Torontonians are going to gather at the City Hall and march to the Trump Tower in an anti-Trump demonstration in Toronto
Torontonians are going to gather at the City Hall and march to the Trump Tower in an anti-Trump demonstration in Toronto
Other urls found in this thread:
>Protest against Trump as US president
>Do it in a foreign country
That's it.
You fucking leaves are toast.
Trump is also the President of Canada?! The Madman never sleeps! MAGA MCGA
Did you ever suck dick for baby formula? No? Then you have NO ROOM to talk.
>get the rake
you're welcome
You win this round.
Montreal here
Fuck you Toronto (besides you Toronto Sup Forumsacks obviously)
Toronto would never pass up an opportunity to let the world know they are the worst city on the continent
Come do that shit in Quebec, we'll bash their fucking heads in, criss de tabarnak.
Toronto is literally the worst, most indebted, liberal city within Canada. All US libs should move there and then a bomb should be dropped on it. It's a fucking hell hole.
I hope you on-fags setup a counter protest.
I was prepared to go out if they tried this shit in sask.
more like dindus
Hopefully one of our new Syrian friends brings his pressure cooker to this
The comments at the bottom of the blogpost are really redpilled though. That's nice to see.
>faggot hipsters have a sit in at queen's park to protest the liberty of voting for another country
hope based TPS considers this an unpermitted protest turned riot and disperse it immediately after starting
Toronto is a Cleveland tier shithole.
I don't even want to go and give that event more attention/numbers. I can easily just laugh about it from home and create memes about it.
Meme Warfare>>Protesting
Some of you Albertans are alright, don't come to Canada tomorrow
I never understood how they are able to use the campaign slogan "Love Trumps Hate", that honestly sounds like a Trump slogan, considering the witty banter is more positive in this use case.
this is why conservatism is so unpopular with college aged kids. we have to fight them in their own forum. plus the liberal butthurt over a quick sign would be better memeatic warfare
I'm waiting for the order to tell my unit to fix bayonets and head to Toronto.
As a sidenote, going to shill for Toronto issues. Jordan Peterson and other professors, along with Lauren Southern, have been doing talks recently. Kellie Leitch is also active. Please attend these events.
If there's a lot of us (assuming you aren't weak faggots) then we can passively dissuade these protesters. We can't actively do it
except it's okay to hate white people
Why the fuck does toronto care so much about another country? Do they do this for every president/Prime minister around the world they don't like?
I can help. What can a Quebecer do? Anything relevant here?
Well I actually live really close by I will probably end up going there to troll some retards. I'll bring a Hillary 4 Prison sign and a MAGA sign and engage in some convos.
The nigs will be converted too because I'm really good at being a real nigga.
>BLM and Trump protests in Toronto
>No one is even getting paid by Soros for it
>people are literally doing the dirty work for free just because they want a gold medal in the Oppression Olympics
Holy shit this country is doomed.
You'd just get your ass lynched.
These people are looking for the sense of satisfactiopn that comes with feeling that you;re doing something important while you do nothing at all, and the good vibes from gathering and circlejerking with a lot of like-minded people that all have a common target to hate. They don't want arguments or rational discourse, they don't want to face an opposition and they aren't prepared to face one in a calm and non-violent manner.
merde du tabarnak osti
toronto is the worst place on earth.
I would but like all sane white torontonians I've left the city.
1) School? I'm currently running for student president of a big MBA program in Ontario. Hoping to influence it from the inside out
2) Blue Collar? Run for your Union leadership
3) Avoid provincial politics. Shill for Kellie Leitch.
4) You probably know more than I do about Quebec but I think traditionalism can make a big revival there.
5) I'm in officer in the reserves. Join the reserves. It's huge
>He doesn't know that goose escaped to the water and was fine
Help catch illegals. Help stop protests.
>Dundas station
of course it would be happening in the niggest part of Toronto.
Untrue. Don't forget about Bay Street. The most redpilled people in Canada work/live in Toronto. So many MAGA hats this year
>implying a bunch limpwristed cucks and coalburners will try anything
Sounds good brother. I'll see you there.
Make sure you hit the gym
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. Hogtown is probably the worst city on the planet when it comes to golbalist faggotry.
lol see you there leafs!
im going to trigger so many queen westards
i need a burger to send me a maga hat for btc
Did anyone bother to tell these Canacucks that Trump Tower Ontario was not an official Trump project and that the Donald has a minority stake in it?
God, leaves are retarded.
>Shill for Kellie Leitch.
TPP chick? Like her integrity test is great but untenable in this country (for now)
Mad Max or bust friend.
also, soon to be active ;)
It's not the coalburners that are dangerous, it's the coal. Downtown toronto is inundated with freshly imported 3rd-class labour who will no doubt be coming out to join the mob and browse some fresh and easy uft pussy. The protest will be a half-riot before it even starts and some scrawny-ass white dude with a Trump sign is just asking to get his ass beat for the camera.
the only thing more retarded than Americans protesting the results of the election is Canadians protesting the results of the election.
I usually hold my key ring in my fist and let my sharp keys pop out between my fingers so that if I punch someone I give them a facefull of keys in their eyes. That's my go-to defensive weapon.
But I'm actually a very skilled Socratic debater so I don't forsee myself getting into physical trouble. I'm very good at getting on people's good side and easing them into the red pill. The key is to be unexpected in everything you say.
subtle Lauren thread?
Lol no it's not. Downtown Toronto is incredibly expensive. Those condos? Mostly just Bay Street guys (redpilled af) and whores who manage to pay for it through a combination of bartending/parents money/"marketing internship". They just go along with the bankers.
Downtown Toronto is redpilled. It's the shitty surrounding areas that are terrible
>not my president
what the fuck does "love trump's hate" even mean? To me it sounds like they love the fact trump hates foreigners. Why are they protesting?
>being retarded
That's one thing you will never beat us at you stupid burgers HA
My plan is to just stand by the speakers/electrical equipment. They'll have to physically confront us if they want to pull their hippie bullshit
>Toronto is literally the worst, most indebted, liberal city within Canada. All US libs should move there and then a bomb should be dropped on it. It's a fucking hell hole.
A third world colony within Ontario, Canada
>I'm actually a very skilled Socratic debater
>activate the mindless hordes
The length that liberal hippies would go to attain a sense of self-importance and illusion of "justice" ,just to distract themselves from how useless they are in the social structure is astounding.
Doesn't even have to be their country.
literally no one would give a fuck in Quebec though
90% of Quebec doesn't give 2 shits about politics, everyone just lives their lives
Anyone have the false flag fb post of the 30 naked-man MAGA congo line posting?
Rare flag and truthful.
Most canuck niggers I have met aren't anything like the american pavement ape, they usually fresh off the boat and have jobs.
Even if you were right, violence doesn't scare me. Especially when it would all be recorded and the assailants would be caught.
It's true. I'm really good at acting stupid and oblivious to things that allow me to play innocent and infiltrate people's minds with questions to let them expose their position's flaws. Don't be jelly.
>Toronto is literally the worst, most indebted, liberal city within Canada. All US libs should move there and then a bomb should be dropped on it. It's a fucking hell hole.
Don't even think about looking for representation, Mr. White Minority. If you do, we will call you a Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
pls nuke
- Rest of Canada
This, more or less.
The bay street fuckers who actually work hard are pretty redpilled. The ones getting by on their parents paycheck aren't.
The GTA is just beyond hope though.
I want to lick Lauren Southern's fucking feet clean
Make Canada America again.
Wishful thinking here, but wouldn't these protests be even better with an ISIS attack?
sure thing bud
>leafs do it for free
Fun fact: majority of girls living in condos dt are prostitutes
t. living in a condo and my floor has like 5 prostitutes coming and going
Glad you believe me!
Maybe I'll pop by and get some footage.
I'm pretty certain there will be meme worthy retards in attendance.
Some Sup Forumseafs need to get there and start use meme magic to start #notourpresident chanting for the bantz.
See following too use mememagic in the physical world.
Lol yup, I think thats what I meant by "marketing internship" haha. I can agree with that first hand. Downtown Mississauga has a large amount of them too (The Marliyn Monroe buildings are all whores for instance).
I honestly think the ratio of these condos is:
1/3 Whores
1/3 Foreign investors (My kid goes to UofT)
1/3 Millionaires using it as a second base
>but wouldn't these protests be even better with an ISIS attack?
These mickey mouse cunts are useless.
Tefflon Don is in the house now boys
>you can't see her feet in the photo
Wow, so much hate in this thread.
Why is Sup Forums so Canaphobic?
They should get Steve-O or Chris Pontious to walk through that
crowd with a MAGA hat and Trump t-shirt.
Walk the gauntlet...
Who cares? It's in Canada. Those people are fucking retards for protesting the leader of a different country as if it'll make a difference.
These levels of autism are outstanding. They were already broken people but we broke them even more.
I banged a super fine BBW escort at the Marliyn Monroe building once.
>'E' burns out
It's XXXVI, deal with it.
Lol kek, yeah it's all whores. Be careful though, there's a lot of crime there. I remember the Peel police came out and said something like "we're trying to figure out why there's such a high rate of crime in this district". There's been like 3 shootings in the last 7 months
You guys realize we elected Rob Ford twice, who was basically the original Trump...
We're not all retarded liberals. We're basically a city filled with large groups of everything you can imagine.
It isn't affiliated with Trump at all anymore.
They chiseled the Trump name off of it, because his name is poison to people who go to that sort of place
These leaf is gobbling up the political product (MadeInAmerica tm) like crazies. America is already GREAT again.
Dear Canada, and rest of the world,
Nobody gives a shit if you do, or don't support our president elect. Quit wanting to be American.
I remain,
An actual American
>Love Trumps hate
How is rioting loving anything
>Canadians still fail to realize they're just Americans
I have a theory. It's cuz there are more niggers there.
Tell the Peel police I await my reward for solving the mystery.