The popular vote is meaningless because

The popular vote is meaningless because

Both candidates would have campaigned differently if it did.

Voters may have turned out that didn't due to the overwhelming lean of the state.

We are not a democracy.

Everyone was playing by the same rules, it's over.

Anything else?

Other urls found in this thread:

>no succubus to take my virginity

Funny how they hung so much of this election on Florida and California based on the the EC, and now are bitching about it because they lost.

Electoral college is bullshit. And always fucks up the popular vote when they don't match. It shouldn't be one or the other.

who is this semon demon.


With my luck I would summon an incubus that would rape me.


>you will never have a qt goth gf that speaks in a dead-inside monotone and lays there while you fuck her pale living corpse

some cosplayer

I've had 2 goth qt's in the past. They aren't wife material. They both were into self-harm.




>We are not a democracy.
Which is why the USA didn't just have an election.

i thought the goth meme was dead years ago

Plus BOTH federal senate candidates in California this year where democrat, making many more Republicans stay home than normal. This explains why California and D.C. where the only two states Hillary Clinton outperformed Obama.

We need names user!

Is it not showing on reverse image search? I seriously don't know the name- it is some cosplayer.


Tasha Leigh

it's too aesthetic to ever die.

now you're learning, boyo

Hillary didn't get more than 50% of the votes. Giving the victory to Hillary when less than 50% wants her doesn't align with the concept of popular vote. Libertarian Johnson got 3%,would libertarians prefer Hillary as their second choice?

Post Goth Milfs.

It took me to unaffiliated Twitter accounts.

Thank you user.

how do i save pictures from this shitty fucking website

what was this girls name again, something rain?
id like to see the video again for...reasons

Lana Rain

This must be b8

Try imgrum I guess.

based beanman

Or just right click and select "save as..."
That'll save all the images but not videos sadly.

>We are not a democracy.
we are. we're a representative democracy, a republic. republic is a form of democracy

democracy = publicly owned government
monarchy = privately owned government

types of democracy include: direct democracy, republics, parliamentary democracy (most constitutional monarchies)

types of monarchy include: hereditary monarchy, elective monarchy, fascism

If you look in the red states in that map you can find the counties where the universities are.


>We are not a democracy.
Yes you are.

Popular vote decides who wins the state and decides how the electors are allocated. It may not be direct democracy but the will of the people is heard.

>democracy = publicly owned government

I'll take fake definitions for 400 Bob

please read hans herman hoppe's "Democracy: The God That Failed Us"

>tfw no cute shy goth gf who turns out to be a total sex demoness

u fukn pussi azz boi, im a cdn uni student and im trump all the way

No, like this.
It'll only save as far as you go, so if you want all the pictures you'll have to go to the bottom of her page.

>Failed Us

made it personal, freudian slip i guess

as usual , fpbp


If the popular vote determined who was going to be president, voters would have behaved differently.

There are a lot of conservatives in NY and CA that would have been more enthused to vote if there vote actually matter in the presidential election.

Plus, the other conservative party got 3 million votes. This is was a conservative mandate.

Liberals had their chance for the last 8 years, but they didn't capture the will of the people.

Here's one.

She has a youtube channel

Don't forget it's disingenuous to claim the people wanted Clinton, considering 100 million people didn't vote.

Is she thicc?

nvm, yeah she is

>Voters may have turned out that didn't due to the overwhelming lean of the state.
This is so true
I have relatives in Pennsylvania and they didn't bother to go out and vote Trump because they were sure it would be futile

It's not one or the other. The overall popular vote for president doesn't matter.

She's hot
Here, judge for yourself

thanks man, that's a good point

if it were by popular vote, reds on the west coast and new york would actually have voted, ie all the highest population areas.

Das a trap

Pretty THICC, unless you're a fucking memer who thinks THICC means Fat

See this map? Those electors are numbered by how many Representatives are in each state. Each county votes one way or another. If the counties are majority red, those electors of the Electoral College are pledged to represent the majority will of the people in each place.
That the map is overwhelmingly red means the electors voted as pledged and did their jobs in representing their districts. A handful of major cities will only get you so far here. Shear off the illegal immigrant vote, too, and those blue dots become specks, especially out west. Tldr: If 6 million in New York City vote Clinton, but the entire state of Florida goes red with 4 million votes, Florida gets more electoral votes for Trump hecause they're an entire fucking state. Snobs in blue cities really believe they're more important than entire states. That's why the EC is necessary.

The word on the street is that Trump pulled ahead in the popular vote tally. CNN had an article about just that, then shortly after redacted it to maintain the narrative.

CTR spends days on here telling people not to vote.
People don't vote.
CTR spends days in here telling people they should of voted.
WEW lad

sadly a shoop. she was a bernout

county != congressional district

simple proof - Vermont has 1 congressional district.