Well pol, how should we feel about this?

Well pol, how should we feel about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll answer with this.
"if you don't like the country you're living in, then get the fuck out and search another one"

let them fight

we sacrificed so much and Sup Forums still won't take us to winter ball

don't worry /soc/ I'll take you.

Watching the left eat itself is always good for a laugh.


let them hate us, it will bring us together and then we will have our race war

If only Whites are gay then explain how many niggers have AIDS

>implying they weren't bitching about male gays before the election

It's been going on heavily for at least 2 years now

God I fucking hate the left these days. All they do is shame everyone for everything. They are the most excruciating people in the world.

I'll be gay and I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

Kek they are turning on each other

Love seeing the left cannibalize each other. Proximity + Diversity = War

Gay who voted for Trump here.

Remove SJW.

Remove PC culture.

Remove SOCJUS.

If one more flamer tells me I have internalized homophobia I'm going to flip my fucking lid.

Perfectly fine

Tweets like this is one of the many reasons Trump won

>White gay men literally fought for homosexual rights
>They are now the problem.


>racism is bad
>white people are a problem

You rage you lose:


>the white male problem

tell me why I shouldn't put jackboots on and gas the lot of you


What do you guys think about this bitch?

I wonder what that spic thinks of the trannies that voted for Trump?

Help catch illegals. They can go be gay somewhere else.

we already had our tea parties.
we've been working on throwing the bastards out on the right.
now its the left's turn, its righteous, and while I do enjoy watching the turmoil.

I enjoy it because I am truely looking forward to honest debates between honest people on the right and left while the corrupters rot in prison. I dont agree with Bernie on a lot of things, but at least he was honest.
The establishment politicians and media must burn.

Make America Great Again

Kill all gays?

Liberals will cannibalize anyone who compromises their agenda.

First they came for the fucking white males, then they came for the fucking gay white males . . .

Fucking hell.

If you fuck pussies you're straight, if you fuck man ass, you're gay, if you do both you're bi. That's all the complication this shit needs. Using a bunch of bullshit special snowflake nonsense only serves to dilute the meaning of words and make it ever more difficult to communicate. The left loves labels, they love hurling them as insults at people who have differing opinions, and they love plastering them all over themselves because they have nothing else to define who they are in their vapid, worthless lives.