Who are these "classical liberals"?
"Classical Liberals" are like libertarians who want big government.
They essentially want maximum freedom of choice for people as opposed to the social liberals (modern democrats) who are obsessed with identity politics (racism, sexism, blah blah blah).
They are superior to the social liberals but still kinda cucky.
As a classical liberal I can confirm
I don't want a massive invasive government, but I don't mind if they build roads and schools.
Could you elaborate? I can't picture their policies in my head.
imagine a democrat without brain damage
I thought that was a prerequisite to join the party.
>maximum freedom
>big government
I can't picture
the right mixture
I dunno it can really be a lot of different things. It is a real political ideology though.
You could probably find a better definition through google.
It's liberalism without all of the social focus. All the racism, sexism, homophobia focus of current liberals is not there.
We need to suppress this. If you have the opportunity to discredit or upset someone who is trying to calm tensions and restore "rationality" to the left please do what you can.
We're going to surf the wave of their hatred and build strength until the collective will is strong enough to purge them.
Can you name a conservative that doesn't want roads or schools?
They are very close to modern libertarians.
Except libertarians are supposed to be for small government.
For all I know I could be a classical liberal. Idk where this term came from or what it's about
I always thought classical liberalism was john-locke god-given rights and adam smith style economic freedom
Essentially, a lot of modern conservative ideas
It is, people itt don't know their history
What the op describes should be called paleo-liberalism
Maybe I should be more specific cause I guess I'm just a fucking retard
What's the difference between libertarians and left wing libertarians
I think socially they are the same but they differ on whether states or the federal government should holde more power.
I don't really know though desu I'm probably completely wrong you gonna have to google it.
Imagine a lefty who isn't an authoritarian. They'd petition a church to do gay marriages instead of petitioning the government to force them.
It is somewhat out of date now because of how much things have changed in the past decade. But before Obama's identity politics and security state the democrats main problems with people like George W/Neocons were things like infringing on civil liberties like privacy, getting involved in needless foreign wars, discouraging free speech, outsourcing our jobs overseas, unconstitutional use of power with things such as drone strikes, abuse of governmental systems like the IRS that are supposed to be apolitical, abusing executive orders and having an overly secretive and nontransparent administration that is harsh on legitimate whistleblowers etc
And obviously Obama is guilty of all of those things and much more
pretty sure thats wrong nigger
Now that makes fucking sense. Glad I'm not one of these commie bastards
Essentially, classical liberals differ from conservatives in an ideological sense, which means neither side is right or wrong, they simply have different but rational approaches to the same issues. Where as modern liberals differ from conservatives in the sense that modern liberals are objectively wrong about everything all the time.
In less cynical terms, classical liberals are *actually* liberal, both socially and fiscally, where as classical liberals are arbitrarily selective with social freedoms and from a fiscal standpoint are best described as not knowing how money works.
you can own a tank with a working cannon and machines guns. yet the state also builds roads, schools, hospitals, a strong powerful military, and could even have a welfare state to help those that are poor and old.
real liberals.
For example: a real liberal wouldn't support Islam because it is oppressive and conservative.
But modern liberals support Islam because they're a minority? OR because the right is skeptical of these terrorists known as islam?
Left wing libertarians oppose state authority like regular libertarians, but they are not full on free market. They believe privatization can lead to abuses of authority as well. So they're on the spectrum running towards true anarchism, i.e. abolishing all forms of authority (government, corporate, etc.).
In a moderate form, they probably are not full on anarchists but maybe do oppose certain legal immunities given to corporations, like limited liability, certain forms of intellectual property, they might have Georgist leanings, etc.
because marxism and jews.
>yes I know that statement contained a redundancy.
>"Classical Liberals"
AKA "The alt-right". That's how far left the "left" has gone.
Oh, left wing libertarians are liars, they're just lefties. Libertarians are indistinguishable in the real world because they're easily shamed into voting exactly like a lefty.
I'm a libertarian and classical liberal.
I always vote against incumbent candidates or incumbent parties. Though I usually favor republicans. Just to keep gun contorl at bay.
I'm glad you faggots make all this shit so clear.
But many of classical liberalism's greatest champions are/were Jews fampai.
>the '''''''''alt-right''''''''''
Retards with no coherent ideology memeing and LARPing at politics online. They have no relation to classical liberalism.
>Retards with no coherent ideology memeing and LARPing at politics online. They have no relation to classical liberalism.
I meant as opposed to libertarians and anarchists, not conservatives.
You Roads thing is literal retardation.
Time share is not socialism..neither is going in on a Keg of beer on friday night with the friends.
Going in with your neighbors to pave a street..is no SOCIALISMMMMMMMM....its not even political.
Fucking this is why you people LOST
>posts a retard with no coherent ideology who just LARPs at politics irl
Woah buddy you almost got me there you're a slick willy arentcha
At least he's got the Republicans telling him what to do for the most part so he can't screw up too bad I guess.
classic liberalism was the belief in god given/inherent rights that superseded those of any man made government.
you know, just the fundamental beliefs and stuff of the french and american revolutions and political source of both modern day american liberals and conservatives..
Classical liberalism is the basis of economics as we know it, and it relies on the morals that made Western civilization great. Freedom of speech, freedom of association, etc.
Wow pretty smug. Maybe you'll like this pic related.
Alt right is an ambiguous category without a clear ideology associated with it. That doesn't imply the people in the alt right don't have clear ideologies.
That's a fallacy of conflation.
You seem to have me confused with someone who dislikes Trump friend.
I just think he has no moral or political bearings but that he's useful to the Republicans he's in with. I don't like the guy personally but we weren't voting on a superbestfriend like Dems did with Obama and Hillary.
Then why even use the label if it's purposefully vague? 90% of the time it just covers for various levels of stormfaggotry anyway.
>Then why even use the label if it's purposefully vague?
The alt right was labeled the alt right so that the group could be marginalized and associated with stormfaggots.
This is the correct answer. Classical liberalism refers to the concepts of individual freedoms that came about during the Enlightenment. Modern libertarianism stems from this idea. Don't confuse the U.S. Libertarian party with conceptual/ideological libertarianism/classical liberalism. The former is now full of drugged-up, pozzed Bernouts.
Sup Forums is classical liberalism in its finest form--snarky satire and moral vanity that gets nothing accomplished all day long but makes us feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
>classical liberals
they died off or chose a side and became extremists.
But they chose the label themselves and actively choose to use it. Nothing was chosen for these people, and there are perfectly good things they can call themselves besides "alt."
I don't understand them, its over, they lost. Trump harnessed the populism wave. You can't just create a new wave, you have to ride it and thats it. Trump will make sure no other democrat obtains office by the time he's done.
How many factions of the left are there now?
Neo-Liberals like the homo in the OP
Social Justice leftists (which feel like the majority desu)
Socialist/commie nerds
me on the left.
What are you even on about? Did you read my post all the way through? Or is English not your first language?
>that gets nothing accomplished all day long
that makes no sense
classical liberalism created the united states
the two treatises of government was literally plagiarized in the declaration of independence
its the entire bill of rights and anti-federalist papers
So you basicly want a fantasy world?
>But they chose the label themselves and actively choose to use it. Nothing was chosen for these people, and there are perfectly good things they can call themselves besides "alt."
People who identify with it it are stupid and are working against themselves. This is nothing new.
ya I never heard anyone identify themselves as alt right until hillary said it.
its just a lefty attempt to incite bigotry.
People here
George Carlin was pretty much a classical liberal, I think.
They really hate political correctness because--correctly--they view it as tyranny, social oppression, and censorship.
I would say philisophical Liberalism doesnt map well to a political litmus test.
Its a philisophical system derived from protestant values that promotes promotes lawful, limited government.
Yeah. They go back to classical ideas about how people should be treated equally (decently), civil rights, that kinda thing. As opposed to, "whites are evil, kill whitey, gib the black man whatever he wants becuz dey wuz kangs"
I like that.
Ya know, during Obama's first term I recall many of my liberal friends being disappointed with him because he was basically "Bush Mark II'. No wonder, now we know how intertwined the Bushes, Clintons and Obama all are. But in any case, what's really weirded me out is how they forgot all those misgivings and went crazy with adoration after his re-election. WTF happened. Is gay marriage enough to undo all that criticism? Really??
mostly just old libercucks, and people who haven't quite red pilled themselves enough.
Classical Liberal: The government should provide a framework where all people can thrive in, without oppressing them and their freedom.
Primarily the former, due to identity politics and the ongoing libtard obsession with racial politics, but the latter doesn't hurt, they throw that in lol.
the hilarious thing is that obama didnt even do dick for gay marriage and was against it when he ran in 2008 because the country was against it then. he just gets the credit for it because of what the supreme court did during his presidency
honestly Trump came out for equal right for gays LONG before hillary and obama did
"PC" IS NOT tyranny in Liberal philosophy
Tyranny is when the governors need not adhere to the same laws as the governed. This is exactly why the clintons must burn.
In the two treatisies of government, the chapter "of tyranny" is immediately followed by "of dissolution of government". If you have studied the american revolution at all you know how that plays out.
Read the sparknotes, John Locke is the dude.
>was against it when he ran in 2008 because the country was against it then
Holy shit, I had forgotten that.
Just unbelievable how everything has gone completely mad in such a short time. I really believe it's a combination of subliminal indoctrination and some weird shit they put in the water. I don't drink tap water.