Is Michael Moore transitioning?


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He really is the ultimate brainwashed liberal white guilt faggot so I wouldn't be surprised. How else can a white male gain oppression points?

You Michael Moore is actually a conservative to be a crazy ass liberal right?

fat acceptance?

No, I am Michael Moore. Ask me anything.

He posted a tweet earlier saying "I think I'm changing my mind" and then immediately deleted it.

I'm not sure what's going on with him but something ain't right.

Fat acceptance activists know that what they're peddling is bullshit, deep down.

>HAHA stupid white men amirite guise? #KillWhites

>oh noes why didnt they support hillary

he walked into trump tower with a note that said "you lost. step aside" and got mad when they wouldn't let him meet trump to hand said note over.


Honestly maybe. He looks like an old lady. That hair is ridiculous

He actually doesn't look like a monster when he has his hair cut and has a beard

What did he mean by this?

I think Moore is currently fighting some hardcore cognitive bias. He cares very much for his home state of Michigan, and as anyone from the area knows Michigan has been fucked harder than any other state by the Hill's terrible economic choices. Now that President Trump has promised to help revitalize these economies, and won the presidency I don't think Moore actually has any fucking idea what to do. He'd have to admit that he's fucked up, and been fucked up for decades, but he's getting close to a position where he'll HAVE to admit that he fucked up when money starts coming back into eastern Michigan.

tl;dr - Moore's head is in a tailspin right now trying to reconcile his political brainwashing and the realities of Trump's economic policy.

whether or not he will eat that 3rd box of twinkies

He's actively trying to abolish the electoral college.


They'll never have a say ever again.

wtf I love Michael Moore now

Transitioning into Jabba the Hutt maybe

I think he's just fat.
Fat cells produce aromatase and are highly concentrated in aromatase as well. In healthy males their testicles are the major producer of estrogen in which usually 80% estradiol is made in the testicles. In overweight and obese men their fat cells dominate and it's not uncommon for them to produce like 60-70% of estradiol in their fat cells. That's in addition to the same amount of estradiol produced in the testicles in normal weight and fit/healthy males. Fat cells do in fact feminize your body.

>The babylonian/egyptian obelisk represented the phallus
>literally holding a dick in his hand
never change, moore

I think he's currently fighting some hardcore gastrointestinal bias, if you know what I mean.

I get that, but I don't think anyone is going to be able to convince small-population states to go along. What's in it for Iowa, for example? I don't see how it could be done.

The point is to cause cognitive dissidence in liberals mind when they are calling to remove the college.

I've watch people on facebook and in person's brain melt by pointing this out.

It's effective and fun.

What is this fucking retard meme?
Do you realize that none of the blacks in the south matter in the electoral college because its all red?
The blacks that live in major metros like NY don't matter under the EC because those states are already blue.

The swing states are some of the whitest, and they're the ones that matter the most.

Ahhh... thank you, Sensei

Why do you look like an obese lesbian woman? They pumping estrogen into the Flint water, along with the lead?

Because Michael Moore is becoming one of us... he just taking his time with it.

I'm willing to be that by sometime next year he'll abandon the Democratic party and become Libertarian/Republican with a little bit of Green Party in there as well.

when was the last time you seen your penis without looking in a mirror?

Michael Moore's expected final form when transitioning is complete

Fun fact, ethinyl estradiol is 1/2 of my birth control formula

Enjoy your fucked up kids

I think if we actually manage to do half of what we've set out to do in the next few years Moore will be the first in a long series of converts. People have a hard time looking results directly in the face and denying they exist.

He hates himself for having conservative views

He makes total sense when you see it like this and his often contradictory viewpoints

Something in his past fucked him up

Has anyone ever gone so far as even to need more to do look more like?

MM has most definitely fucked a child

If you had to choose between one hundred duck-sized cheeseburgers, or one big elephant-sized bacon burger, what meaningless insult would you throw at Donald Trump next?