Chappelle merely states that he's willing to give Trump a chance

>Chappelle merely states that he's willing to give Trump a chance
>a wild faggot appears

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Wow, that cuck's really got a lot of pain in his butt region.

Liberals are the biggest losers I have ever met.

I missed Dave tonight. How is he? based? I hear people still like him a lot but maybe thats because he's been out of the spotlight for a while

What does our Lord have in store for Tim Heidecker?

The best thing that will come of this ridiculousness tantrum is that the left will be split between these fanatics and actual liberals. I hope to see SJW liberalism die out in the next ten years and pray it never holds office.

I remember Chappelle saying something the other day about Clinton not being "right" and people were flipping their shit.

He's not a trump supporter but he's not an idiot either.

I honestly don't believe Tim is a real shill. I think this is just another one of his superundercover troll endeavours.

Tim is an uber hipster and contrarian.

Chappelle is a legend, Heidecker is a faggot

>mfw tim has a heart attack tomorrow

It was okay. He had a good sketch with all the old Chappelle's Show characters

Tim is just mad Chapelle got to say nigger on TV before he did.

What did he mean by this?

Oh noes a dissenting opinion. Chappelle was just being reasonable.

Help catch illegals.

So what the fuck is up with Tim lately.

Ive never seen him this autistic.

Besides in his shows.

Its no secret Tim has always been kinda unhinged but I think his recent working with Vic Berger have kinda aggravated it further

He's always been pretty sociopathic, it added to the charm, but now he doesn't have a warm handsome-man like Eric to keep him grounded

What happened to eric?

Man im out of the loop.

that nigger again? they cleaned sense the last raid....

>He's not a trump supporter but he's not an idiot either.
>He's not an idiot, but he's not an idiot either

He was meh comedy wise. But he did have an intro telling people to give Trump a chance and a sketch based around making fun of upset white liberals.

Dave's not redpilled but he's definitely not bluepilled


dave is pretty much a black nationalist.

i can't believe i used to laugh at tim and eric.....

if he was just the average lib shit, whatever
but reading through his twitter, he's obsessed with this shit

What if Tim is just operating on 10 layers of irony

tom goes to the mayor was the only T&E show I mildy enjoyed, and it was mainly because of the novely of blue trace people filter

no shit, hes muslim

Dave is redpilled. Look into exactly why he ran away to Africa. Go find the Oprah episode where he almost talks about it and she cuts him off and goes to commercial. He knows the fucked up things going on behind the curtains.


>we demand he give us a chance too

When did he say or imply he wouldn't? Why are black people so against him? Because the media told them he was a racist?

is tim 4 REAL?

You're gonna laugh, but no joke, he's literally travelling the world fucking models and making his own weird unique stuff

Bless him, he's livin. Its degenerate, but he's livin.

Oh shit...

Dave saw the illuminati
Spooked the fuck off to Africa
Layed low
Came back to say Trump deserves a chance
Now hes going to commit suicide with 700 cocaine bullets to the back of the cock

Dude, he's just being black. Chill out.

Kind of guessed that, if you watch his inside the actor studios he also references in a way stuff how some actors seem crazy but aren't and how the environment is sick too. Also, now that I think about it, bill burr just talked about Hillary and the eyes wide shut and bildaberg meetings twice on Conan. So he must know too and that's why he isn't too buddy buddy with Hollywood execs.

Can't be funny if you ain't somewhat redpilled.

>all that asshurt under that tweet

You don't have to be pro-white to be redpilled. He's pro-black, as he should be. I'm curious what kind of future he sees for his people though.


Chapelle is a problack who isn't a complete asshole.

He's like some of the users here, he doesn't hate anyone but just wants the best for his people. Disagree with some of the shit he say's but when I do agree with him it's usually a strong agreement.

He's can be pretty redpilled.

This. If there ever was a case for someone being redpilled I honestly legitimately think you don't need to look further than Dave.

He may not take our approach of resisting it on an anonymous image board, but thats because he fucking met It first hand.

Honestly he's really, really, really fucking fortunate he was able to escape, though I wonder what his play is now that he's starting to get back into comedy again. Hope he stays safe.

The best comedians are those who can make fun of any side and think everything is bullshit. Some of the worst comedians have their head stuck up their ass about political sides and practically just do speeches about what they think aka bill maher.

He should limit it to 9

Dave Chappelle is objectively an intelligent guy that is pretty versed in conspiracy theories
Also he is absolutely hilarious but that's subjective

Here it is,
(11:21 in, for 1 minute)

To be fair, tim heidecker works in hollywood, where if you don't tow the liberal line, you can't find work. It's true. Tim probably would care but he needs to show his kike masters that he will push their agenda.

My favorite family...the NIGGAS

Dave Chappelle, illuminati.
That works a bit too, stupid shitty intro lasts like a minute, feel free to skip to inteviews.

He's a pedophile, I guarantee it.

Bill Burr used to be a complete conspiracy nut. He has no inside info, just knowledge gleamed from the internet.

>Niggers, jews, homosexuals, mexicans, arabs, and all kinds of different chinks STINK, and I hate 'em!

>They're lazy good-for-nothing tricksters, crack smoking swindlers, Big butt havin', wide nose breathin' all the white mans air.

>They eat up all the chicken, they think they're the best dancers, and they STANK. Did I mention that before?

is Heidecker a kike?

Hopefully nothing. He has gone downhill. His humor sucks recently. Personally, Id love to see him out of the dim limelight for a while.

Chappelle show would never air today
>peak race relations were in the early 2000s and weve gone backwards

Tim what are you doing man

>Would you like some pancakes

Heidecker caught at a pizza party confirmed.

I bet he becomes a terrorist and gets fucked up by the military.

That look on his face as she cuts him off holy shit.

Literally who?

Chappelle out guy.

A lonely death

Fuck you heidecker is a shit.


Those digits..



I'm seeing it already. Hell, I'm a pro-gun never Hillary liberal and I've been on the Trump train from day one

CAPTCHA: 11 settembre drive

>Oprah and Chappelle act reasonable
>White liberals flip out

Why is it always whites that get more worked up over these things than the minorities themselves?

Death of a loved one in the next month

>Not only are his poltical views out of step with his past audience, MDE do a better Tim and Eric than Tim and Eric are capable of anymore.

Chappelle at one point was the funniest man to ever live. Did he do good here? Im kinda afraid to watch

Fairly liberal poster here that has pretty much turned on the crazy members of my party. I mean republicans are still full of insane assholes but damn i'm disillusioned towards both sides now

Death by Riot Cop

oh shit, it's saturday night, isn't it

that's when that dumb live show airs right

Man, the US presidency fucks people up like a gypsy curse.

Death of a loved one.

Cannibalized by his own kin.

I duno but it better happen live on the On Cinema Ocsar Special

dave is fucking based


It's a very stressful job

Wow what a racist nigger

The list of people now willing to give Trump a chance are me, Dave Chapelle, and Oprah. I call us the "based Amigos"

Wow, are these oppressive white males seriously attacking a poor black man for expressing his own political opinions?

This is extremely problematic. I'm literally shaking right now.

nigga people age in 8 years

Chapelle will never be a nigger. Hes too smart and can read between the lines. Hes not woke but hes not slumbering by far. He is a soft ally.

I learnt way to much today.

Imagine a USA wide government satanist crackdown, shit would be real.

>Did he do good here?
Yep. Basically just said he's going to give Trump a chance. Acting with any level of decorum means liberals will hate him now.

Is this part of the show?

He will die knowing Eric carried his ass.

Timmy is acting like such a faggot, kinda breaks the illusion a bit

I thought that sketch with white liberals acting like the world was ending was pretty good. Turned it off after Weekend Update, Kate McKinnon is awful in every way.

car accident?

>A monkey comedian is more redpilled than these cracka ass hoes
Really tickles that cerebellum, huh?

>Think of the sketch of the blind, black, KKK leader
>Just some fun with the reveal and Chappelle making fun of actual racism
>His character ends up leaving his wife because she was a "nigger lover"
>Chappelle would get fired on the spot if that aired today
>He's already getting flak from ironically, sheltered white people for just mentioning that we should give Trump a chance to make things right because he is the President now no matter what



Tim needs to check his white privilege.

Basically he says that he sees how far black people and Bradley Cooper have come in America from how shitty they had it a long time ago, how happy everyone is in this country, and that he's willing to give Trump a fair shot

>i can't believe i used to laugh at tim and eric.....
I loved The Awesome show. After reading his tweets, I can only hope that he continues to bomb out his career. He can't implode like this too much longer.

Such wasted talent. What a waste.