More liberal tolerance/ butthurtery



wow, somebody who is obsessed with game of thrones, a series whose main theme is death, is obsessed with the death and destruction of his enemies, and he even has a moral justification for it!

just wow

Wow, it's hard to believe someone could really be that assmad.

seems like a cool guy

Why is it always the cucks and pussies that say the worst shit? Like, these faggots are weak as fuck yet they bark like rabid dogs. One day, they're gonna be put down like them too.
Then we'll see just how quickly they shut the fuck up.

what a manchild

He mad.

I think Sup Forums has really outdone itself this time, we trolled 50% of the entire planet PLUS we got an actual good outcome


He seems a little upset.

stfu manchild

you totally aren't a troll

stfu pussy

stfu leaf

liberals are obsessed with torture porn in general. They love the hunger games, the purge, etc. Movies where one ideology (though it must be their ideology) causes people to go on horrible killing sprees is something they love. Look at the movie Falling Down (and the recent one with the guy and the girl, shooting people for no reason which is apparently fine as long as you're a self righteous liberal).


>opinion discarded

Probably because they have severely stunted social development, so killing and raping everyone who voted or even lives near people who voted for someone they don't like seems reasonable to them. People with more healthy social development have greatest r understanding of human nature so aren't going to go Facebook Stalin on half the country

Sounds like a real



what the fuck you moron

holy shit ban fucking leafs already

how does this guy have a job though?

Also, when they come across a real gun, the first thing they do is "play guns" and point it at people, often while complaining about how innately unsafe guns are.

What an edgelord.

>I will cheer at every natural disaster that takes you out.

>I hate you and I want you to die but I'm too much of a pussy to do it myself so hopefully nature will do it for me.

Jesus Christ, if you want people to die at least do it yourself you fucking cuck.

you are a pussy for swearing

lol please meme pic related with #lovetrumpshate at the top.

the meme war has just begun and a sure way to fuck over the left is to expose who they really are.

it'll be like when people left feminism in drastic numbers.


Can we seriously just ban all Canadian """"posters""""?
