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Shouldn't they be too busy drinking cold brew coffee and prepping the bull?
Tonight's protests are boring as fuck, I wish someone would start breaking shit or throwing shit.
I hope he's okay tonight after the hell he went through yesterday,
so many fags.... glad i don't live near this shit.
What are the highlights?
What happened? Did he get mugged and shit?
i will be back when something is happening
untill then accept these digits for happenings
praise kek
Thanks for the good thread formatting OP!
quaking buddy.
No thank you
Fucking New Yorker should get out of Freedom Tower. Retards, and to think I wanted to work for them years ago.
Guy holding a flare
Fuck all those protestors. What a bunch of fucking cry babies. Destroying peoples shit that have absolutely nothing to do with the election is ridiculous.
Has protesting always been such a fucking joke? It does absolutely nothing.
Someone tell me they got a video of flashbangs...come on
brb moving to seatle and getting all the liberal chicks to myself since all the males are gay
Got tear gassed, sounded like he was coughing up a lung on air
>protesters: whos streets? our streets!
> Cops: whos Streets????
>protesters: fuck.....
So, is Soro's getting his money worth with these people?
Seems like just a waste of funds for a bunch of retards to walk around in a circle all night so the police can get bonus pay for babysitting.
What is the most red pilled city in America?
Low energy.
Soros is disappointed.
The protesters will experience a Nice type end, check these digits.
Reminder that the rest of oregon fucking hates these people.
And we hate people in bend.
LA is getting more organized while Portland just wants to fight their police force lol
Police should put up honeypots like
>pic related
playing 24/7 "President Donald Trump. I repeat President Donald Trump" and as soon someone get triggered and rages toward the media station, they get sacked.
Yes I saw that one, so many footages.
If we can find some highlights we can get it to Jones or Fox. They keep playing the tired old clips on Fox, it will get old and they'll move on if they do not get good footage.
Moonman called Riley
>tfw my cousin moved to Portland a few years ago
>he became a lawyer, all the life was sucked out of him
>Everything is literal now, he has to deconstruct everything I say to him, I have no more bro to bantz with
political correctness is fucking CANCER
They are trying to cause unrest but what they are really doing is making support for Trump stronger than ever.
Can confirm
Good luck with that. Seattle is all hipsters, so you better have a good beard.
Portland is easy to get laid in - if you have smack/meth, don't mind fat chicks, or are a fat lesbian, you're golden.
I bet all these people screaming the military type chants like they're leading an army are PAID PROTESTORS who do this shit all over the place these degenerate scum have no grievance they can articulate they just hate and rebel against everything .
They never articulate any actual solutions to whatever they use as a pretext to destabilize society they are just hate-filled degenerate anarchists
They are getting better.
Seattle is muchhh less libcucked than Portland but it still is pretty dam bad.
This low energy ass "protesting" also:
>muslim rights are human rights
>sung by women
>living in america
>this streamer trying to gotcha these Trump supporters
man, what a cuck
>tfw Portland
Where is a good place to move to? I love the weather and outdoorsy stuff of this area but fuck the people. Why do liberals have to ruin the entire coastline? I want to be near the ocean.
>"indigenous peoples' day"
>less cucked
Every time this faggot goes "Ummm", with that arrogant liberal snooty tone, I want to bash his head with a door, like in Kill Bill.
This bicycle autist faggot is getting shut the fuck down by these punk kids
I thought Saturday was supposed to ve their day of rage. Fucking nothing happened.
27:35 #povertyParty
this guy
fucking this
did soros run out of money or what
Wats the current periscope?
two streams filmed each other heh
Help deport illegals today!
>where are the flashbangs?
9:20 Flashbangs
Earlier in the video an incendiary billowed colored smoke into traffic.
Time was, feminists protested Muslim countries, observing the more clothing women were forced to wear, the more oppressed they were.
Then some men memed up confusing the free right to do so, to make westerners feel bad, to get them off their ass back in the dictatorships. And feminists caved. This generation is useless.
LA stream links?
Traffic blocked
Anywhere outside of the big cities, pretty much, just like the east coast.
Lol that guy moved quick when they got out of the car.
Portland is the most cucked city in the world.
The guys that faggot was talking to were literally just normal people and the liberal faggot didn't understand them. He kept trying to bring up "TRUMP SAID MEAN THINGS! WHY DON'T YOU CARE!" and they just laughed at everything he quoted that Trump had said. This was literally how things used to be many years ago when I was in school. A dying breed of people.
Anyone else see that pussy standing in front of the car? Then they got out and he stepped aside. That pretty much describes this whole protest
>guys get out of the car and the protesters scatter
"More people voted for Hillary, this is not democracy."
Looks like they are heading to the bridge, and shit will go down
You know, I wonder if arming the police with military grade gear again is even necessary if this is the opposition.
These faggots are embarrassing to watch, and probably would die just by running for a few miles.
The host, if you wanna call him that, makes me wanna go get hot dogs from 7-11 and little Hostess chocolate donuts.
What is the most happening stream right now?
Seems to be less violent than all the other days for some reason
damn those are good
>video ends at 5min
I was going to defend it a bit, because it used to be cool as fuck, way back.
But you are right.
It was a typical liberal "conversation":
Start with a loaded question.
No matter what the answer is, say "Um...." or"actually...." as snottily as possible, and then prattle off the talking points you were given earlier. Continue until the other person walks away in disgust, and then walk around with a smug air of superiority. Find new victim.
>Protester tried to be a hotshot and egg the car on
>Three guys get out of the car ready to beat the shit out him
>Protester hurriedly scurries off
Fucking pussies, all of them.
>military grade gear
hey reddit
LA - periscope.tv
Oakland - periscope.tv
maybe someone should tell them usa is a republic..... just saying.
>immigrants are welcome here!
These are the same dumb bitches who would be getting raped by muslims not long after shillary increased muslim immigration 500%
Or even better, the potential mothers of girls (or even boys) who were raped by these "poor oppressed people". Give me a fucking break.
If these bitches knew even a bit about whats been happening and continues to happen in Europe, they'd be singing a different tune.
They do have lots of milsurp, but so do non-fags so point sustained.
Those guys sounded like tools, one guy literally said "I don't know anything about politics, I'm just chilling" they all basically voted without knowing anything about the candidates or politics.
They said they're plumbers or some shit and work 11 hour days, obviously under-educated with no college degrees. Probably high school at best, and sounded like your typical "DUDE WEED LMAO" and let's not forget "OH DUDE I FARTED ON CAMERA, THAT WAS SO FUNNY!!"
They had the mentality of 14 year old's still stuck in high school, literally tools of the highest form. They were just out to cause trouble for the establishment and make asses out of themselves because protests are going on, they don't give a shit what's happening.
>The Clintons and Soros launch America’s Purple Revolution
Me too, for fat Kev jokes
That Oakland stream has a faggot who's just amazed the cops are blocking the streets.
Who are these faggots?
Damn son
damn. tough break user
There must be two groups in Portland. Looks like more are heading to the bridge
What stream was that on?
I don't know about America but to be a plumber in Australia you need to learn a very high level of mathematics to understand water pressure/flow and whatnot. It's not for dimwitted people.