Fellow Reed College Sup Forumsack, whoever xe is...

Fellow Reed College Sup Forumsack, whoever xe is, decided to graffitit this along with some other ~alt-right~ catchphrases in the library (commonly known as the "lib" lmfao). Sincere irl trolling or libcuck false flag? Either way, show yourself in this thread user

>tfw it's going to be 10x harder to be a rich white man at this liberal hellhole of an institution

Fucking edgelord couldn't help but stir up shit.. I just wanna graduate w/o getting burned at the stake, and this is not making it easier. For context, our campus has already been wracked by BLM protests of how racist our school is this year.

>muh it's racist to only study greece rome and the bible and egypt and mesopotamia in the 1st year humanities class.

>muh not enough black students graduate

Even the president of the college was recently btfo by protestors when he was trying to give a speech to the parents lol.

>mfw I'm comfy watching riot streams while my friends go out and scream yell and eat flashbangs

Sup Forums used to work like fight club, its likely sabotage. The Anonymous legion has been highjacked by libcucks. Always ask yourself who would profit most from it, it is usually those people.

Oh boy a Reedie being an edgy faggot this is big news!

Quite likely. What self-respecting neo-nazi draws a fucking five-pointed star? Nice job naming the kindergarten teacher instead of the jew.

>tfw it's going to be 10x harder to be a rich white man at this liberal hellhole of an institution
Maybe you should've studied harder to get into a better school then.

The ride never ends here

I bought into the "elite liberal arts school" meme..Kill me

>moonman right-wing
Fuck off nigger you know it wasn't us

Reed isn't elite. Columbia, Cornell, Oxford. Those are elite schools. Reed is third-rate at best. You have no right to complain about idiots because you ARE one.

I agree.. But now there's gonnah be annudah shoah for us white folx

>just learning about Moon Man in 2016

>white is right
>uses an indo-iranian symbol

Why are white people so fucking cringe inducing? This is worse than we wuz kangz.

this man has excellent taste in graffiti


Gonna be honest, I don't think Trump cares about poor white people.

fuck all zou liberac niggers pie?

Trump is a narcissist

He wants statues of himself and people worshiping him like hes a god.

The only way he can achieve that in this lifetime is by getting poor white people to love him enough to fight and kill in his name

I guarantee he will do everything he can to accomplish that goal.

>trump cares

honetsly what the fuck is wrong with you canadian filth?


yeah tumblrina or how it's pronounced.

Whatever, just go home


hey portlandbro, what is it like to live over there as a trump supporter

those riots look pretty bad, and everybody sounds gay as fuck

This is a good thing. Use the Alinsky tactics against them. Rub raw this tension, scare the crap out of them, make them lose all hope. Their worst fears are come true and it will be sudden, not gradual.

The more they freak out, the stronger we get. It has always been this way.

Fuck, that really sucks, this is why I hate drumpfniggers. Should of voted Jeb! on the 8th instead of Drumpf

OP did it to make a thread on Sup Forums


>Sup Forums used to work like fight club,

Hasn't worked like this for over a decade.

You have no idea the shit we did and still do (offsite) because you are new here. Try and organize fake twitter accounts here and see how many days you last before they are all banned. Project Chanology brought all the normies and at any given moment 10-15% of Sup Forums is diametrically opposed to our views. If you want to help get on IRC.

It's irritating at times but on the whole incredibly comfy. The fact that we're such a white city is a big reason for all the white guilt and such. I've been soaking in the finest tears for days

>someone chalks "TRUMP 2016" on an out-of-the-way sidewalk on campus 2 days ago
>next day wake up to literally the entire campus covered in shitlib slogans about PEACE AN TOLERNS
The left's overreactions make every victory that much sweeter

would you recommend moving there


guys i hope you realize thats just a normal dog with a ham on its face.