How can we Make Mexico Great Again?
>in b4 nuke it
Believe it or not, Mexico was once a based conservative country and one of our closest allies.
How can we Make Mexico Great Again?
>in b4 nuke it
Believe it or not, Mexico was once a based conservative country and one of our closest allies.
You have to annex Mexico
The Cartels have to be taken out.
Remove Mexicans
We don't. We're fuck, user
You mean your women keeps fucking too much. Honestly I banged a mexican girl, their sex drive is too much.
I hope the fall hurts a lot.
The only thing that will hurt me is seeing the love of my being destroyed by it.
By building a wall and making them pay for it. Maybe then they will be forced to develop the country rather than just sending all the malcontents our way.
Stop funding the cartels and allow Mexican Citizens gun rights to defend themselves
Send their people back, build a wall, and let them straighten out their own problems, while being an example of how it's done.
Bring back this guy.
Can't be any worse than how things have been in the last 50 years.
Giving monkeys guns is 100 time a better idea.
Arm yourselves
Put the Unión Nacional Sinarquista in charge of the country
give us all your whites, and take back all your browns.
Fund the mormons.
You need a Mexican Duterte to fix Mexico.
Mexicans has it's people and power to make their country great, but somehow were brainwashed to sell themselves as cheap workforce. Maybe after building a wall they will not look to America with hope, that propaganda created (celebrities working on that), but open their mind to their country, with true hope, spirit of patriotism. Every red pilled person is a change for better.
I guess ONE politician that cared for the people could be enough but that just doesn't seem to exist
pretty much anyone has a gun or knows how to get one.
they'll fix themselves just fine without autistic neets fucking everything up
Have respect for the law.
It's disappointing that most national "heroes" are revolutionaries and lawbreakers. I mean Benito Juarez broke his own constitution a bazillion times.
exterminate the mestizos
Elect your own Rodrigo Duterte.
Don't base your economy off selling us drugs.
I wouldn't know how to fix Mexico, because I don't live there. But one thing the Mexican people have to do is find a way to throw off the cultural tolerance they have for government corruption at every level. You can bribe your way out of traffic tickets there. You can't have a decent country with this sort of nonsense swirling around.
I know white people as dumb as Paris Hilton.
and i know mestizos as dumb as potatoes
fuck mestizos and fuck indios
make latin america latin again
Paris Hilton isn't even as dumb as we come, just look at Aids Skrillex, Trigglypuff, Smuglypuff, etc.
Leave us alone. Fuck drumpf too.
kill yourself shitskin indio fuck
The wall.
>Cartels cease to exist because they subside almost entirely on smuggling across the insecure southern border
>Illegals are deported back to their own country, giving them a boost of manpower
>Mexicans can no longer flee to the north to escape their situation at home, so they begin to hold their corrupt politicians accountable for their actions and replace them
>due to trade tariffs to pay for the wall from the United States, the Mexican economy diversifies and goes back to work to survive
The wall would literally fix almost everything wrong with Mexico.
You have no idea who Latin-America works.
Dumb as in: "what's scurby?" "who's Tolstoi?"
The mayority of people in this country are mestizos or mixed race (European and natives). I dont want to kill my self user. Another idea?
Up to a level it has to do with poverty, people are willing to accept money cause they barely make ends meet and the ones with money take advantage of this.
But there's a higher level when the political class gets involved where corruption is just brought about by greed and a complete disregard for the country. Their only intention is to steal as much as they can and then flee
Says the one with a satanic pedophile government
>You have no idea who Latin-America works.
learn english, shitskin
real latins are white europeans: spain, portugla, italy, france. stop calling yourself latin you native new world shitskin wastes of genetic material
>Mexico was once a based conservative country
Mexico was never conservative, EVER. It only appeared that way because of the class structuring, particularly the landed wealth, tried to mimic the behavior of rich Americans. Mexico has been and always will be a oligarchy pretending to be conservatives. Mexico has never established a true republic, one that wasn't corrupted by land owners.
Corruption is a huge deal there. But the problem is, if you campaign on the premise of ending corruption you will either be bribed yourself or taken out by insider forces.
I recommend movie in pic related for an intro into Mexican corruption. It's a very good film and redpilled as fuck about corruption in government and news media collaboration with it. Basically a Mexican version of Wag the Dog
That's why I corrected it Anyway, why are culturally Latin (bastardized, of course).
Latin-America has had a terrific cultural flourishing but how would you know?
They're mixed with moors and jews
Both of these, remove troops and military resources from Syria and focus on purging the cartels and flushing out the politicians that they have in their pockets.
because i was born in madrid and i'm castilian spanish. and unlike your faggot shitskin brethren who come into this country and can't leave your culture at the border, i assimilated, as a good and respectful immigrant does
This is a very good idea, but I feel it is much more dangerous in Mexico. He would literally have to be protected by an army of incorruptible henchmen and even then it's a slim chance.
For now we can just hope for a Mexican version of Donald Trump. Mexibros, do you have anyone that fits that profile?
explains the conquistadors mixed children, the states north or Mexico have mexiwhite people and down south are the little indies. Stop being mad because some Chicano shit fucked your girl user. Happens to the most of us
Don't worry mexifriends, you have a chance for new beginning!
Onward to the great white north! Your destiny awaits.
Im Latinoaméricano. Are you a nigger?
Stop the fucking socialism. All your degenerate PRI and PAN and all that other faggot "we will fix the roads" shit is not the duty of government. They provide nothing without stealing from someone else's pocket.
Vote liberty.
Subcomandante Marcos for Presidente.
Fuck, anyone but your useless nanny state morons.
A country that has Alaska y Dinarama can't tell me anything about culture.
Your best movie director alive is a faggot, your politicians are a joke, your royal family is corrupt.
So yeah it's in our genes to be shitty.
Mexico seems to have enough good land, nice climate and coasts, oil and other resources. You could say the same about Brazil.
They should be able to do good things. There must be some cultural thing going on in Latin countries that doesn't allow them to get organized.
The traditionally Anglo-saxon countries are just better run. Not sure why.
Stop the fucking socialism. All your degenerate PRI and PAN and all that other faggot "we will fix the roads" shit is not the duty of government. They provide nothing without stealing from someone else's pocket.
Vote liberty.
Subcomandante Marcos for Presidente.
Fuck, anyone but your useless nanny state morons.
You do know that a lot of American landowners do want the cheap Mexican labour force so they help them get through the border? And that by employing that low-pay low-educated workforce it helps set the wage bar low? So since that part of the American bourgeois is favoured, do you really think that will stop illegal inmigrants?
Its not that the Latinamerican person is super clever and can sneak through that wall, it's that the Americans themselves support illegal inmigration and drug trafficking, so it wont be a surprise to find out that the wall will end up having leaks :^)
Brazil's doing decent at least. They're the biggest power in South America.
Break from the Communist Pope and Catholic pedophile priests, maybe be Protestant and it'll solve most things.
a handful of senators are fighting for us, their goal: to allow us to defend ourselves from cartel psychos and low-life cholos. Hope it works out because it is a pain in the ass to have to see how their crimes go unpunished and that if you dare gunning one of them down you are thrown in a jail cell because: HE WUZ GOOD BOY, HE DINDU NUFFIN (not kidding).
CIA would never allow it
1. Build two-sided wall.
2. Fuck off all the burger military.
3. Ban visa-free travel with burgers.
4. No cartels > CIA cant have it`s budgets > USA gets cucked by OPEC > Mexico needs wall to defend itself of wild burgers > rats live and build happiness at their own home for themselves
>duterte-like guy appears
oh god, he'd be the new savior
yes, but it is justified because he was amerindian n shiiieeet
a 50 kiloton nuclear warhead
How can we put a stop to that? Should we incentivize companies and landowners willing to hire documented, taxed guest workers?
>How can we Make Mexico Great Again?
I have no interest in this
BUT, Make Aridoamerica Great Again MAGA
are you that butthurt half-greek that is always complaining about muh hispanic term by any chance? get over it, teotokoupolus, we didn't come up with that term
Would you say that attitude is faggot leftism like in the US or the result of cartel bribery?
start by developing an economy that isn't reliant on drug trade
Best fucking president we ever had. Sadly, he was taken down by poor retards and rapists
But north Mexico is pretty great. Most of us are white and we arent retarded
He can't help it.
Well that could be one way, but even still, it wouldnt be 100% effective, but I have to agree, it will lower down the amount of inmigrants, but the thing is that those two issues will still be there
No over there you have real opportunities. Most, and I must remark it, live with a minimum wage of about 3.6 usd per day.
The education system is deficient, corruption at every level, bureaucracy makes everything an endless and tedious maze.
For the most part I can't blame why some would choose to do so, I mean would you rather die of hunger or getting shot by the police?
They don't make those anymore :(
nuke it
Exterminating the shitskin works too.
Ctrl Alt deport
when it is thugs working for the cartels, it might be bribery (especially if they are important to the organization), when the ones committing crimes are regular cholos that no one knows anything about it is the typical faggotry: he is an uncomprehended boy that was forced to do this, he's suffered a lot (pretty much if you're poor you are now allowed to go around kidnapping/robbin/shooting/stabbing people because he wuz poor boy) CNDH faggets always get in the way, people are tired of those thugs, we never should have given up our guns
>not narco hellholes
nuke it
hol up hol up, you be sayin venancio was muh nigga n shiiieeet?
damn dawg
How did it go finding El Dorado?
We wuz conservitves and sheeet hombre
>not literally Narco Land
Nigga, waste your time no longer, just nuke us.
In all seriousness though, if real changed was to happen, we need to change the mentality of the majority of mexicans living in our shit of a country, as well as having our own Donald: someone who is not an establishment politician and to "drain" all the fucking corruption in the govt. (as in, wipe out the whole government).
So, easier approach: send a few nukes down south bruhs.
>Mexico mimicking America ever
They suck dick to mimic Europe.
That why the became European puppet state you faggot,they rather have euro interest over usa
>Implying you're not a shitskin
>How can we put a stop to that?
perhaps by trying to tell people to be a bit more honest and actually do what's right instead of being obsessed with making more shekels by any means necessary and to get through their heads that doing drugs is actually bad that by getting high and other degeenrate ways they're making rich a bunch of fuckers who kill people on both sides of the border?
tl;dr just tell them to be less fucking greedy...
Lrgalize guns and drugs. Enforce property rights
>implying he's not using proxy
dude its more than that its a mentality, people just dont give a shit, actually i have a theory. since its a tropical country and they have no water sanitation, i feel like most of the population has intestinal and brain parasites. thus the population does not stand a chance to any type of logic. also fuck you nationalist mexicans, im chicano and i work and go to school and know mexican and american history, the only real place you can call a state is mexico city and parts of puebla. the whole country is a shithole
a mexican duterte to get rid of all the cartels
It's fucking hard to keep up. No wonder they pop out like twenty kids. Poor mexibros run out of condoms, and the women are raised to hate birth control cus muh catholicism.
>I'm Chicano
Stopped reading
Fuck off Aztlanigger
im zapotec motherfucker fuck you aztec and olmec genes, im also part russian and spanish
>mexico city
mexico shitty is by far the worst shithole there is, the guys hanging around there are literally the worst
>anchor baby
Sonora has cute boys. Sinaloa has drugs and Jalisco has gays.
In fact it is a mentality, Mexicans are hypocrites.
A common saying over here when a underage girl gets pregnant is that "it's a blessing".
Most, if not all, my friends deny to use condoms saying they're not necessary.
t. provinciano
no fucking anchor baby motherfucker my parents were legalized by regean, yes the city is a shithole
>fuck you nationalist mexicans
>im chicano
everyfucking time
Have you seen that video of a dude getting his face ripped off?
Corollary - are nuclear warheads an acceptable answer?