

I'm a socialist (((screenwriter))) in Hollywood (though I despise Hillary and Trump equally.)

I am genuinely curious what you would like to see in movies. I feel superheroes are on their way out.

What are the themes that attract you to stories and characters in films Sup Forums

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And what are your favorite movies that they don't make anymore?



More 1994 type of movies like Casino, Goodfellas, Carlito Way. Alpha stuff, you kike

We need strong white aryan role models like Aryan Schwarzenegger who goes killing sprees in foreign countries, even though he kills lots of mudslimes and children: he does it for America, because the price of freedum is not up to debate - al the while Russian agents try to ruin his efforts

Adapt a true to source material episodic movie of the Horus Heresy

I like good teen movies with white people like The rules of attraction, Idle hands or Donnie Darko.

Psychological thrillers like gone girl, please.

Trump's ascent and campaign are quite literally the classic underdog story

You need to up the anti-white, cultural Marxist message

Fuck off you jew kike! fight me 1v1 irl. I'll see your ass at the LA Union train station 12pm.

More skinhead movies that aren't predictable liberal garbage.

More movie like Menace 2 Society because hood movies weren't so bad.

Pretty much more movies about racial gangs.

i like movies with white people that have an actual plot not identity politics brain washing. also, kys.


Bane movies
All bane all cia
All plane

Write a movie about pieces of shit like you getting gassed in ovens by a new Nazi-like party.

put more tits in movies. not like guilt tits either, but like unashamed white titties thanks.

I wanna see more interracial love interests and more poor Jews being bullied by the evil Nazis.

Make a movie about time traveler Trump.

This is not leddit, kys

Allegory to Nazi Germany except Hitler is the good guy.

You know damn well that cyberpunk distopya will be the next popular genere again. The movies and tv will be full of a depressing future that only voting in Democrats the next election will fix. expect to see a remake of bladerunner next year.

I love movies concerning politics and war that take a philosophical perspective, it's usually biographies but I think it's better to focus on events.

There seem to be an influx of movies involving ET's lately. I would be happy if this Trend continued.

a jew walks into /pol and asks for ideas to make himself money and the cucks here gladly give it to him for free


A move exposing rampart Hollywood pedophilia and occultism.

I am genuinely curious if there is any way to butcher the WH40k with tolerance, inclusivity and diversity.

tfw you will never see a minority portray a villain. i like those movies that have a twist ending, and it turns out genocide is justifiable.

less cg and more sfx guys doing what they do best. the over use of cg is the sole reason i dont go to the movies anymore.

What I would like to see is Hollywood go out of business.
Failing that, "writers" who come from the creative writing movement need to be replaced by actual human beings who have gone out and done something and then felt like they could write.
We love movies, we talk about movies all the time. We are sacrificing nothing by refusing to pay money to see All White Men Should Die by Shlomo Shekelstein.
Ask yourself what movie you would write if the year was 1975? Don't be distracted by the outstanding movues of that era or the highly remunerative big-production epics, think in terms of the values and the strategy. Men who are not perfect but are not planned by Tim Weiss either. Women who are easy on the eyes but substantive characters as well, and no, wimpering, broken up by lecturing the audience, or Mary Sue-ing a fight scene, does not count as substantive.
There have been plenty of recent movies that did well because they had aberrantly un-Hollywood values. We were under the impression that Hollywood made a tunnel vision decusion to give up profit in favor of ideology.


literally what

If you are a LARPer, then you need to fuck off and die.

If you are not, I would love to see movies about the German Panzer Aces like Otto Carius, Kurt Knipsel, Wittman, etc.

You can put an anti war/ anti holohoax spin on it, whatever. I just want to see some sweet tank on tank action in Hollywood. I would definitely pay (((money))) to see that.

homosexuals eating other homosexuals

What I really would like to see is Lovecraft books like Charles Dexter Ward made into big Hollywood projections

Most of the Lovecraft movies are B-rated amateur films, and they are still bretty good 3/5

They would make fucking awesome horror, there has been some good adaptions like "Dagon" but they were kinda shitty too.

Old Dogs 2
This needs to happen, I bet John travolta would be into it


Trump associated his campaign with centipedes early in the primary season.

movies like those of Francis Ford Coppola, Brian DePalma, Tarantino, Kurosawa, Paul Thomas Anderson, Wes Anderson

Noire Movies like: Chinatown & The Long Goodbye

Good-bad movies like: Every Movie by John Carpenter, Action movies like Alien(s) and Predator

David Lynch (Best/seks on film uuugh) movies

Tarkovsky Movies

Stanley Kubrick Movies

David Cronenberg Movies


There is literally nothing wrong with being a jew.

Sounds like when i went to scoutcamp

Do a decent interpretation of blood meridian and you don't have to feed and oven with your colleagues.

I think the most important part of this election was the instant change from the left when then didn't get their way. Their candidate rigged the primary and played as underhanded and disrespectfully as she possibly could. And yet, when she lost they began violently rioting to overthrow a democratically elected president. Who are the real fascists here?

Oh and campy goofy kids movies like Goonies, ET, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Tron (original), Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Indiana Jones, etc.

Absolutely this.

There's a reason the special effects from "the thing" still hold up today. Or even lord of the Rings for that matter, which excellently blended the use of miniatures, special effects and amazing costume, prop and set design and then CG was sort of used as the "glue" to hold all these together and make it look smooth.

please gib more white guilt plox and tell me about racism more

Those are all like propaganda


(Is what I would like to see in the movie in 10 years)

Dead jews, bad guys winning. A holocaust comedy film could be interesting

More fucking westerns, partner.

this is probably some feminist cunt fishing for movies they can now consider racist etc. don't list any actual movies guys.

A comedy movie where shekelstein goes on his crazy antics in LA messin' with goys

call it... Oy Vey

Also this. This. This. This. I was born in 84 and grew up on horror movies all with practical effects. That makes it so much more 'real' and scary. CGI is ok in small doses just to hide little things. But practical effects all the way.

>I feel superheroes are on their way out.


How about a comedy that's actually funny and not just leftist propaganda? Not sure where you're going to find writers/actors that aren't shills though.

make an otto skorzeny movie

Ignore this guy, he is having fun at your expense.
Notice this guy. Lovecraft was the inventor and/or singular influencer of three or four literary genres. Even at his early, hystrionic worst, he still builds more than enough into his stories to work with in multiple ways. A lot of his stuff needs a sympathetic director and an un-Hollywood-like time scope, which is why we all swooned when Del Toro said he unironically wanted to do a verbatim Mountains of Madness.
I get that the illiterate and entitled children of millionaire mulattos are telling you as a writer to hate, ignore, disavow or apologize for Lovecraft, but it's revolutionary nonsense. It's like Archimedes getting shanked by a moronic and terrified soldier. None of Lovecraft's SJW critics can hold a candle to his worst pulp hysterics.

I'd like to see more movies like coherence

But you obviously don't have the skills to do so

Drive and Nightcrawler were excellent concepts for movies. They have two layers at which you can enjoy the flick, the:
1. Oh I'm out with my friends this movie has a need aesthetic and cool car chase scenes.
and 2. I'm at my house and this movie has some a serious underpinning right-wing message about modern Journalism or the struggle to end corruption.

Really, less special effect reliant Michael Bay/ Avengers type stuff. Less strong wymyn/ ghostbusters junk.

So I'd say focus more on the common man's struggle between man and media, you kikes are crumbling our entire world with this propaganda at least own up to it lol. Gone Girl was also a good concept; huge hit w/ my conservative family believe it or not.

donald trump as a superhero

Well he is the God Emperor of Mankind regardless of race. And he never wished to be called a god in the first place so I guess he was the leader of all men regardless of sexuality, race, religion etc.

He's a corpse though who cares

Make another "falling down" type movie.

Hell yea.

Need more scenes where annoying jews get shot in the face

Tbh, I love it when a movie can nail atmosphere. 10 Cloverfield Lane is one of my favorite movies from the last few years because of how well it could create this bubble of tension, let it sit, and then pop it, letting it all out. We need less horror movies that say "Awful child actors and predictable jumpscares are scary, right?" And more that actually create tension to make the payoff of a scare satisfying.

I know but you would do well to study the technique involved. The technique and not the jews are the masterrace theme is what's important here. They're fantastic entertainement no matter what. It's what my dreams were made of.

Try white chicks loving on white men. It would be a great start.

Remake UHF

I bet weird al would be into it

just turn on CNN or MSNBC haha

Yea, Golden Eye is one of my favorite movies because it had great SFX and basically no CGI. Even though the plane flying away from the chemical factory explosion was a bit cheesy and definitely a model, a model actually exploding is still better than a CGI explosion.

California seceding (vid related).

>I'm a socialist (((screenwriter))) in Hollywood

No. You are not.

political revolutions where the the globalist cultists are taken down with advanced plots is the ONLY thing I want to see

We like traditionalist movies. The more movies indirectly shill against kike interests the better.

"can't stump the trump" videos used this song and online trump supporters called themselves centipedes


time travel

this desu

This. I happen to hate superheroes. I hated them even as a kid.
I fucking adore watching Downey chew scenery in Iron Man, the cartoon robot fights are the most boring part of the movie.
Want to do a superhero movie? Knock yourself out. Want to do an anorexic and wierdly powerless Wonder Woman, and every single story is always a metaphor for the Holocaust, and the message brought back from Krypton is that white men must apologize? Then kindly stick your head in an oven.

Promote Asian Women with White Men

>We must create the chimera super-race

>The unstoppable industrial force of the white race combined with intelligence and genetic anime.

Made it happen, Jews, and you will get to keep the moon after we leave for Mars.

I need a movie or 5 with the Agent Aloysis X. Pendergast character.


A TRAGEDY... The Hollywood "formula" forbades the lead roles losing in the end. I would love to watch a well made TRAGEDY...

reddit trump supporters*

fair enough


>otto skorzeny

what about a documentary on how socialism killed 1/4 of a billion people in 20th centuary

pedophilic cults in the everglades spanning into the globalist elite

I'd REALLY like to see a realistic non-biased portrayal on right- winger. This can range anywhere form Hitler to a random
Alt- Right Joe, starting some kind of anti establishment revolution
;preferably done in a rather sneaky way so people sympathize with the MC and agree with his choices and actions, but come to find that he is actually symbolic of the Alt Right post-premiere.

Dont fucking ask here.
Write what you have to say, what you need to make. Create your own world. Don't compromise or pander to anyone.

Your use of the happy merchant makes me kek, kike.

Less CGI
Less lewd
Intimate storytelling
Practical effects

>losing our blue eyes and blonde hair

No thanks. Why would #1 mix the tactics of #2? There's a reason we're superior.

It's funny but SJWs have been moving in on 40K as of late pushing for all kinds of nonsense.

First Female Space Marine.

Fuck Hollywood, I'm done with it. Books here on out.

Got sick of your shit 10 years ago and haven't given you a dime since then. Now I'm just completely checking out.

> give me your ideas, goyims, ideas are worthless anyway
No, fuck off.

Most of the Lovecraft books could easily be "twitched" into modern age, I mean you donĀ“t have to retain the 1930s-1940s feel of "Charles Dexter Ward", they could easily upgrade it to modern day and the main protagonist working for some big Chemical factory or something

I just want to see those stories with good effects :(

just anything that isn't political shit or is trying to guilt people for being white would be great

Propoganda for America, Fuck Yeah!
