What's Sup Forums's opinion of pic related?
Here is an Orthodox Christian argument against him (you can skip the preface, which isn't by the author): oode.info
What's Sup Forums's opinion of pic related?
Here is an Orthodox Christian argument against him (you can skip the preface, which isn't by the author): oode.info
That the bastardization of his philosophy starts with his sister and ends with cucks thinking he was a nihilist
According to Nietzsche, "That there is no truth; that there is no absolute state of affairs-no 'thing-in-itself.' This alone is Nihilism, and of the most extreme kind."
That would classify him as a sort of nihilist.
or maybe he tried reject the fact there is no current truth but simply that the pursuit of truth is too flawed to in its current state to understand truth with blatant rationalizations based on little logos to back it up?
He was more of a relativist, denouncing the idea of *the* truth in favor of *my* truth and *your truth*. He thought truth is, optimally, the handmaiden of aesthetics.
So basically, its not that he thought there was no truth, he just though that current means in finding truth reveals nothing, therefore in his day and age there is no truth. So this would be a flaw in the perception of truth, not the denial of truth.
Yes he was a relativist in the sense that he was highly critical of the philosophical world around him. Denying the categorical imperative and thing in itself does not mean there is no truth, just that our perception of truth is too flawed to understand truth, so therefore what little we can perceive are divided into meaningless categories.
Saying there is no "thing-in-itself", is saying perception is reality. "Thing-in-itself" means a reality that perception reflects, but is not perception itself.
Yes... this does not mean "nihilism" this means our truth is based on our senses the best they can yet truth constantly shifts on the whims of different people and thus our understandings of ourselves do as well. So the thing in itself does not exist until we can prove it exists, and it Nietzsche's time there was no proof. There is still no proof. There still might be proof. We cannot say either way, so therefore we say that the thing in itself can't be proven exist. So it doesn't exist. That's the way I've always understood Nietzsche on the subject of his nihilism.
>So it doesn't exist
And Nietzsche said that to hold this opinion, is nihilism.
Except its not true nihilism is it? It still accommodates the pursuit of truth, it just puts the idea of truth on much higher platform than his contemporaries, you have bastardizations of truth, but they are even so somewhat truthful. They are not completely truthful, so therefore they are not "truth". So if we were to look at this in a mathematical way, truth must always 100% or else it is false. There are varying degrees of falseness, but no matter to what degree something is false, it is still false. So its only nihilism in the sense that it is the ultimate form of intellectual humility. Nietzsche has own philosophical aestheticism about him, for him it is "muh truth". If you don't have the ability to perceive yet the full thing itself, the thing itself does not yet exist, end of story.
nihilist edgy suicidal teens worship him
thus sparke zarathustra is a good book
His stache is bangin
Nietzsche doesn't put truth on a high platform, he describes truth as a "woman" and says women must always be approached with the whip. For Nietzsche, truth is only something to serve aesthetics.
this t b h he saw Marxism going awry miles away
Well, Dosoevsky already says is much in Notes from Underground (which was lampooning the communist novel, "What is to Be Done?") And Nietzsche read Notes from Underground and loved it.
what are aesthetics?
Artistic quality.
>muh truth
yeah I'm pretty sure that comes from the first chapter of Beyond Good and Evil. In fact he goes onto describe the philosophers as petulant teenagers who are easily jealous when the woman doesn't pay her due of attention. Of course, being the eternal edgelord, he assumes himself above this woman. To do this, he denies the woman. He denies the woman through denying the thing itself. He denies the thing itself through simple mathematical deductions. These deductions inherently places truth on a high pedestal,100% or else it doesn't exist, in which case the failure results in one arguing over nothing. This doesn't mean there is no truth, this means what he and other people perceive as truth is inherently arbitrary.
>through simple mathematical deduction
Nietzsche never uses *any* sort of structured methodology, let alone deductive reason
Or at least he thinks he doesn't. It psychologically impossible not to no matter how much you try to separate yourself from it. This is my own psychological profile of the guy, or more precisely my interpretation of it.
He was a cuck that got friendzoned by a Russian Jew so he wrote a philosophy that is best summed up as "REEEEEEEEEEEE"
A pattern is not the same as structured methodology
But it nonetheless means he HAS to think mathematically. This is how I how I think his attempts at breaking methodology went wrong. This is what leads him to accepting the bastardization versus total lack in truth later on his life.
What do other philosophyfags make of Lehrer's ideas about knowledge as undefeated, warranted true belief? More or less defends the idea of proximate truth along the way to ultimate truth.
What is Orthodox Christians philosophy other than "Remove Kebab"?
He doesn't think mathematically at all, mathematics is using deductive logic, which Nietzsche doesn't even do vaguely.
Something like stoicism, with an emphasis on contrition, the idea being to purge yourself (catharsis, not as in emotional venting), in order to be harmonious with the divine fire (which is painful if you do not purge yourself, that's what hellfire is).
>nietsche doesn't use deductive logic
sauce? last time I checked all human thought is form of deductive logic, even schizophrenics.
Are you sure you even know what deductive reasoning is? Math didn't even use it until the Greeks came up with it.