The left is eating itself
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>white person lecturing white people on what they are allowed to do
What's amazing about these things is they inadvertently prove the point that white people should be considered it's own group capable in-group thought, motives and interests.
>White people letting inferior minorities know they're safe with them.
Sounds like white man's burden. The fact that the liberals are incapable of seeing the irony in their own racism gives me a reason to Kek and to live.
Goddamn. What an amazing week. The wonders of meme magic manifested in the physical world.
Search #whitefeminism on social media. They pissed that most white women voted trump
>literally showing the world that you're a crybaby who needs to wear a fucking safety pin
This is better than any meme we could have come up with.
The first time I read it I was convinced it was something Sup Forums started.
It's exactly the same as Brexit. The mental Left and the """"rational left"""" were the only two people in the ring, gloves off and swinging wildly. They ripped themselves apart over here and ended up putting Comrade Corbyn in charge.
It's fucking hilarious shit, it really is. And they will never have a single argument to win those on the Right back over to their side. Enjoy it America, it's going to be delicious.
>that thing lecturing anyone on an orgasm being real
>as an orgasm with donald trump would be real
after media has pretty much made the right a demon for years, called literally all of it racist, sexist and homophobi, after making the right seem like a james bond villain. Is it really a wonder that the left doesn't even attempt to view things from the other side, or understand us?
The situation we're living in is insane and the media, these "journalists", should be held responsible for it. Fucking jews and their divide and conquer, people should stand together despite political differences
>White people is a person
Leftists are going full retard
>No. Just no.
I hate this shit.
Beautiful work.
thinking about that fat disgusting yeast infected twat gushing funk juice is enough to puke
I don't even understand what the fuck this is saying.
How do we make it worse? Pretend to be tankies and shit talk social justice as the cause of leftist failure. You should see even on /leftypol/ any one TOO tankie gets called out fir being fascist or whatever.
As an asian that voted trump this fucker implying i'm white is racist.
this is ridiculous. white is a transcendental race. sounds like a wigger.
The ones since the election are gold.
We should be doing something like that...
They successfully brought "minorities" to their side by throwing groups of people against each other.
They realized not enough girls are on their side this election (are they going to throw money at (neo)feminists in unis again ?).
We should use the same plan in the next years to bring at least white girls to our side (let themselves push white women away from them).
"We elected a racist"
>Hillary won?
Nonsense. Hillary can't be racist. She loves hot sauce!
She might love hot sauce, but Trump loves the whole taco bowl
American Liberalism and American Pop Culture are almost parallel too each other. There /is/ a reason why Clinton had so many pop celebrities at her campaigns.
fuck *to
#FuckWhiteWomen would be even better
I like to fuck white women. I could get into that.
wtf I hate myself now
These are the same people who put Canada patches and stickers all over their stuff after Bush won. They have some pretty deep seated shame.
>le strawman comic
You are no better than them at this point
I'm fucking lost here I thought the white women were the target, can they make up their mind already on who they're going to lash out to?
Nonsense these people were 4 years old when bush won
It's an analogy, breh. It's meant to shed some light on the hypocrisy of blacks and minorities so they realize they're being racists.
>His trademark smug smile
Why are they listening to manatees?
>The left is eating itself.
Thank you, Sup Forums.
I think #whitefeminism just proves that in fact most women do want to be grabbed in the pussy but a good looking, famous, charismatic, successful billionaire
He kinda has a good point, in that he's right about the whole "doing nothing just to feel better about yourself."
how dare you insult manatees
Even if Trump just sit in the Oval office and does nothing, it was fuckign worth it
checked for kek!
I'd prefer he actually do a good job.
Although when he's following the disaster that was Obama, Trump could tie a garbage bag to a flag pole and wave it around for 4 years and things will probably get better on their own.
this this this this this lets fucking do it
>Panel 1
Black man says chocolate is his favorite flavor, white man says "that's cool, I also like chocolate."
>Panel 2
White man says vanilla is his favorite flavor, black man makes a "the fuck did you just say?" face.
>Panel 3
White man is alone in the center of the panel shrugging his shoulders with the chocolate cone smashed into his face and the vanilla cone smashed into the ground.
That's how you do this comic without strawmanning. The third panel with the black guy freaking out and pointing his finger is some cringey shit you'd expect to see in a "this is how hard it is to be trans" comic.
on second thought #fuckwhitefeminists is best
I fucking hate chocolate ice cream.
The strawmanning is intentional you autist. You fail to grasp the point because you're too busy trying to make it fixed.
>let's co opt poor punk culture because we're rich suburbanites and we know better
Fuck these cornball kids.
guys GUYS
how do you pronounce shadilay?
no he's fucking right and you're wrong.
We don't want to insight hatred in sjw blacks. We want to incite hatred of sjw blacks
oh, Thanks I'll pretend it's a muslim term and get my liberal friends to spread it.
Praise kek.
1. Hashtag #safetyhouse around
2. Look up dodgy neighbourhoods / ghettos from Google Maps
3. Send the dumbfucks there.
"shad" is like Chad but with a sh sound
"il" like a synonym for sick
"lay" like in lay down
how can we subvert these pins?
Fresh oc
Has anyone realized how fucking unnatural and hard to do the actual 'Pepe hand' is? Its fucking difficulty to maintain
SHAD uh lay
>white people
Gay white liberals are already on it senpai
Fuck everyone who responds to twenty posts like this, should be an auto ban
Following Bush and Obama the bar is set pretty low
Little stupid comics aren't going to do that. Black people are effective enough.
As a line in a great song among other great songs said "There's always some else to blame"
God it's so beautiful. Do you think we can guilt white leftists into giving all their money to minorities to try to make up for the election?
I voted for Hillary. If you want me to regret doing so, then keep blaming me for Trump just because I am a white man.
This sort of rhetoric is starting to make me really sick.
Why would anyone who isn't white continue to live in the US (let alone move here) if it's so awful to be a non-white in this country? The left is acting like it's difficult to even survive in this country unless you are a white male. Do these people ever leave their homes? The real world is nothing like what they pretend it is.
As a white guy, I don't feel safe walking around at night... and I live in fucking Buffalo. And it sure as hell isn't because of Trump voters.
Why would you want the money to go to minorities? They waste it on frivolous shit that doesn't even help the economy.
That's fucking genius!
>trips checked
4chanx has an option to autohide posts containing a certain amount of replies, why aren't you using it?
Be wary of 200lb+ hambeasts: this is what you'll get. Prescriptions for yeast infections are stunningly common.
Yes, ostracize white people more, tell them to their faces they're the devil, they'll be very happy I assure you.
Aren't they marking themselves like the Star of David?
What a backwards plan, lol.
That's what they'll say to this chick
I just want to hurt leftists. I don't care how it's accomplished.
It didn't stop the posts that were linked to the posts he replied to.
Scrolling through the thread I go to click and see who replied to a post and revert times in a row it's this Mexican faggot
>It's ironically shit
Won't this get confusing since people use safety pins in fashion? like punks?
"Punks" are totally bluepilled these days anyways, so it's not like it matters
Grow up, little man.
Most people don't know this safety pin thing exists anyhow.
another word deployed by the prog left that seems to mean anything and nothing at once
what the fuck happened? they used to be fun
The left is eating itself
Says incredibly nervous man for the seventh time.
The moderate left is an uroboros created by sticking its head up its ass.
The only people I personally know truly happy about Trump are rural working Americans, Marxists and the alt right
The liberal elite forgot who built the foundation of the country and they will continue to pay for it if they don't learn.
I've spent years reading SJW articles about how they don't want allies who are straight/white/male/etc.
These cucks need to understand that these people hate you for who you are (a straight white person). Just stop.
You just can't win.
Post yfw the left memes white people into becoming nazis and white supremacists.
They fought the system but couldn't win. So they ran away from the system and ended up with a bunch of pussies who really idolized them. So they got complacent.
Good. Chocolate Ice cream is for children and plebs
Who knows?
Apparently counter-culture means being as far left as possible, along with every other socially acceptable social group.
It's a weird thing with "punks" and "goths" (I use these terms very loosely) and other such groups. "Oh, we look so bad and scary but we're actually nice and open unlikely those damn judgemental adults."
They're just social justice warriors that wear leather.