What are some other examples of a trio like this in comics? Pure hero/good, Anti hero/neutral, and pure villain/evil?

What are some other examples of a trio like this in comics? Pure hero/good, Anti hero/neutral, and pure villain/evil?


But vanilla is good

I didn't say which I think is what.

>Carnage is strawberry
>Spider-Man is vanilla
>Venom is Chocolate
Sounds good to me

Superman, Bizarro and Cyborg Superman?

Dracula (evil), Frankenstein’s monster (neutral) and Larry Talbot the Wolf-Man (tragic, but good).

Mothra (good), Godzilla (neutral) and King Ghidora (evil)

Is Dracula truly evil?

I don't think they've ever interacted as a trio.

X-Men, Magneto and Apocalypse,


3 jokers
Joker (good)
Joker (neutal)
Joker (pure evil)

Doesn't Venom hate Carnage or at least fear Carnage?

You mean good, ok, shit

Venom is not a Carnage fan


How is he not evil? He drains people’s blood until they die, and sometimes he turns them into a vampire like himself. He kept John Harker captive against his will.

In most mythologies and continuities, vampires are evil by definition. When Lucy was turned, they killed her in her sleep. The idea of letting her wake up and maybe become a “good vampire” wasn’t a thing.

That firestar uniform was good

Red Hood

I don't know, I guess I figure vampires need to eat blood for health

But which is which

This sounds accurate

They need to eat blood to sustain a mockery of life and tend to be gluttonous monsters that consume lives with reckless abandon.