Ted Cruz for SCOTUS

Ted Cruz for SCOTUS


>inb4 Lindsey is the biggest rat faced bitch in politics

I cannot think of any way better we could shit all over the far left SJW faggots than by appointing Ted "wheres my dehlagets Dahnold?" Cruz to the supreme court.

Thoughts on starting a social campaign promoting Ted as a SCOTUS nominee?

Donald was just phase one, Ted be the ultimate death blow to the libs morale.

Lindsay Graham is the biggest neocon cuckservative FAGGOT in Congress.

Yes 2 Ted for SCOTUS, ignore Graham but this time, he has good advice.

Exactly, if an idiot runs his mouth long enough eventually something smart will come out

I want this

You know what?

This is BASED.

Lets do this.



Won't happen ever. He has stated his opinion on too many things.

stop trying to force memes, it doesn't work

>This is BASED.
>Lets do this.
Sign me up. I think this would be fitting.

Where have you been during this election?

They've made peace but if I know Trump he'll never trust Rato with anything consequential again.

only a matter of time before the 'true conservative' stabs him in the back

I wouldn't either, and this thread stinks to high heaven of shilling

Putting all these neo-cons in charge is not a good idea

>ted rato cruz
>supreme court
what are you thinking

Pretty good, but I think he is eyeing another run for President. He almost made it if it were not for those DELEGATES.

This entire thread sucks.

Fuck Rato


He can try again in 8 years, but he better not get up to any more shenanigans in the mean time

Yes cruz, after finally backing trump he continued to back him after many many others didn't when the pussy scandal broke. That's enough for me

If Hillary had one, Obama would have been appointed to SCOTUS. This isn't any more outrageous than that would have been.

We are going to be dead in the water come January.

McConnell is too much of a cuck to use the nuclear option and we won't get shit passed without it being watered down to hell

Trump is the nuclear option. He will ensure dems play ball or he will shit on them so hard they wont get re-elected

I would love nothing more than a Cruz 2024 run but I think Donald turning him into "Lyin' Ted" the melty faced meme was pretty damning for future elections