How do we fix California?
How do we fix California?
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nuke it
Nuke the coast.
Deport the Illegals
Stop federal judges from legislating from the bench
Fire up the ovens.
t. Californian
Cut off the water.
nuke the coast
When is this thing falling off into the ocean?
Nuke that fault line. Let it sink. Make Vegas beach front property.
As a citizen of California I propose the following solution.
Let it sink right down into the Arizona bay, the only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Defund sanctuary cities, deport illegals, use the Supreme Court to override unconstitutional state laws
praise kek
deport illegals and tell all the millenials that seatle is actually the cool place to be.
It would look more like the edges of the UK, high cliffs, etc
beaches would take a big fucking nuke without fucking the rest of the country
Is the only way.
fuck it man. just let them go. we really dont need them and when russia invades them we can purge the liberals off the planet then team up with Putin and fuck up sweden and the middle east. Imagine how great it would be when they cry for help but we leave them to catch all those dirty mexican diseases? Fuck. I'm down.
>Implying us Californians have water.
We've been in a drought for over half a decade, a bad one at that.
If you're going to rid California of shit-faced Berkeley liberals, please try harder than that.
Let em succeed, annex the bitch. Kill all liberals and illegals. Reintroduce unto USA. Problem solved
Wonder what happens when Hollywood and tech leaves from taxes and we crack down on sanctuary cities
SoCal here,
Whats wrong with California?
Kill or otherwise remove all illegals and liberals.
Recognize Jefferson as a state get the red votes from is also go ahead and gas the rest of California just remember Jefferson is on ur side
Split it into 3 states.
Nah just let them suffer for a century, next century when we're in space we can just nuke em from orbit to kill them off after mexicans and gays destroy everything else they have
look at how the state voted. also, sanctuary state
Deport Mexicans
Youre a bunch of fucking retards and you dont get it. Just the fact that youre from California make you automatically a retard. Anti Vax, anti fucking amerca? NO. Fuck you and go kill yourself
I think the san andreas fault is going to fix it for us.
Turn it into Michigan.
too many morons, i live in socal aswell but there are ghetto people, and then snobby people, non of which do the world any good.
Figure out a way to speed up the San Adreas and dump them in the Pacific faster...
Four words:
Nuke the fault line, buy a nice house overlooking Arizona Bay
Do you uh, really need to ask?
Literally every Californian I've met is ignorant, feminist loving fat pieces of shit. Had a buddy from San Diego. He was the biggest mooch I've ever met. Honestly, i support you guys leaving 100% You're 2nd place for "Areas in the world that need die," right behind the middle east.
Go die cuck
Hola. Tu estado es my estupido. Muerto yourself
Remove Hollywood. That's about it. Most people here mimic shit from media. Essentially, stop trying to market anything to them.
t. Californian
If you look at the county maps, most of California by region voted Republican. It's the fucking dense urban areas of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego killing fair representation.
California is too goddamn huge compared to many states and carries too much fucking weight with its 'winner take all' votes.
The folks from Sacramento on north are tired of this shit. I mean, REALLY tired. Shasta County is the official dumping grounds of early released convicts and we're only keeping their numbers down with the lethally laced heroine being sold to them.
At the moment there's not a lot else we (in the North) can do.
earthquake praise kek
>brown people control a state
>it goes to shit
wow who could have foreseen this
#Calexit would be the best solution. All the farmers could move to Wyoming/Idaho/Montana/the Dakotas. They need the population. Unfortunately this would require a constitutional amendment because of Texas vs White in 1869 which requires 2/3s of both houses to ratify or 2/3 of the state legislatures to propose, neither which will happen ever.
[accurate research into political, social, economic, and scientific factors]
We need a coup at this point. Not sure anything else fixes it. The only way to fix it is to separate the bay area, silicon valley, and the LA area from the state.
Exactly. I'm all for Jefferson, have a flag etc. But there's no way that CA, or the OR assemblies would ever pass and ratify the formation of the state...
Make it stop paying taxes to cut off dependant states.
Go look at our new senator's quote on how she will handle any attack on sanctuary cities or the migrants living him them.
deport the illegals, award EC points based on districts instead of winner takes all...
Make it law that every Californian has a metal rod shoved up their ass and has piping hot melted copper poured into their rectum via the rod. They'll vote red next election if you do that.
I'm a native CA. The only reason why I stay here in CA is because of the weather and that is it.
I guess I can avoid that because I voted for God Emperor Trump!
Remove Jews from Hollywood. Or remove Hollywood.
The weirdest thing about this is that liberals totally control this state, and the gap between rich and poor is greater in this state than in any state in the country.
If you make under 40K and live in the bay area, your live is miserable.
Minorities (not including Asians) have a tougher life here in California, than in Texas. In fact, many African Americans have left this state for the South.
Throw the bodies of liberals into the ocean. Not Jerry Brown. I want him to be forced to shoot himself in the dick.
Just nuke us already.
>mfw the appeal for prop 187 will never be rejected
You already know exactly what we're going to respond with.
Afraid not. All Californians over the age of 14. Sorry kid. Every 14th birthday of a Californian, they will be taken to the local Republican Party headquarters and have the aluminum treatment administered by a couple heavily armed soldiers. It will be like a branding to say, "don't you forget that you're Californian scum". A new rite of passage, like getting a drivers' license. A sign of maturity and teenage.
A reminder that California voted 33% for Trump. It can be retaken. It's a tough road though.
You can't. Just like NYC greater SF is 85% democratic.
She has no power to stop it.
Trump needs to crack down hard here, on sanctuary cities, illegals, and the businesses that hire them.
Then he needs to appoint supreme court justices that will rule our asinine gun laws unconstitutional and have them tossed.
>tfw I'm moving to LA on Friday right before the big earthqake and will die a virgin
>tfw conservative blue coller worker republican in SoCal
Sometimes I feel alone, luckily my coworkers are almost completely pro-Trump so this week was real nice.
Sadly most of my friends are pretty liberal so I have to keep politics out of our conversations.
You get aluminum therapy too you fucking cuck.
On fox news on election night here in LA, they reported from a bar in long beach that was hosting a Trump watch party. I love in long beach and am going there tonight to give them some business. The people they interviewed there were great, I wish I had a video of it to link.
Have Donald purge the state of radical leftists that let illegals vote.
Deport the communists to Mexico
Wait for San Andreas Quake.
Secede into the ocean. Or embrace the drought and wildfires and slowly turn into a pile of ash.
You goys are really edgy and your suggestions to fuck them over won't work as your own republican populace would fight against you.
What you need to do is encourage them to secede, encourage democrats from other red states to immigrate there, and after that treat them like an independent country and SELL them water, not deprive them.
What you'll achieve is making them dependent on you for water, which gives you a lot of leverage, not many citizens would be happy with the idea of starving ex americans.
As much as you dislike them, be realistic so that our ideas actually come into fruition.