Marine Le Pen as president = France leaves EU = EU collapses = no more islamification of Europe
Marine Le Pen as president = France leaves EU = EU collapses = no more islamification of Europe
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that's it, more or less
well, we should get right on that then!
eu collapses =/= no more islamification.
you need nationalist parties to take charge for that to happen, and other events as well.
Well obviously that will not happen in an instant (nor to such an absolute degree), but EU no longer enforcing immigration is certainly a step in the right direction, and everytime an IGO has collapsed, it has been replaced by a similar one more suitable to the needs of contemporary geopolitics
Don't know shit so bump for others to answer
to guess: True
The EU will survive as long as Germany backs it and is in relatively good shape.
If Germany does nothing about their situation then the EU is probably done.
dude if another big country, especially one so centrally located, leaves the EU, its done for.
not to mention, the euro cant sustain another country in financial ruin, which several EU members (particularly Italy) are on the brink of. its holding on due to the, frankly, insignifance of Greece, but a bit more instability on its part, it will not survive without a sovereign entity guiding it (which IGOs do not yet quality as).
The EU is nearing its end regardless
Even if the floodgates were closed tomorrow, what is Europe going to do with the millions of undocumented Arabs/Blacks that are already inhabiting the continent? I think deporting them all is going to be near impossible. It would be a very long, drawn-out and messy process. These people that have all become accustomed to the charitable gibs of European civilization are not going to go peacefully. I think there would mass-scale acts of terror committed all across Europe if it were to happen.
No what is the point of the EU if france is out?
Do it.
if it happen i bet germany and its diversity squad will chimpout again
EU must go. Kek provide the vitality for this!
UK is still trapped in EU, how is France going to leave?
Is leaving the EU part of her plan?
france .... pff ... its called
>"Paris and the french Desert"
for a reason..
wait till germoney will elect teh AfD (far right party) .. then you will have a real collapse
EU = UK, FR, GER and freeloader countries who wants a bills from ECB.
UK just leave that shit, your turn froggyfolks.
Assuming it's true, with every attack more French normies will become red-pilled and supportive of the deportation.
Must be cold there
Countries to buy German exports.
25% of French youth identify as Muslims:
France is fucked.
Thank the leftists. Thank them in person.
of course it is. if she win she start a voting process instantly
Help catch illegals. Change starts at home.
wtf i love france now
lose some to win some. kicking out the ungratefuls needs to happen.
we need to meme FN into power too
it worked with Brexit, with Trump
there is now no doubt that Kek will it and that meme magic is real
So what I'm getting is that if Sup Forums is the hero it claims to be, the new #1 focus should be:
1. Quit talking about Trump, that's done with now
2. Get Marine Le Pen fucking goddamn elected!
Post some more tiddies, and I suppose I could get behind Le Pen.
Making out with black dudes was part of her plan.
For a muslim-free Europe!
>what is Australia
>what is Norway
>what is Russia
What people fail to realize is an English language board with mostly Americans is going to have a limited effect on French people, especially nationalists who notoriously love sticking to their french language, and thats a good thing.
So unless a bunch of Sup Forumsak's learn French we can't do what we did with Donald.
für untermenschenfrei Europa
ya, a problem is french boys cant speak english for shit. spaniards & germans neither
it sucks. it makes the rest of europe look bad
desu, since those 3 countries (and their adjacent ones) mostly cant speak english for shit, and all the poor ones, yknow, have bad education, youre basically left with scandinavia, switzerland, and a few other ones in the north
goddamnit france
Once France leaves the EU the average German will finally get pissed about all the Muslim and African immigrants
Bardot--a leftist with a brain.
bumping with oc
check'able but not kek'able
How do we help this happen?
>Step 1: Brexit
>Step 2: Trump
>Step 3: CalExit
>Step 4: Marine
>Step 5: AdiEU
>Step 6: EU collapse
>Step 7: Vladimir arrests Soros
>Step 8: ???
>brown eyes
fucking dropped
Then Wilders will push for nexit and so forth.
The french speak it, they just won't for the sake of being an asshole
Well, we can all agree the French are dicks (not even as a stereotype. Literally 90% of every french people ive ever met have been massive douchebags, and I've met a few), but even they don't deserve enforced sharia law & terrorist attacks
love her
Frenchfag here, confirming this.
Actually it's because we know our English is crap so we decide not to use it and hide that weakness behind arrogance
>forgetting Austria
But she's a socialist bitch.
Fuck that shit.
>Marine Le Pen as president = France leaves EU
>France leaves EU = EU collapses
>EU collapses = no more islamification of Europe
nationalism + socialism =/= marxism
Ahh fuck em. They've had 3 chances and blundered em every time. If they didn't learn the first two they certainly won't a 3rd or 4th
Europe is lost
we have to focus on the real west, the near east(islam) will never give up until the last christian is wiped out
>Korwin Mikke
"They can coome as long as theey wjork"
who cares. ain't white ain't right
who cares. ain't white ain't right
"Stop the boats! We are getting cucked by planes!"
"One Nation are racists!"
"Anchor babies, their parents and well behaved moslems will stay"
"Christian rapfuges welcome!"
"We need more immigration from Commonwealth"
won't repeal three amnesties Dutch government passed for illegals, won't deport non-EU working visa immigrants
power hungry gypsy corrupt fuck who planned to let rapefugges in, but understood that it will get Jobbik a landslide, decided to close the border
total cuck, doesn't even bother to introduce visas with islamic Central Asia
Total cuckservative. Swedish Jewb Bush
"somali moslems are as Swedish"
"Sweden is forever multi-ethic"
"S are real racists"
Disowned SDU - his own party's youth organisation for refusing accept multi-ethnic Sweden and "Swedified islam"
>Europe is lost
>52% white
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
you want me to tell how I know that you are a fuckng immigrant?
Where are our French bros? I want to meme her in, but I need some guidance on culture and such
>100% white
>blue eyes
>blonde hair
sure go ahead dude
If Europe isn't lost it's going to be one hell of a show when they finally wake up.
Sure you are. you post like some shitskin from middle east or yugoslavia fresh off the boat in Norway who's crazed and blueballed both by local women. either an autist who posts girls non stop or some darkie
They need to leave Europe and that's all there is to it.
ah, its cuz i said scandinavia speaks better english than the rest of europe.
but im right though:
I don't debate it. Scandinavian and Dutch are the best in English. It's your obsession with blondes and omegaposting
Frenchfags need to lead the charge on this one. Sup Forums can meme but it won't do any good without you guys leading the way.
haha sorry i have random hb's in my posts to make people read em. worked on you, apparantly. didnt mean to trigger ya tho
>catch my eye
A teen or an autistic for sure. As you can see by my posting - I post informative and relevant information in the thread I like.
literally zero people have read that
nope, just a rant
the rest is just you whining about me. yeah super constructive
what about us?
>zero people read that
There is a reply
>he doesn't know that most people don't post at all
>just a rant
Factually correct rant
>no problem with islam in Australia
That's what I call a shitpost
Lindt, lebos, sudanese, arabs
ADL guy got shot in his own home
face it dude, the only way youve been constructive here is by helping me keep the thread alive with your butthurt whining
>Stop waiting for things to happen, go out and make them happen
So I can shop it on French heros like pic related and do my part in the Great Meme War
>butt hurt whining
Found a single factually incorrect statement, shitskin
learn 2 english, vladmir
also, noone cares
no french people have replied here because no french people speak english, apparantly
>no one cares
You created a thread about immigration dipship
ya, and noone gives two shits bout your third-world bitchwhine contribution (except me cuz its kinda funny)
Meh why not
>Arrêtez d'attendre que les choses se produisent d'elles-même, sortez et faites vous-même la difference.
Changed the phrasing a bit but it's the same message.
Some guy in the 1940's taught us that nothing is impossible
>>Arrêtez d'attendre que les choses se produisent d'elles-même, sortez et faites vous-même la difference.
Thank you based Leaf
>third world
little you know that unlike you part sami kek, I'm pure blood mountain forest Germanic