Asians overwhelmingly voted Hillary

What does Sup Forums think about the 'honorary Aryans' now?

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The only good asian is the one drawing anime.

I dont think it's real.

I'm chinese and my entire family is chinese. We are 1st gen immigrants.

All of us voted for trump.

Most of our friends did so as well, but our circle is limited to 1st gen chinese immigrants so, I cant speak for other asians.

These are the ones who left remember.

Help deport illegals today!

Asians are concentrated in liberal states and in liberal cities. 90% of them live in California, New York, and Illinois.

They tend to adopt the politics of the local constituents.

All the Filipinos I know voted trump too.

They lump indians and shit in the asian category so who the fuck knows what east asian percentage is.

Hey, Asians vote based on location.
Texas Asians all voted Trump.
All the Asians in New York and
Cali voted for Hillary.
Got family in all those locations and that how they all voted.

Gooks are hostile alien colonists on our soil, they must be removed along with all of the other subhuman squatters.

I don't see how anybody can trust polls ever again

>Asian Americans
They're full SJW cucks. The only based asians are in Asia.

LA,NY, & Uni educated. simple

this p, much

This. I'm an Asian in Commiefornia that voted Trump and know others that did likewise.


Most asians believe in the the democratic policies to allow immigrants in the country like how they were allowed to migrate in the US for a better chance at life ignoring how it might affect or harm the country and our current society.

My entire Vietnamese side of the family voted Hillary while my American half voted trump

This is true. Family in CA and DC like Clinton. Family in TX and FL went Trump

Only Asians I know that voted for Trump came from Taiwan and are fierce anti-communist.

>Poo niggers consolidate their worth to society

I love Sup Forums sometimes
Pre-election polling - Clinton +5
Exit polls - Clinton +8
>Demographic breakdowns must be accurate

> Asians against white supremacy
ffs whites SHOULD have supremacy in their own countries and Asians should have supremacy in theirs. You don't get to come to somebody else's country, mooch off the public infrastructure they built, and then bitch about it

Well that seems to say something positive about Asians' ability to assimilate. Compare that to Muslims or Latinos, and there's still something to be said for Asian superiority over other lesser groups.

Because they are smart enough not to buy everything a politician says.

>call me when Trump creates more jobs or builds the wall lol

>tfw 2nd gen and commies stole my rich ancestors' wealth and property in Vietnam

Only disgusting Northern Vietnamese vote Democrat.


They end up in the big cities because those are the best places for people with money and education to immigrate to. Big cities tend to be extremely left-leaning.

Asians tend to adopt the political views of their new home rather than importing it from their home land. This is evidence that they're successfully integrating and becoming a part of their local culture, which is a good thing. The fact that it happens to be a democrat-supporting culture is just coincidental, they are demographically model immigrants.

So, they vote like white people?



Chinese vote to be trendy, they do it just to do it. When asked, my Chinese friend said he's "voting for whoever." They're spineless little robots, Jews ought to do reconsider using stinky worthless muzzies to replace whitey and start importing Chinese factory workers.

Those exit polls are wrong too.

Dont you have some race mixing propaganda to spread you kike?

Did you even look at the pic?

Asians are trying to destabilize the country so they can buy up properties for cheap then take over America.

The gook colonists in white countries are correct to attack "white supremacy". No European ever voted to allow gook colonization of our countries, and if we ever had the chance to vote on it, all gooks would be deported.

The gooks that have established colonies here instinctively know that they are not wanted, so they must either choose to leave or to actively fight against the population from whom they are attempting to steal territory.

The general idea of all this coloured people polls is just they illegally in USA, they hate people with different color, they want live on welfare.

Worst people ever.

>volunteer polling

Fuck off, the MSM has been wrong since the beginning, this isn't even accurate.

the fastest growing minority in the US and they not only think they are better than whites, they hate white people

Fuck socket faced chinks

Vietnamese here. The only true Asians are in Asia itself. My whole family is cucked and said they would've voted Clinton if they were in the States, and support Trudeau. They also think rapefugees are in the same situation as my people and deserve respect. Don't get me started on millennial Asians either. No sense of tradition or honour.

I'm the last of my kind when it comes to upholding tradition and old customs. When I get enough money and education I'm fucking off out of the West and going back to Asia. The fact that a bunch of races live in the West and are expected to co-exist is idiotic. As much as Asians and whites are equal in terms of accomplishments, we have no place in the West and vice versa. All races should just keep to their own countries.

the ones that did vote hillary were probably from cali.

the other 1-2 mil filipinos are spread across america

Take a browse through:

They make it pretty clear that they hate white people

Hey, both my parent are Northerners, and they both voted for Trump.
Almost every business owner, from the Latino to Asian who vote for Trump in Texas.
If you want to blame Commies, blame almost every fucker from Cali.

>all asians do is complain about how black people dont have jobs
>Trump says he's going to get black people working again

I don''t get it.

"Asian"-Americans are just Americans desu.

Even when a Japanese person spends a year in the US they cease to become Japanese somehow. They always come back looking way more niggerized: like a different species.

They were probably Chinese instead of based nips

This. Westernised Asians are just embarrassing.

It's the posture. The posture changes, I've seen it happens. The rest changes too, of course, but you can't see that right away. The posture is a giveaway that they're a westerner in their own head now. You can see it before you know it, and then you know it.

I'm not sure I follow

Honestly, the truth is probably all 1st gen who own business and know the Red Demon first-hand probably don't even know how/bother to vote (as is the case with my grandmother and mother), so it's really all the offspring who've gone through liberal institutions and now work a white-collar job in the city.

And yeah, I know some Northerners can be based, I just have fond memories of my grandmother using "from the North" as some extreme insult, as if she were saying 'cunt.'

Cambodian guy here. Didn't vote for her.

>voting in the us election
Somethin doesnt add up here..

Hillary memed the racist/deportation thing.

our people there are westernized as fuck. over here people are cheering and BTFO of those commies protesting against trump even though they're not American citizens

Family of Viet here, we voted Trump. However, we do live in diverse areas. It's like a immigrant dumping ground. Some Paki are coming over. (SoCal) It's all organic and naturally self segregated. So the Clinton votes might be on Media propaganda or Muh feelings for my spics friends. But rest assure, I and everyone I knew voted for Trump.

Or he's a half-viet who lives in Australian while the rest of his family lives in the states.

Demographic polling is based around the exit polling.
The exit polls had Hillary up 8%, which didn't fucking happen.

They can only speculate what happened, and if the exit polls were so wrong on the overall vote, I doubt they are right on demographics.

Also, despite record levels of Republican primary and early voting turnout, Trump got less votes than Romney and Hillary got way less votes than Obama. So I'm guessing a fuck ton of votes got "lost" as well.

I call bullshit on it westernized asians hahaha no such thing

>Koreans are most based
>Japanese are most independent/third party (and most based)
>Indians are faggots

Not surprised

I voted for Trump while my family went for Hillary.

After he won they congratulated me because we're not a faggots who start shit due to petty political opinions.

Then they looked more into Trump's opinions and policies and told me he looks like a promising president and look forward to the future.

Westernized asians stand with a different posture. It's more slack, and places more weight on their hips. It's hard to give a more detailed explanation, but if you've seen it you know it.

Asians who've stayed in their culture don't have that posture. They develop it while spending time immersed in western culture. Any time you see an asian with that posture, even if they're japanese and in the streets of Hokkaido, you know right away that they were an international student. The posture always accompanies the mindset of somebody who's been westernized to the point where they're skeptical of their native culture. The two aren't inextricably related, but share a common source. Once they adopt the posture, they no longer really fit with their home culture, and just fake it to get through the day. Eventually they either re-integrate and their posture changes back to normal, or they become an international whore and leave the country every few months to party in the US or Europe.

Kpop stars and Seoul nightlifers deliberately try to imitate the posture but they don't quite get it, and you can tell it's different.

You couldn't be more right.
Every single one of my cousins voted for Hillary, or at least didn't vote Trump.
Even my older sister voted for Hillary.
What happens in college? I'm attending one right now, and I'm not seeing any "brainwashing".
I would like to think I'm seeing through professor's bullshit, but I never got the idea that anything they were saying was changing people.
Your grandmother has the right to pissed off at the North, I mean just look at what they did.

All these first gen chinese (non-american) are overwhelmingly pro-trump I would say 80-20. They become retards from 2nd gen on.



You'd be surprised. When people go into college and they've never looked at the facts before someone in a position of authority tells them something about it, they believe it. Especially women. They don't see how someone in that position could be wrong, and they've never done the research themselves nor are they interested in doing that research. Its much easier to go with the flow and what others around them are saying than to make their own beliefs, especially when doing so would require them to discount all of the evidence they've been given up to that point.

Asians are based
No concept of PC
No representation in gov., killing it anyways
Model minority group imo
Had a great "wink wink" convo with the Korean dude that runs my regular liquor store
He voted Trump, had voted repub for 15 years since the Bush admin gave him a visa to come here.
Good people.
Republicans need to reach out to asians like Trump did to Blacks (to no avail apparently).
They have a cultural work ethic that is right in line with conservative politics

Lol says the kike

I'm an asian chinese living in Australia, with a life long ambition of one day living in america. That has been my dream ever since i was a kid when i moved over from Singapore.

Will the americans accept me? I love guns and served 2 years in the army, as per conscription then. Have a bachelor's degree in Pharmacy and an IELTS test score of 8.5.

I just wanna have burgers, own a lovely gun and settle down with a lovely american wife... ;_;

sounds about fucking right, can confirm.
1st gen are already redpilled before they came
2nd are retards yellow skin white lib heart


cuckservatives never reach out like Cernovich said. Could've gotten our votes easily


you don't expect most intelligent ethnicity to vote for trump?


How the fuck do less Asians than Hispanics vote for Trump, are there gangs of Japs flowing over the Mexican border that we don't know about?

Ty Ameribro. You just kept my dream alive.

Do you think trump would tighten immigration laws though? LEGAL immigration of course?

I just wanna know what my chances are.


Asians make up a small minority in the country. The majority of them are located in California (for obvious reasons). California is very blue, and breeds very blue.

Trump is completely fine with legal immigration. His election has made either no change or positive change in your chances of getting in. Hillary would have made amnesty steps, while basically fucking over people trying to get in legally.

Trump, focusing on the legal process, might remove some of the bullshit red tape to streamline the process for hard working folks trying to make a living here.

A damn shame.
IMO conservative values fit perfectly with both asians and hispanics (less immigration)
Need to grow the tent, not let the race baiters take all minority voters bc muh raaaaacism!

Thanks for the reassurances!

Guess I'll never know unless i try. Is the diversity green card lottery still in play?

Hapa here...
Dad is Nihon and my mom is white.
Dad, mom and I voted Trump.

I know some flipper beans who voted hillary but, they aren't asian just latino.

Regardless they lost along with hillary.

>that lack of privacy

I've been bombarded with Asian hate today. I saw the movie Hacksaw ridge, Fox news talking about killing Japs on the radio on the ride home, now this? Jews must be strategizing about who they want us to hit next. Guess China is in the cross hairs. Too bad the Jew has been named and they will be gassed once and for all.

There's a reason why we call 2nd gen and 3rd gen "banana" for a reason. They are only Asian in blood, but completely liberal in mind.

You can find better ally in us actual Asians when it comes to the issue of racism.
i.e. "Racism? What a joke."

chinese american here,

got both my parents to vote trump

I don't know anything about the specifics as I've lived here my whole life. All I know is that you need to know our constitution and bill of rights and amendments better than our own citizens do, and you need to speak English (being from Singapore you'll have no trouble with that). But yeah, just go on Kahn Academy or something and take a basic Civics 101 course and start the mountain of paperwork you need and you're well on your way. But seriously, start the paperwork now if you want to come here five years from now. It isn't a short process.

I want to be friends with Asians.

>implying asians don't vote for their ethnic interest
>implying many illegals aren't actually asian unregulated overstays



Don't we have a shit ton of polls saying that Viets are the most likely of all Asians to be Republican?

Asians in France don't get culturally integrated well, but they're peaceful people so I would be okay if they replaced our population to be honest. They never bother anyone.


Lovely American wife...




Good luck.

Have fun being replaced in your own country, don't forget to suck some yellow dick while they shit on you

>tfw Asians had the hardest shift this year


At my department we have a two Asian cops. One is a patrol officer and the other a detective. Both voted Trump.

>i don't think statistics is true because i have this one personal experience

Remember asian includes Indian which we have a lot of now despite what you think and they all want a Democrat in charge who will raise the H1B limit to being more in. That's literally all they care about.

No problem. It's because of rude people like you that I would be okay with being replaced.

Fuck off Chang

Shit, those fucking Vietnamese fall fo Democrat.

I,would vote for Trump in a hearbeat

That's not surprising. The 2nd/3rd Asian American is about as stupid as the average white is as far as being cucked goes. Doesn't help that Asians congregate on the coasts where liberalism is the norm.

they're all located in Australia.