How does Sup Forums feel about female enlisted?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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Actual navy seal here. Buds 242. AMA.

Don't think I can do it?

I feel the same way about female enlisted that I do about male enlisted. I hope they all die horribly.

would you like fries with that?

Know Beyers?

No thanks, young man. Don't eat that trash.
From YouTube?

I honestly don't. Good luck though.

Female soldiers are huge sluts.

MOH recipient from same class...

I'd let her die for my country if you know what I mean ;)

I was in the navy for four years. Two years in sasebo and two years in SD. First two years were great on an all male ship, you could do and say whatever the fuck you wanted. Second ship was high school all over again with hurtful words being banned and fuccbois trying to fuck their coworkers. its was the worst.


They don't ever shut the fuck up about being in the military.


This. They have zero personality outside "IM A STRONK AND SEXY ARMY GURL XD" This is daddy issues on steroids.

>on a typical friday night i am:
out of shape

Tell me this is a fucking joke pic...


Gave up on that pretty quick.

Its an invention of communist kikes and it is designed to destroy and genocide white people.

Sending women to war is beyond retarded.

Bet you wouldn't say that to my face

>you can see they just don't have it in them, no killer instinct, no hunter mentality

And I am not even taking their combat power level into consideration when I said this

equality > liability

>Woman soldier.
>Still poses with her butt out for social media.
Sums it up for me, thanks.

They're incapable of loyalty, professionalism, or true modesty. They don't even fucking understand the concepts. I hate women.

Wow, ok.

Real sealfag reporting, 275~
first phase has a made a lot of changes to accommodate for women things like no more than 20 pushups per sitting or no longer that 7 minutes of beat downs.

Fuck this new buds skipper and fuck the next one that continues this gay shit.

>the Australian military is ran by women and foreigners and nothing short of dedicating my life to it will change it
Fuck this shit why can't I be a Roman legionnaire

I just got out of the Army last April and let me tell you man, female soldiers are fuckin dog-shite. Always whining and falling out during field training, always lazing around talking instead of working, never did anything right. I remember one year we had to set up tents for an exercise in Oklahoma and it was tornado season, one night it stormed so bad the wind tore the female tent(set up and installed by the females) out from it's stakes. The tent flipped over and they were fucking POURED on by rain. Just imagine it, they fucked up everything they did like this in some way. They dull the military edge. Instead of being united with comradery and brotherhood, a lot of men behave differently because they are still chasing pussy in some way. Women make the military feel like you are still in middle school.

Whatever you can do I can do better.

You're a fucking liar. There is no way this can be true.


Have any women actually passed yet?

So true. I know some servicewomen who are great. I know a girl who set a Paris Island PT record - she's bad ass. Then I know girls who take selfies in uniform every chance they can.

I fucking wish
none have gone through yet

shitty OPSEC.

Okay dude first off,
1) A REAL Navy Seal wouldn't go around bragging about his accomplishments and possibly reveal his identity.
2) The United States isn't a totalitarian regime so if you were to attack citizens randomly, then you'd be going to jail
3) What is a Navy Seal doing on Sup Forums anyways?
You're probably a NEWFAG who cannot get fucking laid.

That's a dude.

I don't care if a female enlists. If they want to possibly die for their country then go for it. The only thing I ask is that both sexes are trained to the same rigor.

Why can't our female enlisted be badass like the Russians?

>Air Force releases guidance on transgender airmen

>A commander may employ reasonable >accommodations to respect the privacy interests >of airmen.

>"This will bring a lot of relief to a lot of airmen," >Ireland said. "It's just a matter of time before >each troop across the board will get the help that >they need in their transition process."

We're f'd in the a lads



Women are ok as non-combatants, also border guards.

>1) A REAL Navy Seal wouldn't go around bragging about his accomplishments and possibly reveal his identity.


>2) The United States isn't a totalitarian regime so if you were to attack citizens randomly, then you'd be going to jail.

Not true. I've seen people hit their heads on maglites.

>3) What is a Navy Seal doing on Sup Forums anyways?

I know a few that MIGHT

>You're probably a NEWFAG who cannot get fucking laid.


i read once that men work better as a team and are more focused when there are no girls around. I think girls should be allowed in the military in the field. but only in 'all girl' groups.

Women are a liability because men will put themselves in terrible situations to save them.

It's a biologically rooted behavior.

True. I'd have a hard time not getting distracted by this one.

Don Shipley would love this thread and all the fake seals coming out of the woodwork.

WTF? Surely this is a joke. What happened to the gun is always loaded?

thisthisthis also

women can't into camaraderie


>Don Shipley

So would this guy. Met him. Cool as shit.

Keep your goddamn booger hook off the boomstick

Every fake seal claims to be BFFs with Marcinko. Phony Seal 101 claim.

Not a seal, not claiming to be BFF

Inb4 Luttrell and I are buddies

Any time I see a mixed group of police officers arrest someone, I can't help but think that this is a terrible idea. The women always do pretty much nothing, they are moral support and in the way, the men are pinning him down whilst the woman is sitting next to him going "LOOK I AM HELPING".

The only consolation is that there's probably not enough women for this to be a significant impact and they will probably be kept out of combat even if the theory says otherwise.

Uhhhh the people I know fucking hate him.

As for the actual women themselves, I like my women strong and saucy.


You don't know anyone who knows him. Stfu

>name dropping nerd

defo seal, when did you retire?

The sad thing is they actually believe thisn

You don't know what you're even talking about. What fucking seal have you ever heard of that claims to be buds with him?

Guy was fucking told to stay put and ended up paying the price. Then claimed a bunch of bullshit that never happened and sold out.

This, women in physical roles are applauded and hailed for doing fuck all.
It reminds me of the crossfit girl who every /fit/izen knows, gets an inflated sense of ego from the constant stream of attention from normies praising her because she can do a 60 kg ohp and opens a Facebook blog and faq about strong womyn. She gets a free pass because she's a little qt

>ywn mop her shit and blood out of the humvee after hearing her scream for her daddy for an hour straight as she tried to cram her guts back inside her mangled torso because a machine chopped her up because her stronk independent womyn muscles couldn't vault the wall into cover while carrying all that gear.

feels bad man

The only downside are the half a dozen decent soldiers she got killed because they broke from cover to help her because her high-pitched childscreams brought out their inner whiteknight.

>Then claimed a bunch of bullshit that never happened and sold out.

How's that any different than most of the SEAL names people know.

>calling someone a newfag when you're clearly the one. Leftist logic

lol jesus a

>first phase has a made a lot of changes to accommodate for women things like no more than 20 pushups per sitting or no longer that 7 minutes of beat downs.

That's incredible? Why even have SEALS at all then?

Women go into shock so fucking easily from bodily injury.

I still don't understand, why would you want to send them to war.

Idiot. I'm not name dropping. I dont know shit for seals.

I just know fake seals are first to call out being buddies with those famous ones, as if that lends them credibility. Fucking read. This thread is so full of fakes, I feel like I'm in a Hollywood plastic surgery office.

Not very. There's both a legal and implied code of silence. Some have gotten away with writing about watered down stories and/or made up shit that everyone thinks is COD tier faggotry.

Marcinko was cool because he broke into shit to show that physical security of important shit like nuclear subs wasn't up to snuff and got shunned for it.

There were two fakes. Calm down bud.

WHAT?! YOUR JOKING RIGHT?! HAHAHAHAHA I'm in the Air Force with one of those secret squirrel jobs. There's also a navy base near by. There are a lot of seals stationed there. If you go into any bar you know who the seal is BECASUE THEY FUCKING TELL YOU. These guys are the most cocky bastards on earth and they have every right to be

Could I join on a SEAL challenge contract and join up just to get the dive/underwater training then? Fucking dreadful man lmao.


>I still don't understand, why would you want to send them to war.

IT'S 2016!

Cispatriarchal biotruths are oppressive tools of the establishment to stop womyn reaching their true potential.
Are you suggesting people react differently to a cute girl getting her head pulverised into a mess by a tank tread ore than the same thing happening to a man?
Do you really think that an 18 year old girl crying and screaming as she tries to find her limbs would have a worse effect on morale?

That's ridiculous.
Let alone laughable arguments about things like 'endurance', and 'muscles'. I mean come on it's 2016 all you do in infantry is pull a trigger anyway.

>10 years enlisted bro here
Enlisted women are possibly the most cringeworthy whores in America.
Never met one that was worth anything other than easy pussy.
As far as I know, no women have tried to go to BUDS, let alone made it through Hell week.


Don't go for seals unless you're certain you can pass. The guys who fail usually get fucked over

That's not even the worst part. Apparently it's the sand on the beach that gets in your groin and chafes you till you die.

no she isnt.

This. Enlisted women will literally fuck anything. 99.99% chance you'll get cheated on too

I'm just joking lmao, fuck the Navy.

I got Army Special Forces Dive School in 6 months as my re-enlistment incentive.

jesus fucking christ.

Nice nice. I'm hoping I can get deployed with some Rangers. Those dudes are pretty chill

Where is that?

bullshit, it wasnt even like that in basic a few years ago

How are you USMC and top of your SEALs class?

Army Dive Training Facility in Key West Florida. It's named after Walt Shumate who was a Delta Force founding father and insane combat diver.

I'm a Ranger Doc in 2nd Batt.


>Army Special Forces Dive School

graduated. naturally. once you do USMC for 3 years and get selected for top secret missions. have to be super alpa and an IQ of at least 110 to qualify.

>I'm a career woman :)

You see this shit? Women don't get into military because they are desperate or want to serve their country, women don't get into sciences because of pure curiosity; they fucking do it to get credits from the society i.e. for attention.

pls no bully frogman brother

can I call you scuba doc?

>implying theyd give loaded guns to women

I haven't gone to the school yet. I'm just a landlubber now. The SF guys I work with know I wanna go to dive school really badly though so they'll bully me by putting swim fins in my medical bag or they'll all show up in swim trunks for runs and make fun of me since they were all on a dive team in Group.

Life is suffering. Why are all swim-related SF guys such banter laden lads?

At least I get to stab them with IV's every once in a while.