If Trump were assassinated would he be a good president?
If Trump were assassinated would he be a good president?
im sure is presidency would be quite shocking
Fuck no
it would be fucking disastrous.
that's why trump chose him as his life insurance.
Fuck you
No, he'd restart dumb cold wars with Russia,its not even that he's a neocon, he's a cold warrior who thinks they're still commies.
Mike "alternating current for alternative lifestyles" Pence would be an electrifying president!
He's literally the doomsday option.
This. It's a smart decision for him to pick him cause he ends up looking better by comparison and would be better in every way
GradeAunderA: greatest insurance policy ever
well said
>that's why trump chose him as his life insurance.
This is a fallacy. If the CIA wants to assassinate Trump, Pence will certainly play ball if he becomes President.
The real risk of a lone shooter SJW killing Trump is virtually zero. There were rednecks literally suggesting to kill Obama, but nothing ever happened. Some Transgender Studies major isn't going to do shit.
Yes. Did you see him in the VP debate, or any debate at all for that matter? Very capable and smart.
you know, this thought never even crossed my mind until people on here started talking about "if trump were impeached/killed, Pence would be president". Originally i thought Pence was a terrible pick that only appealed to hardcore republicans who wouldnt have voted against trump anyways, but seeing pence as "insurance" makes me think that Trump's chessboard reaches more dimensions than previously thought possible
mike "all you fuckin faggots are gonna FRY NIGGERS KILL ALL THE NIGGERS KILLEM KILL THE NIGGERS
Mike "like it in the ass? prepare to get gassed" would make an awesome president.
If Trump gets assassinated before his first 100 days are over he'd be more respected than JFK, Lincoln and MLK combined.
I see nothing wrong with him. He's staunchly conservative and will continue to curb the power of the federal government. I personally don't see why people think he's a warmonger any more than Trump would be other than because of the fact he's not a fucking pussy that apologizes for the USA every chance he gets like B.O.
both VP picks were simultaneously pandering to the base in swing states, and insurance policies against lone gunman doing the CIA's job
if some SJW shoots Trump, they get Mike "AC-DC for the LGBT" Pence as president, and conversely, if Hillary got elected and then shot by some trumpkin, then they get Tim "gas the Anglos, Mexican colonization now" Kaine as president
Mike "The Electric" Pence
You mean
>Mike "Bears Get the Chair" Pence
>Mike "Kill the Queers" Pence
>Mike "Like Other Men? Turn the Dial to Ten" Pence
>Mike "End The Sodomite Blight" Pence
>Mike "Gays to the Guillotine" Pence
>Mike "Conversion Therapy for the Fairy" Pence
>Mike "The Faggot Finder" Pence
>Mike "Killer of Cum Dumpsters" Pence
>Mike "Abortion's Only For Gays" Pence
>Mike "Declaring Dick-Suckers Dead" Pence
>Mike "Bye Bye Bi" Pence
>Mike "A Pan for a Pan" Pence
>Mike "Do Hurry, We're Hunting Furries" Pence
>Mike "Damaging Deviants" Pence
>Mike "Shooting Steers and Queers" Pence
>Mike "The Homo Tied To The Back of My Car Is In Drag" Pence
>Mike "Wear a Dress? You're a Mess" Pence
>Mike "Terminating Trannies Like I'm a Pakistani" Pence
>Mike "Putting Fear in the Genderqueer" Pence
>Mike "Fags Aren't Worth a" Pence
>Mike "I Really Dislike Gays" Pence
Because if so I think he'd be great.
No, it'd be like electing a typical republicuck like Paul Ryan/Romney/Bush
Fuck no
He stands diametrically opposed to everything Trump stands for. He's a globalist scumbag.
Pence created his own 'amnesty' bill.
Pence supports the TPP and NAFTA.
Pence favored Bush's illegal Iraq War.
Pence endorsed Ted Cruz instead of Donald Trump.
Pence is a RINO.
If Trump is assassinated, we'll know the neocohens were responsible.
In all seriousness Mike "Kill the gays with gamma rays" Pence would be a decent normal establishment President. I also think he may be a more prominent VP than in years past.
No, fuck you. Gay ass faggot
>Mike "If men make you jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence
Zap the gay away!
No please leave cuckservative.
I made the distinction of normal establishment President.