"Make America great again inside me, user."

"Make America great again inside me, user."

wat do?

kys kys darling.

Can we have one of those weird Sup Forums dick-rate threads again where everyone circlejerks about how 'see the porn is wrong, no homo man that's a nice dick though'? The last one was great.


id do it but idk if daddy pence will know :(

Hand him a nice cyanide pill

Kek says yes, unfortunately mine is small.


Homosexuality is a mental disorder conjured by the likes of Satanic entities.

well you are a chink

I'm Hungarian-Canadian so technically yes.

>Go to the pharmacy
>Grab all the viagra
>Come back
>"Alright, here I go"
>Shove dick inside.
>Start downing all the bottles.
>He starts squirming
>Grow dick muscles in the shape of the USA.
>Your left nut looks like Alaska.
>Right nut looks like hawaii, but it's all jumbled together, but w/e, you could care less.
>"Yeah, you did it, oh, I can feel it being great!"
>"Never said I was done"
>The Viagra Kicks in
>What follows next can only be described as a giant flesh covered mass growing out of the basement in a small neighborhood.
>Astronauts from the ISS space station witness as the west coast is crushed under the immense, heaving, member that could only be described as "a small, fleshy USA"
>California finally gets what it wants, even Sweden is jealous as everyone drowns in crotch sweat.
>The western part of the US is covered by a copy of itself, made of nothing but pure dick.
>Finally, after hours of growth, you subside in yelling, and say "NOW made it great!"
>You look down, only to see two bloody legs staring back at you.
>"Huh, looks like you were low energy..."


Man my genetics are so bad..flabby body..grower not a shower etc...

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

Being a grower is good though -- you get to pleasantly surprise people.

Now obey Kek's wishes.

You're not my type mate.


"I'm calling Pence."

Shouldn't you get beheaded for this

Hold onto these 2 wires first

>Hello, Mr Pence. We have an emergency