Where my Tradesmen at? I'm an arborist by trade but my buddy in a machine shop sent me a gnarly accident that happened today.
Tradesmen/Blue Collar general
Where my Tradesmen at? I'm an arborist by trade but my buddy in a machine shop sent me a gnarly accident that happened today.
Tradesmen/Blue Collar general
Today my cat bit me and I needed to disinfect the wound.
Apparently homeboy was messing around with a jointer and it ate his finger. I'll dump the accidents I have, I'm a safety coordinator so I have some juicy ones
Starting with degloves
HVAC here. was trying to cut open a package just yesterday, blade slipped and gashed my hand. Any deeper and it would have needed stitches
Fucking lucky
>Shit teir landscaper
Mate at work blew a nail through his thumb today
I own a construction company. I caught a metal framing member that had been cut. Slapped some tape on it and worked for another two hours. Never got stitches and it healed perfectly.
If by landscaper you mean line clearance then yes
I'm a millwright at a steel mill.
wow you're so badass for not getting stitches for that little boo boo that's barely even bleeding
fucking numale faggot
Just got off a major project. 90% of the injuries were hands. One guy fell two stories but was caught by his harness, another cut through his foot with a circular saw.
Christ that's spooky
Just sharing stories you office dweller. Why don't you fuck off and get a paper cut. Or if you have a real job contribute something to the conversation.
Fugs uhh this is why I dislike to be a tradesman/carpenter/unionist. Too much gore that's why I chose the Marine Corps.
How do you get your foot with a circular saw? I mean I've almost kneecapped myself with a topping saw but damn!
Electrician. Haven't seen anything too nasty or anyone electrocuted because of safety measures.
Is this a trademan rec thjread also?
Should I learn Stick welding or MIG welding. It seems like MIG has a bunch of more opportunities than SMAW
He sat the saw on the ground while it was running and it kicked back over his foot and cut through his leather boot and fucked him up pretty good.
What unit? 1/1 here before I got out. Thank god I did we were doing drill twice a week before I left
Millwrights still exist? Lol
cut resistant gloves are so awesome and would really mitigate or stop all issues like that
Engineer here, sometimes my wrists get tired.
MIG and TIG, my nig
Sup Forums related:
Tim Heidecker wrote a tweet or something on social media about how trump voters were going to be headed to manual labor jobs at coal mines and steel factories
as if he has ever worked a manual labor job in his life
In fact, steel factories are probably not mostly manual labor, but that fat fuck really shouldn't shoot his mouth off about blue collar jobs
thanks bro
wrong board
That big ass vein thats well defined and unharmed...
which board is more appropriate.
Arborist here, just cut the tip of my finger off at work. Living the dream.
Damn fuck that. I'll play around in trees all day but construction messes with me, just way too many people and way too many ways to royally fuck yourself up
I've got kevlar weave in my gloves, lasted me 2 years now
imagine if someone just came up and gave it a really hard slap
That ain't shit
I've got a friend in a meat packing plant
The shit people end up with when they don't pay attention is gnarly
what is that? did he die?
That's a person and their clothing wrapped around a piece of metal.
Sup Forums should I go into computer science at the age of 32?
About how much of his body is around that spindle, you think?
Sup Forums. If you have webms/.gif /gif/
Don't be surprise when this thread is pruned
>Implying he didn't say that to give emphasis on why he was surprised it healed so well
Kill yourself
Don't listen before the election we used to have one of these every weekend. Best threads for actually chatting with anons.
I simultaneously really want to and really don't want to know what happened here.
What happened here?
Journeyman carpenter.
This happened to me on election day.
Oh, also how many of you are unionized? First year I didn't join a union so I could get a job right away, and then went on IBEW. Had to get extra certificates and training before finding work in Halifax.
Tim Heidecker can go fuck himself. Went to the Trump rally in NH and saw a fuck ton of labor workers including fellow IBEW members who dropped Clinton because the union sponsored her or something. Including the business manager and treasurer.
>gives one fact about himself
>asks for advice
uh, yeah, sure
My dream job is to be a gunsmith in a comfy small Pennsylvania town.
I'm studying law though.
Most of Sup Forums is blue collar or at that level. Industrial accidents are there to teach you the consequences of complacency
yes he died
If you get the answer tell me I want to know too.
I didn't think this was a gore thread really.
I think I seen these every so often. Your right there was some nice people here.
Electrician for 14 years. Hate looking at fuckked up pictures like this.
That fucking eyeball.
Demolition engineer here.
I blow shit up and use wrecking balls every day, nearly.
I hate working with construction workers and lower tier laborers. All they talk about is sports...especially football.
They all pretend to be racist for some reason, their idolatry and worship of "show niggers" says otherwise.
TIG ftw
Nah mate, trades are as nationalistic as you can get
They keep this puppy together
>be me, dumbass
>got finger in between endmill and socket wall
It least it was only a 1/4" cutter
Also, when I was an even more dumbass kid, I tried to make a bench grinder from an old vacuum motor. Didn't try to use a belt to reduce the RPMs. I just mounted the grind wheel directly on the motor shaft. Fired up the motor and the wheel exploded busting through the wall in the next room. At least I thought enough to not stand in front of it when I turned it on.
Did his shirt get caught?
He needs to be more careful with that bench grinder.
I worked blue collar for 2 years
They talked about safety all the time but it was mostly just a formality
Most of the managers didn't give a shit and all the guys thought they were cool and tough to skip safety precautions
Sounds like a great job! There's not much racism at my shop because it's all white guys, something about ropes and trees scares black folk away
From what I read he didn't button down his sleeves all the way and they got caught in the lathe
The worst trade is is elevator guys. Most prima donna fucking faggot douchbag cucks youll ever encounter
3rd level electrical apprentice, here.
does pest control count as a trade?
Someone got sucked into a lathe. They spin work in it with a lot of torque in order to turn down metal. If you get a hand or a piece of clothing snagged on any part of it, there is a good chance that you will get pulled into it
talked about safety all the time but it was mostly just a formality
Ha! Can confirm. Bitches.
Why aren't their emergency stops available?
I have seen people able to resist a lathe for about 3-4 seconds, but I guess you just panic and are sucked in too quickly.
Just learn programming and hire yourself out, start with Craigslist ads
Gets real simple, or if need be website design
Hell if you make a good enough portfolio people will hire you into their company without a degree
Bout 1/3
>tfw always wanted to take up a trade skill as a hobby
>remember how clumsy and retarded I am
I'll just stick to cars.
Sadly this is true but the company I work for is pretty well established and really harps on safety to the point where we have two meetings a week to discuss near misses
It's mostly laughed off but I like to think for every story of someone getting a finger snapped off or cutting their leg open with a chainsaw, just maybe a little lightbulb will go off in their head next time they're about to do something stupid
He was using a flier, if you check the pic you'll se the flier stuck in the axle/blouse.
t. former machinist huezillian
now mechanical designer
Being an electrician the worst guys you'll work with are drywallers. They'll actually cut your wires and create safety hazards so they could get off work earlier. Elevator guys are kinda bitchy with light placement, that's about it.
>trump voters were going to be headed to manual labor jobs at coal mines and steel factories
>implying wagecucks working shotty retail/call center jobs would kill for that kind of employment.
That squishy faggot has never done manual labor in his life. Ive done all manner. Construction, ditch digger, currently working as a tile installer, and it pays bank.
I was i phoenix earlier today and saw these roofers on a second storyon the very edge of the building, and i was thinking to myself what a world of shit theyd be in if osha rolled by. Or if they misstepped and fell
This is the worst accident I've had. Still can't really feel with those two finger tips.
Pls just be calf
You can till do it then
Work law a few years, make q good chunk of change and live humbly while putting all your earnings you can without starving to the bank and then legally move here and train under a gunsmith then open your own shop
Its totally plausible but don't expect to do it until your late 40's
They just use it for the language, especially union construction workers
You want racism talk to engineer teams
Fyi you guys ever want to see some fucked up shit talk to/visit refrigerant specialists
Really wish I hadn't found out what liquid nitrogen and freon can do to the body
I bet he won't make that mistake again
>Most of Sup Forums is blue collar or at that level.
this is exactly what Sup Forums wants you to think.
God and i thought i was bad cutting my fingers when cooking or arms on my car
Yall need to stop being so goddan clumsy
Because if the machine is doing it's job nothing is going to stop it. And emergency stops are in awkward places 9/10 of the time. Like on our chippers you have to leave the feedwheel to turn the engine off and even then the blades and anvil are moving fast enough and long enough to turn you into marinara sauce no problem
my mistake I'll be sure to revise it. Thanks!
The mpst annoying thing about drywallers here in cali is that none of them speak english and you cant communicate with them.and they a?ways fill your boxes with mud
blue collar here, forgot that you don't grab a planer like you grab a skill saw
nothing too bad but the nurse/doctor/woman was cute and the numbing drug felt awesome.
Ouch, black fingertips are a classic, I knew a drill operator who drilled his own nails in order to remove the pressed blood (he accidently let a heavy part fall right in his fingertips) and avoid that ugly looking black nails like yours.
Thank you for your service
Forearm. Worst injury in 14 years.
>Work law a few years, make q good chunk of change and live humbly while putting all your earnings you can without starving to the bank and then legally move here and train under a gunsmith then open your own shop
Yeah that's exactly what I plan to do. Maybe spend a couple years in the US studying common law just to get a feel of life in the land of the free. We're kind of saturated in law graduates right now but there's still a lot of money to be made in that field, with the right connections.
>and they got caught in the lathe
Wouldnt the material of the clothing be weak enough to rip off his body before pulling him in?
if you use a tiny bit its not bad, and you save th nail
What a glorified gore thread
Fyi niggers hate trees because they're generally pussies
Same thing with any trade involving water
The nails are brown and black from the arc. They fell off a few days later and grew back only slightly discolored
>Why aren't their emergency stops available?
because factory owners are cheap niggers who don't give a shit about their workers' lives.
> why do subway train stations still allow people to jump down onto the tracks unrestricted?
> why do aircraft designs allow access to the pilot cabin from the passenger sections?
> why do landscapers put shrubs on corners around the strip malls, near busy streets and intersections?
no one in charge fucking cares, even when someone dies from their careless mistakes and shit designs
Thank you Sup Forums I needed a reason to work towards a white collar job
Professional abbo remover?
one of my machining goals is to lose a hand and machine a replacement for it
You would hope but sometimes it doesn't
Industrial accidents are meant to inform our fellow blue collar workers of the dangers involved in our work
So glad im high IQ enough to avoid these jobs
Building trades are remarkably satisfying, keep you healthy mentally and physically.
I'm personally using carpentry as a foundation for architecture. And I can pay for my own schooling
was it worse then that time you got sand in your vagina?
>Tfw starting out in the workforce I wanted to do day labor and all kinds of random trades
>Mfw 20 years before i had entered unions had bound it all up to where walk ins were no longer allowed and what wasn't crushed the politicians made illegal
>Mfw never got to work construction because of this
I've done it before for household projects and heloing friends but I would enjoy the fuck out of as a living
Now that you mentione it he used a drill small enough to pierce his nail and remove the pressed blood, it wasn't that bad. Luckly I never had any serious accident while working as a machinist but I've seen someone lose his entire arm by pressing it against a huge milling machine and a heavy mold part.
The fucker made a full recovery and is still working with just a single arm in the same machine that destroyed it.
Why are his intestines all blown up like that?