>Putin says electoral college isn't democratic
I-is he their guy?
yfw if Putin got his way, Trump wouldn't even have won. Explain this, is he #withher?
>Putin says electoral college isn't democratic
I-is he their guy?
yfw if Putin got his way, Trump wouldn't even have won. Explain this, is he #withher?
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it's not though
It's a republic-process
mods, can we please start banning/deleting duplicates of the SAME FUCKING THREAD OVER AND OVER AGAIN
The entire point of the electoral college is that the founding fathers didn't think that plebs were smart enough to decide important decisions directly. They were also afraid that it would just be too hard to run a genuine national election in a fair way.
no he ain't our guy, he's a faggot and Russia will be irrelevant in 5 years after it collapses and fragments. Russia has always been Americas enemy, no matter who's president.
Seriously. Republic!! Always....
Right on both counts.
so why are shitlibs running with the "it was meant to keep rich white landowners in power"
I can't assume they're just pulling this out of their asses - it has to have at least some (albeit I'm sure a weak one) link to history. What the fuck are they talking about and how did their professors twist it?
They're just pulling it out of their asses.
Actually Clintons lead is down to a little over 600,000 and shrinking......according to fucking even CNN. Updated tonight at 11:23 est. Let Putin know........
If it's at 600,000 now then it's growing. It was at 400,000 or so yesterday.
Representative republic...say it, understand what this means you cucks.
I would kill American any day
Give me American women and I will rape her
>Putin says electoral college isn't democratic
Putin isn't democratic either and he gets triggered by anything that can hinder his reelections. Some people might see American system and how great it worked (this time) and start to get funny ideas.
Putin just doesnt understand that we live in a democratic republic or what that means most foriegners dont , it is a little complicated for the rest of the world to understand. Not to mention it could be he said this for disinformation purposes , disnformation would be misleading any one investigating links with him to trump . we have had the electoral college since the vbery first election but that was called the second continental congress.
the difference in votes they got in a 300M republic is negligible, negligible
in my country (little and irrelevant, i know) all the money gets invested in Montevideo and the rest of the country gets 10% of the budget WHEN IT PROVIDES 50% OF THE GDP
i wish we had the same electoral college system here
I need to learn to speak sputnick, i know this translation is fucked though
probably because they are right? you retards probably only spew the history that suits your argument, but alexander hamilton actually tried to amend the EC because people were just making backroom deals and alliances to push their own agenda, the amendment didn't pass, and in modern times that deep seated corruption is just routine
he would hate what this country just did, using the EC to literally elect a capitalist pig of the highest order
hes right, and they used it agents us.
it was rigged . they threw the hot potato to us.
You have a high school Marxist's understanding of the electoral college. Refrain from posting before you further embarrass yourself.
It's an oligarchy. It was founded as a republic but those days are long gone.
That little cocksucker is playing both parties' fears and biases. The little shit wants a fractured U.S. bickering at otself so he can go for more territory to grab.
I'm even on (((Vox))) right now trying to see how people are complaining about the EC and it's only making me feel like it is the better system.
Don't get me wrong, I'd have loved it if Trump won the popular vote, but it seems wholly invaluable. It's not a "people's choice award" it's a "state's choice award".
They were both given the same set of rules to abide by - which they both agreed to, and set out to get the most electoral votes as possible by getting their message out to the states needed to win. Trump seems to have done that with half the money and 1/8th the team...seems like more under budget and ahead of schedule...
Can a liberal give me their SJW viewpoint on why the EC is bad? spewed some shit and left, it seems. I want to hear why California and NY should decide all the presidents in the US.
Hamilton was a proponent of the electoral college process. What the ever loving fuck kind of bait is this?
Never mind. I think I know what user is talking about. The general ticket electoral college (all electors go to the popular vote in that State) versus having each district vote for their own electors, who then cast a vote for the presidency independently.
>2 days ago, "I Love Putin OMG".
>today, "ass fagget Putin"
Sup Forums every single day
mods literally exist only to delete cheese pizza
Most Putin love is coming from state-sponsored proxy friends.