

>What red pilled job should I do now?
>Don't want anything too hard like military or construction I'm used to the NEET life. Also nothing with long work hours but I also want decent money.

You ask for a red pilled job and then say the most blue pilled thing in existence. This is the real world you're in now and there are two fundamental ways to make money. Do something nobody else can do or Do something nobody else wants to do.

Why do you think doctors, engineers and lawyers get paid lots of money. Because they have the ability to do things that other people can't. Can you design an engine? Or replace a knee?
By getting kicked out of uni you've effectively slammed the door on option one, for now at least. Because I know what you need to do to get kicked out of uni (The only person I know that got kicked out of uni failed for two years straight in multiple different degrees) and it tells me you don't have the maturity or discipline for it, regardless of what you've studied.

You need to understand your situation, your marketable skill presently is 'I am a body that will show up on time.' Thats it. So you don't get to say I won't do construction, or military (Not that they'd take you anyway, you're uni results will see to that.) You don't get to say I won't do long hours because that is your advantage. What else have you got to do? Sit at home and shitpost, go work instead. You'll be rewarded with a pay packet that will allow you to actually do things.

>Do something nobody else can do or Do something nobody else wants to do.
Neither of those things exist. No matter who you are, you're replaceable.

If you don't want to work hard, you will keep failing.
The red pilled thing is to get a fucking trade and develop some character.

Work on Amazon Mturk. I use it to support myself, my wife and our two sons, and we get to stay home together and smoke weed and hang out on pol or watch dragon ball z and stuff all day.

>step one - stop being a lightweight faggot
>step two - stop being a lightweight faggot
>step three - start thinking

industries to stay away from include hospitality, tourism and retail

as some anons above have stated, get a trade - electricians (if you start doing refrig+ industrial) get good coin once youre out of your time.

basically youre fucked if you can make good money with zero quals and dont want to actually work.

refer to step one

nah mechanics might have to pull a block down to crankshaft and actually get their hands dirty

Military o' clock.

The success you have in life is only limited by your own sense of comfort. Never forget that.

this, working on cars is a very friendly NEET job. very simple problem solving that will reward autistic lobe in brain. good enough pay for anime dolls

Get a job at mcdonalds you fag

Not sure about Australia, but here in the states it's not uncommon for mechanics to make shit money until they have years of experience under their belt.

Friend of mine has been a mechanic for a couple years and technically makes less than minimum wage.

this is what i do and its v /comfy/ desu. i specialise in ecu/electrical diagnostics and it tickles my autism just right

Mechanics mate shit money unless they are willing to go work in mining in Australia.

yeah, sliding scale for apprentices, though mature apprentices get slightly more. id have to look up award wage.

still dont get mechanic being an ideal neet job though - most neet faggots would hate getting coolant on their hands

heavy marine diesel fitters and boilermakers go for 100 / hr
i guess its the same up the mines too

I wonder how a NEET would deal with the banter of a workshop.

boilermakers, especially if you are willing to take remote patch work. big money

Strean Vidya...thank me later.

they couldnt

yeah but still need to do a 4 year apprenticeship of scut work. plus all the theory at tradeschool

By "a" country, just not yours, spic

desu there really is nothing more redpilling than the trades and heavy industry.
its no bullshit, you cant fake it, and if you are an idiot, nobody coddles you. you cant blame your mistakes on anyone, or hide them. you need to think critically, problem solve and there is never ever any room for feelings.

As opposed to spending four years on a college campus get pandered to right out of high school.

user walks into the workshop on his first day, wearing a hi-vis shirt and pants from the reject shop that are two sizes too small.
>Workshop foreman "Hey fellas, this is user. He's the new apprentice.'
>user "H..hi.'
>Diesel Fitter one "Jeeze, you're a big fella huh.'
>user "FOR YOU."
>Workshop foreman "..."
>Mechanic "..."
>Spaghetti everywhere
> Foreman "Go sweep the floor user."

fucking kek
just described my first day in the real world desu



Military wouldn't take him. Getting kicked out of uni is a big indicator that he's a fuckup.

or that, of course

the navy's take (((him)))

So you got shit grades, got put on a warning, got more shit grades and they failed you?

That's what you get for smoking dope and fucking around on Sup Forums when you should be focusing on studies, turbo-faggot.

Maybe the green army.

anythings better than being a pusser

Dont listen to this americuck he's retarded

These guys will take him. They fucking love aussies.

Also, FFL experience is one of the best possible things you can have on a resume when applying to PMCs, second only to US/British Special Forces.

Don't worry user. I graduated college with a useless degree and work at McDonald's.

fuck my life.


Yeah but if you arent retarded, show up on time, and do a decent job, its cheaper for the company to keep you than go through another hiring/training process to replace you. This is of course contigent on making it past the 3 month probationary period most companies have.

>Military, law enforcement,

will only get you to local-level politics, aka worthless politics


I feel like the fact that you have to speak French kills it. Fuck French.

I wish every country had a 'foreign legion.'

That's one of the main selling points that PMCs love about ex-Legionnaires is that they are at least bi-lingual, as well as the fact that service in the Legion proves that you are willing to fight for a cause that isn't your own. Also, Most PMC work is transitioning from the Middle East to Africa right now. Half the continent used to be a French colony and speaks French.

i do

you should become a cop

me and my miss's are, we earn good money, have lots of time off work, always have some funny/stupid work stories to share with friends

we have no kids but 2 dogs we are both off probation now and have 2 houses at age 27 and 25

This. You get dangerpay too, so its good money.

I got kicked out of uni too, 1 semester shy of graduating. Low grades.

Right now I work at a McDonalds. Most of my coworkers are 16 or 17 year olds. But they're not like me. They got no ambition. I got plans. Big plans. I'm gonna make big money.

mate from my experience most of the people who work at maccas are either students who are working part time to get some cash, or are people in just a real shitty situation financially and just need some form of income, they very rarely hire someone who has no ambition or other plans with life

like i said before you should become a cop its the best choice i have ever made

haha thx for the kek famalam




honestly op just get a cabin innawoods and wait for the ai economic crash and eventually the singularity

>1 post by this ID
when is reddit going to leave so these bait threads can just die

Looks like he's taking his job very seriously. Wonder where he's from exactly and what he did.