How do we stop this /pol?
Now that Trump has won
Rightwing death squads
You can't
Convert the asians by fornicating with their women, ensuring that the asian female and bi-racial demographics support the white demographic in a 3-way powerbloc that maintains a majority interest for centuries to come.
Trudeau is the biggest cuck and all Canadians are cocks by proxy until you remove that feminist mouthpiece from office.
oops forgot file
I'll take this into consideration
bet its even worse now
Nuke us
Mass deportation, and a wall.
>More diverse means more Mexicans
>American Indian Population growing relative to whites
wtf America i thought we had this shit under control.
By 2060 I doubt well see strictly seperated races like this. It's already happening now as we better map the genome and individuals can cheaply test thier own dna for medical and other purposes.
We already know there is much more genetic diversity within races than between them.
could we repeal the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and reinstate the Immigration Act of 1924 where immigration was limited to 2% of the population with quotas determine how many migrants can come from specific countries, with europe and the anglosphere being obviously favored?
I'm from cuckfornia. Are we going to become the next Brazil? Will the wall save us?
And how fucked is Europe? White minority imminent?
Hard and enforced immigration laws. There must be a law that rids of anchor babies.
For the black community, cut welfare and get on-demand cheap abortions
> bi-racial doubling
> mfw
Turn the blacks against hispanics because many hispanics identify as white.
We'll still be the majority child out
more babies and less white flight. inb4 South Africa is in the US
I think we need abortion because it disproportionately is used by miborities. Black women account for 13 percent of the female population yet they accounted for 30 percent of abortions.
I think the ultimate solution besides strict immigration laws would be parental licenses. to have a child you must be married and have a stable source of income. the amount of income you make, adjusted for the cost of living in your area, would determine how many children you could have. Enforcing it is easy, whenever you go to the doctor for a childbirth or take a child to the doctor you would need to show your parental license. Or if a women wants to get an ultrasound she would have to show her license. If the women is pregnant the punishment would be abortion and a fine. If they already have the child without a license the child would be put in foster care and the parent(s) heavily fined.
I've been looking at buying a business in the US.
If so, I will probably have my child there. My wife is Chinese (and I am white).
Biracial will only increase. Sorry OP, but white women have 0 (zero) redeeming features in my eyes
Kick the spics
I don't see what's wrong with this?
You're right. I mean if Japan is like that.. I think it's cool too. Can't wait to see it.
Get white women to have more white babies.
I think it would be great to be able to control who has the children. This isn't just from a standpoint of reducing particular groups of people, but think of the sigh of relief it would be knowing that all children in the country are born and raised with enough to eat and a roof over their heads.
On the less positive side, how much of a population decline would occur because of that?
And I'm not a fan of mandatory, forced abortions, but I think it would be a good alternative to either tag the mother as someone that needs CPS watching closely, or have the baby be put up for adoption immediately.
Within a couple of generations, it would reduce poverty drastically, crime, ghetto culture would vanish.
Republicans will literally never will an election ever again if this continues. They can only survive if the country is majority white. Without them libs will shove endless "gib me dis" policies down our throat and turn our multicultural hellhole into the next brazil or south africa. Rich whites will be taxed 90+ percent, massive amounts of affirmative action will ruin our educational institution and industry, etc. Whites becoming a minority will ;literally be the end of western civilization that we've spent thousands of years building.
1) More planned Parenthood
2) include vasectomies
3) Find redpilled wife (make her sign a preferential prenup in your favor)
4) BREEEEEEEEEED (2.1 keeps population stable, so you need at least 4.2 or more. Personally I'm going for 10.)
Import Russians, Deport Mexicans
Good point
I love how people make a big deal about American movies not having enough "colored" minorities. When do people give two shits about this in Korea, China, Japan, etc. ... movies there are movies for THEIR culture, I wouldn't want random other races inserted for the hell of diversity.
Why is this only a problem for WHITE people?
Hispanics will be made white in the election right before they overtake our 50% market share and will gladly stomp on the other minorities.
It's the ultimate solution to eliminating poverty. Libtards will argue that's its racist or discriminatory but there is zero way you could argue that parental licenses would not eradicate poverty within a generation. And with robots and AI will take most blue-collar jobs and even some white-collar ones will disappear. The only way to be productive to society in the future will be to have elite white-collar skills, like engineers and scientist and doctors, etc. The next step would be to only grant licenses to parents who both have 115+ IQs, (one standard deviation above the mean).
Basically 90+% of the world population will be useless. Mass genocide would be too overt. The best solution would be some kind of sterility plague. Something you could infect water supplies with that would render the infected person infertile. You would also develop an antidote, in case it accidentally spread to your population. Then use it to infect third world countries, ghettos, etc.
The moment commie faggots stop rioting and burning down their own neighborhoods and move on to where we live is the moment whites will return to red-pilled Anschluss mode and wreak havoc on these limp-dicked fucks. We have all the guns, the ammo, and the families and children that we're more than happy to defend when it comes down to it. You know this.
I used to not want children, but along with a few other things, helping to keep the white race alive has definitely caused a bit of a change of heart. Imagining having young children growing up during all of this shit though... that makes it a bit tough.
"How do we stop this /pol?"
Have more kids you fucking idiot!
Yes, hispanics are generally anti-degeneracy but still vote mostly democrat and breed like rabbits (like muslims in europe). Majority hispanic/lanito countries are also all infested with drugs, crime and rampant corruption. Why would majority hispanic/latino america be any different.
The spics and blacks reproduce like bacteria. Even if we build a wall, that can't be fixed without eugenics.
Deporting the illegals and building the wall would be a start.
Need to win over the christian faithful of the hispanics first for a political victory. A race victory is not winnable i dont think
Oh thank god the blacks won't populate fast phew, Mexicans aren't that bad and asians are pretty cool but the blacks ew
Now the problem therein lies, how do we get such a law passed? How would we get different political views to accept this? Sure, there is the guarantee of reducing poverty but I am fairly certain that liberals would prefer having impoverished African Americans so they can continue virtue signaling.
I think it has to do with the altruism. Seriously, whites got to stop trying to appeal to everyone. When they do that, other people take advantage of it. If you try to make a U-turn, they call out on you. At this point, people think places like France or the UK should just be US 2.0 - traveling from LA to NYC and then London and than Paris, I can certainly say, they all look the same. All the multi culture and diversity is the way of west and the Left has won the cultural war. Anyone against it is sexist, racist, homophobes, islamphobes, etc.
we stop it when the white man wakes up and the day of the rope starts
having near complete repub control of executive branch, state federal legislatures and SCOTUS will help. It would be implemented the same way drivers license were implemented. states could decide the specific requirements, but the base requirements would be married and a certain minimum income between the the partners. The law itself would be "racially blind" but in practice most whites would pass, most non-asian minorities wouldn't.
>black stays the same size
Unfuck marriage and divorce, bring back jobs, severely lower welfare payments, and we need to create a sense of safety and stability.
Hyponitize your daughters while they are toddlers into falling in love with your tiny white dicks.
If not by the time they hit puberty they are craving that negro meat stick.
have more children
you can't keep up the white population while white women are having 1.5 children
either seriously increase and encourage white immigration, or get fucking, and ditch the contraceptives
>New Mexico is literally New Mexico
They only vote Democrat because they haven't been made white yet. Once Hispanics are white they'll be voting Republican lockstep.
We can't limit it to 2% of population. Native whites don't have high enough birth rates. High European immigration is the only way. We can easily import millions of redpilled Slavs
go out and knock up white bitches if you're white.
this isn't fucking rocket scientist.
Maybe if you retards actually went out and talked to women and had sex with them.
Seriously, these are the same people who fap to anime all day. It's fine if you want to be a virgin, but don't talk about this "saving the white race" bullshit when you're on your ass all day on a taiwanese knitting forum.
Why do you think they're staying in their own shitholes, dumbass?
if birth rates had stayed the same level as in the 1960 we would have 600 million people in the U.S.
But we also need to repeal the 1965 immigration act
how about more breeding, stupid whites.
do you think mexicans and niggers need to start threads to figure out how to breed?
we breed normally, not our fault you breed like rats and cockroaches.
In the long run, we're going to need genetic engineering. It's that simple. We can't beat them with the nigger strategy of reproducing more.
It's about holding out until them.
If we're lucky, sometime in the next few decades a massive worldwide socialist uprising will take place, hopefully outside the west. An uprising that will suck in non-whites and leftists like a vacuum cleaner. And will promptly be beaten into the ground by the US military the moment they make the mistake of provoking NATO.
The good news is, I imagine there's going to be a robotics revolution in the next few decades that will Trump look like nothing. And that means huge hordes of resentful, desperate, angry people, overwhelmingly non-whites.
eastern european immigrants
>Trying to dismantle weaponized autism
There's a reason we have political power. All in the limp/chub wrist :^)
Why developed nations end up having birth declines sooner or later?
We won't. Back in the old Christian days you'd be forced to hook up with a fat or ugly white chick or face relentless pressure and ostracism from society.
accept that hispanics are primarily white?
don't be a fucking dipshit and call the mixed educated dude in front of you a nigger because of muh one drop rule?
get over it because white genes aren't as weak as you guys seem to think?
Didn't Trump say he was considering visa-free travel for Poland?
Step one - extend this to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
Step two - let Ivan go to war with them.
They fall for the "women also have to work" meme from the jews, which means both parents are too busy to raise a kid
Ukranian refugees amribro, Ukranian refugees.
Children stop being a disposable source of labor and start becoming an economic cost
Raising children in the US costs a shitload of money for next to no monetary benefit, so a lot of people just don't bother having them
Marry and have some kids with my white bf. Try to raise them similarly to how my parents did because somehow all 3 of thier daughters did not end up floozies.
stop thinking about raising kids and shit and start making some babies. If we all get this mentality we'll be able to stay on top