Fuck you nerds

Fuck you nerds.

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And yet, it was never, ever actually funny.

I still like Tim Heidecker.

He's a funny guy.

>not knowing Sup Forumss average IQ is 120
Lol OK nigger

What did he mean by this?

just like marxist swill whistling as they proudly stroll into their very own dairy farm after they seize the means of production from the evil bourgeoisie.

see, they whistle because the government decreed they appear happy at all times about the revolution otherwise its the whip and another night without dinner.

I would, but then again I don't post autistic kek shit

this. tim is a fucking hack. glad that he's so butthurt

LOL nigger mad he gonna gave to get back to work, and not on welfare

Also no more slingin' dope on the side, Trump has built the wall, land mined the ground, an deported/killed all illegal criminal spics

Is he implying that none of the alt-right are blue-collar?

See, this is the haughty, sanctimonious attitude liberals have, which is also hypocritical. The heaviest work Tim has ever had was carrying Eric, he never has worked a day in his life with that soft body.

Same here Tim. I can not wait to have great jobs that do not require me to go in debt for the rest of my life to get paperwork.

>visited a foundry in high school
>highly paid jobs, looked cool as fuck
>foundry closed in the 1990s after NAFTA
Jews don't have a clue

I mean, that'd be great really. I'd love to work in a factory with you fucks.

Jokes on him, I already work in a factory.


I'm not calling you dumb I'm calling you nerds.

why do people think this kind of work is bad.

The money is great and the work is all physical so you usually lose a lot of weight and get disciplined by the end of it.

wtf I hate right-wing populism now

they "fight" the bourgeoisie one glass of champagne at a time.

>have fun with your decent paying careers that average working class stiffs can start into without going into debt at college

What will we ever do?



he could also mean that we're deplorables and that we'll end up blue collar which is something to be made fun of apparently.

I didn't get the joke at first because I am fit young and handsome.

Lol nah I already have a good gig as a programmer

But if that shit goes south I wouldn't mind working in a factory, I'm not a lazy piece of shit, I've worked construction with my dad before.

Check his new tweets out they are not funny at all. Not even "GOOFS"

fuck you too, loser

Better than being a NEET tbqh

>i'm butthurt but i claim to be ironic so you can't laugh at me

Even construction isn't that physical. Yes it can be physical, but a lot of it is using very powerful machinery in a safe and controlled manner.

Is that weev?

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>not knowing Sup Forums aremostly stem and finance fags

Haha ironically they see themselves as superior with their dogshit arts degrees, when most of us have weaponized our degrees in autism to destroy the jew.

passing him tools is not working lol

>butthurt that the "nerds" have skills and intelligence therefore won't have to work in the mines
>butthurt that his wife's son's dad will, and will be too tired from swinging a pickaxe to fuck his wife every day
Lmao I always said his show sucked

Why do liberals think manufacturing is like some black lung/child labor horror?

Modern mining/manufacturing is high tech and safe. It would be a great, blue collar job. And you'd probably make more than an office bitch sucking corporate dick all day.

>A high paying, stable job with with benefits.
Pfff, yeah, who would want that?

I don't get IT though. Why would Tim be a liberal? I suspect he is a fedora who just despises evangelicals.

that's wrong too

I play sports. some of us are also soldiers

all you got are bullshit strawman

still saging

Hell I'd work in those industries if it means better pay than I'm getting now

It would also mean moving out of California, which is a huge plus

yes, and that's a prison tattoo, not some internet thing


>swinging a pickaxe
this isnt runescape

Yeah man those stupid working-class laborors, haha what a joke

I'm a socialist by the way

I'm a butcher, I'm 6'1" 235 with a 1400lb total, and I'll gladly fight Tim Heidecker to the death in a ring any day.

Working either of those jobs sounds kind of fun desu.

I'd like to wear a miner hat.

Didn't this faggot go on a huge rant about how he wanted Trump to lose so badly that all his supporters felt depressed for a long time or some shit?

guys guys its just a goof

Nigger, I'm already gainfully employed.

However, the rest of these NEETs might have to man up.

When I watch Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs I think to myself "Interesting career, I wonder how well it pays."

When liberals see Dirty Jobs they think its some horror that the workers are enslaved to.

Me too. Good exercise unlike sitting down all day mudering your eyes with computer screens and looking like a pasty faggot.


How is growing up and working a bad thing?

>white men increasingly exiting society because of cultural marxism, affrimative action, etc.
>giving them jobs that were previously occupied by illegals or "diverse candidates"

That's what they want

Hows Sarah Silverman holding up, Tim?

Well I'm majoring in geology so a Trump presidency would mean good things for me

You guys are pussies. Just admit that people can be talented while also having terrible opinions.

We love Sam Hyde here, right? His comedy is just a stale version of Tim and Eric, but he has the right opinions, so we love him.

What the fuck does that even mean

calm down hes not insulting the prophet

>tfw used to prefer Tim over Eric but now realize that Eric was the true talent

I'm getting a sweet job at a steel factory?
Nice! Thank you Emperor Trump. My wife and will be able to afford children!

>Just admit that people can be talented
what exactly was talented about that tweet? otherwise I don't even know who the fuck that jackass is

Roofing and roof tearoff, actually. Not exactly what you would called skilled labor but it's fucking brutal.

What did he mean by this?

He meant to say that he's a comedy fraudster with little to no genuine humor and that he's upset because he wanted to vote for the whole

>this is the only way I'm gonna get pussy


Unfuckable, unfunny zilch

>Just admit that people can be talented while also having terrible opinions.
I still like deniro and bryan cranston, but tim and his shows were always awful

>just now realizing that nerds are not good people

Well maybe if we weren't oppressed by chads we wouldn't have turned out this way. It's too late now. We're going to make America great again whether you want it or not.

Why do liberals always talk down to the working class? Society is built upon the type of people who march themselves into coal mines and steal factories. It's hard work, but it's an honest living. Also:

>Producing large amounts of quality steel again
Sign me the fuck up

When Hitler won he actually made the populace work for extensive periods of time in factories and in the fields. Im not talking about the jews.

Says a dude who draws cartoons for a living and has never worked manual labor a day in his life

contributing to a war effort? the cheek of it

>steal factories

You mean black housing projects?

Jocks are a part of the patriarchy. They're nothing but a symbol of toxic masculinity.

They must be killed along with every last fucking white male.

I need to remember to properly proof read my posts.

Eat a dick faggot, I'm fine with working in a steel factory.

Also this epic conundrum is resolved when you realize white racists like white jocks not black ones.

Stealing factories is pretty tough, takes a lot of manpower.


Tim why do you post here every night? Go make more episodes of Bedtime Stories or stfu

Sweet bantz, Jaapie.

>we love 'X' here, right?
>Tim and Eric is funny
Whoa rly made me think

I love him no matter what he does. He wamts to have a goof, let him.

why do they hate the working class so much? do you think this is why they are so shocked they lost so hard, they completely discount the working class?

He means that anime/pepe trolls wouldn't or can't actually do the wirk because they are NERDS

>r/soylent benedict

>I can actually buy decently quality-controlled products made in America soon
Good. Enough of this chinese shit that breaks when I touch it.

spagett was funny imo

lol I used to be a miner. Hardly any mines are working right now so I got laid off. I'd love to go back.

They hate the working class because you can't white guilt them into voting for you.

Show was never funny.


I too, can not wait for jobs to finally be open to American workers once more. Because he's fucking kidding himself if he doesn't think there aren't people willing to do it. Just because he's a bitch doesn't mean everyone is.

Because they have "problematic opinions" and (more importantly) are living proof that neoliberal economics is fucking jewish scam (pic related.)

there seem to be two ways to look at his tweet

>we're lazy NEETs and will end up like blue collar losers eventually
>we're white collar bitches telling other people to go work in the mines

lets figure that out first, what did he mean by this?

>Just admit that people can be talented while also having terrible opinions.

Jason Alexander supports hillary. Tim is just an autistic piece of shit WHO btw is a fucking rat.

>steal factories
That's how we're going to bring those jobs back.

>nerds are depicted as having higher intelligence than jocks
>jocks fall in line with SJW bullshit
>nerds become Nazi's in response
>hurr duurr nerds are wrong

Even Tim's twitter meltdowns are nothing compared to Vic Berger (one of Tim's editors, the guy who made all those SuperDeluxe trump videos with the airhorns, etc.)

After Nov 9th he spent two days straight screaming on twitter, calling anyone who supported/defended trump a racist bigot, and tried to get Sam Hyde's AS show canceled because Sam wrote a strongly-worded, conservative-leaning statement promoting Trump.

we're on to something lads

>Oh no, we get better jobs, how horrible.

Daily reminder that your average steel worker made around 40k to 60k a year. These jobs aren't coming back.

Friedman is fucking redpilled and based.

Does the fact Pinochet killed all those commies trigger you?