Explain how the fuck killing animals for food is still legal in the world? We don't live in the 1500's anymore.
Literally no one can rationally defend eating meat.
Explain how the fuck killing animals for food is still legal in the world? We don't live in the 1500's anymore.
Literally no one can rationally defend eating meat.
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It tastes good and gets me swole
I know this is bait but you're honestly right.
it tastes nice
it's like sweets
yeah, they're shit for your health, but is anyone going to stop eating them? no
>it tastes good
so just because it makes you feel good then it should be legal? Some people think that having sex with little girls feels good, that doesn't mean it should be legal. you're fucking retarded
I'd like to kill a vegan faggot for food desu
I don't think animals should have the same rights as humans
I'd be totally fine eating egg and fish for the rest of my life. Meat tastes fucking shitty without spices, literal shit-tier food without salt, pepper and butter and oil
Nature is subservient to man and there is no moral guilt in destroying that which you are greater than.
Prove me wrong.
My chickens ovulate with or with out me doing anything so collecting eggs does no harm to them. The pork I buy is designed to be eaten. if we stop eating pigs will die off because they are not fit for nature.
It's easy when you don't have to see it
They are bred specifically for it, if it weren't for meat eaters, none of these animals would be alive today.
If we don't need animals for food, then we don't need to breed them and give them land. So without eating them less animals might exist. Interesting conundrum. Is nonexistence better than death and eaten?
I agree, but I just like meat a lot. I think Humans are supposed to eat it - we are carnivorous.
Hopefully they will invent test tube type meat that doesn't require animals to suffer.
You don't need rationality when you have this much EDGE.
contriving an equivalence comparing consumption of non-sentient animal flesh for tangible physical gain and physically+mentally damaging sexual acts against a sentient human child is not an argument
you're going to have to lay out an argument on either why you think that animals are sentient and equal to human beings, or an argument against the relevance of sentience for natural hierarchy of creatures
it is true that most forms of meat are objectively inferior uses of biomass if you're going for a purely utilitarian perspective on humanity i guess
Meat has hueg protein value among other things. Enjoy being a dyel little cuck who has to rely on synthetic supplements so his fingernails don't fall off.
Animals naturally eat other animals.
Humans are animals.
Culturally, religiously, and by nature, we're wired to desire, and want to eat the delicious bastards. They give us nutrition and sustenance to the point where avoiding eating animals makes it extremely tough to actually meet nutritional needs.
I'd rather be fucking DEAD than be unable to eat meat. I really like animals, and believe that certain animals should be off limits, and acknowledge that it's unfortunate, but it's reality. Humans are superior to animals, both by logic and by religious doctrine, and as such have the right to eat them as we please.
We don't live in fucking HappyFunLand where everything is great and hamburgers grow on trees, we live in reality.
Finally. The election is over and pol has reverted to its true form.
If aliens came down to earth and started eating humans would you be okay with it just because aliens feel like they have more rights? Do you understand how your logic doesn't make any sense?
>Literally no one can rationally defend eating meat.
im interested if you can come up with a reason that something like eating roadkill is bad. seems more unethical NOT to eat it because the animal is already dead and then it doesn't go to waste
>if you're not a PETA figure, you should be in jail
>if you're not a PETA figure, you're a child molester. You're just as bad as a kiddie diddler.
This is what happens when you don't watch Requiem for a Dream.
>if we stop eating pigs will die off because they are not fit for nature.
This isn't actually true. Have you seen pigs that escape the breeding farms? There are tons of pictures on the internet.
Those pink pigs that escape essentially grow a black fur in wild (just like boars), some of them even grow teeth. There is literally some boar gene slumbering in piggies if they decide to go live in the wild.
Some of those industrial breeder pigs (that are already bigger than normal boars/hogs) have escaped and cross-breeded with the local boar population and fucking mutations appear
Pic related. Wild hog/Industrial farm pig crossbreed.
Animals do not have the sames rights as humans, meat is a significant industry, humans have eaten meat since the dawn of time, good nutrition and because it tastes good. Go stand on your soapbox somewhere else you pretentious fuck
So humans should be able to fuck baby animals, basically?!
Explain how the fuck killing plants for food is still legal in the world? We don't live in the 1500's anymore.
Literally no one can rationally defend eating organic food.
Heh? If aliens decided to do that to us we likely wouldnt have a choice, the same way a cow doesnt have a choice. Rank has its privileges
>Ugtar you retarded, why put animal in pen?
When will these cavemen learn that animal husbandry means meat forever.
Thank those crazy prehistoric herders.
the only thing vegans need to read. this over and over again you faggots.
The idea of a little pink piggy escaping from a farm and growing into a razorback pig makes me so fucking happy, hahaha.
Anyone else wish we had some pills or some shit that had full caloric and nutritional value? like you just down some paste that has your daily requirements of calories and nutrients in the morning and be done with it.
We have the technology.
unreplaceable amynoacids
Your body evolved to eat the meat of other animals and absorb their nutrients. The bodies of young children are underdeveloped and not meant for breeding purposes, and the humans cannot breed with other animals so what you're suggesting is unnatural. I realize you're shitposting and all, but don't be a faggot.
delicious and good
Fuck off. I don't give a fuck about animals.
They're lives aren't sacred or inherently meaningful.
Just be glad we don't eat faggots like you.
I don't give a fuck about any being other than humans, whether they're superior or inferior to us. If someone threatens us I will fight back.
humans are carnivores
but i agree that the meat industry became disgusting
>Would I be okay with it?
No, I'm being eating
>Would I be able to stop it
No, I'd try but I'm just a fucking human.
It's the nature of things. Besides, these things aren't sentient.
No no, you have to go to Canada to do that.
Rationality is obsolete since you're analyzing it through your subjective filter. Any discussion is irrelevant since the real problem is not the meat but more the respect we have in relation to our food and our environment. Since you can't even respect another opinion I suppose you don't even respect yourself and only follow premade ideas you found on Google.
It's nature, faggot.
We are on the top of the food chain, we can do as we like.
Because Meat is awesome
These mfs eatin human babies u worried bout animals? Da fuck (you) on? Victory to the light and the One True INFINITE CREATOR.
Hey OP, explain how animals can kill other animals and how humans can't do anything about it, explain how all that is legal in the world today
Meat is a legacy system which will take time to move away from. It won't happen overnight.
>comparing a plant to an organism that has a conscious with cognitive abilities
>Eating other vegetables
holy shit they are cannibals
You panty waist faggot. What would your father say if he could see you now? Jesus Christ, what a disappointment you turned out to be. The sperm it took to create you would have been better spent feeding an AIDS Ridden chippy nigger.
Shit tastes good yo.
Why sould i feel regret about killing an animal that lives its life by the day, whith no trouble at all in its mind, while we are working and getting stressed out to aford food?
that size does not match to what is found in the forest
Meat is tasty. Meat is an easily renewable source of protein. Meat is good. Lots of people like meat.
It's not like the animal has a concept of being eaten. It chews fodder, it shits, it chews fodder, it shits. It is "humanely" killed and processed into delicious food. If anything, ban fucking extravagant food and just force everyone to eat a set, boring ration of X animal a week. This is why you fags always fail cause you go straight from 0 to 60 with your rationalisation "lets fucking ban it all"
If aliens came down to earth and tried eating humans we would have the sentience to band together and attack them back. Whether we won or not, we'd still fight for our survival, we have developed brains. Our food is only concerned with base concepts of eating, shitting and fucking. They don't get rights because they can't fucking comprehend what rights are. When you find a cow that starts pleading not to be eaten and asking why evil assumes the living shape of the jew, maybe then they'll be worth sparing.
God damn you're a faggot. One of those "fuck history, I'm triggered RIGHT NOW" types that wants to fuck things up for the status quo because it doesn't rub you right
Just take your fucking overpriced grains from poor countries (that you're raising the food prices of in said country, by the way, contributing to more fucking death) and fuck off. You'll never make a contribution - walk past that dead and packaged meat in the supermarket. You haven't saved the animal. You haven't done shit - except ensure that it died for nothing.
>Sure you can fuck baby animals, not boy ones tho
If vegans bitch and moan about killing animals because they are alive, do they also bitch and moan about abortion for the same reason?
They are also killing themselves at the same time.
Veggiesauruses, y'all niggas never had a perfectly barbecued t-bone, huh? Fuck outta here, next question.
Those are some fucking ugly links, senpai
>city dweller who's never interacted with an animal outside of pigeons and rats watches a disney film and gets a case of the fee fees
Animals bred for food live a longer and better life than wild ones. The majority of these food animals are too stupid to survive in the wild so they would go extinct if we stop eating them. The death the receive is quick and painless, much preferable to the ones they would experience in the wild (being eaten alive, starvation, disease). Not that it matters because this is bait clear as day.
>so just because it makes you feel good then it should be legal?
They can't stop us
There's your argument
That's how searches look!
Just search google pubmed meat cancer vegan
>i do not actually understand how nature and the human body works
Fix's your post for you OP
>cancer vegan
Sounds about right.
Humans are not carnivores. Humans are frugivores.
Well, to be totally honest, you can't rationally argue why it should be illegal, either. Your only argument is an appeal to emotion ("look at the poor animals") and "hur dur we don't live in the dark ages anymore, le current year."
>whith no trouble at all in its mind
Here in America livestock is raised in HELLish factory farms. The animal lives its life in constant psychological and physical pain. Usually small cages in warehouses where they can hardly move. No treatment for hurt animals. Not natural environment at all. Just look up Tyson Whisteblower video and find hundreds of videos of the HELL animals go through in US factory farms before they get processed.
Y'all not only killing animals, but yourselves physically and energetically.
How the fuck is killing plants for food even legal? What are we, animals?
If it were up to me it would be illegal unless you personally grow the animal and kill yourself. Not because I'm against meat but because it would help Ruralites rise up and crush the urban cancer.
So just because animals aren't as smart as humans then animals should not be given rights?
Still tastes good, bruh.
I think I agree with you, but it would be easier to tell if you spoke fucking English.
Got it backwards
Some otherkin are canivores. By outlawing meat you are condemning them to starvation or dysphoria.
>hur dur we don't live in the dark ages anymore, le current year."
Also, we live in a time where we can survive without meat, there's no reason to eat them other then "it tastes good xD"
Then we agree to agree, homie.
Sound like a stupid name for some stupid vegan pseudoscience bullshit
>Fruiteaters (we need some way to justify human canines, otherwise people will think eating meat is ok)
>Lions are frugivores
>Cats are frugivores
>Wolves are frugivores
>Tigers are frugivores
>Koalas are frugivores
this is a retarded word/definition
If you use it again I'm calling the cops.
Vegan cancer?
Sounds the same either way
Have you ever had american BBQ nigger?
Lol stop playing stupid, so that you can ignore the reality -_-
your whole argument revolves around the fact that lives has intrinsic value.
It doesnt, we give value to life, our social structure and society give value to life.
Without us there is no human law or morals, only nature.
So that lives is with 2 choices.
1- where human life is infinitely more precious because our social structure says so or
2- nature
In both cows did horrible deaths.
Go ahead try and challenge me faggot.
>Literally no one can rationally defend eating meat.
In a hyper-industrialized world where all arable land is exploited, what place is there for herds of wild cattle that serve no purpose?
It breaks my heart to know that cattle are thinking creatures that feel fear and pain, it really does, but their sole purpose on this earth is to be consumed. If that purpose is removed from them then they become a pest to be destroyed like all other wild animals.
If we did not consume their flesh, drink their milk, and wear their skins the cow would quickly go extinct.
Still better than what they face in the wild
>sure hope I can find enough food to keep living
>thank goodness I run faster than my brother, plenty of time to get away from those wolves while they were pulling out his intestines
>oh dunk, I was having of tasty meal of my fellow deer's droppings and caught cwd. At least I've still got a good week before my brain rots enough to kill me
Wow I bet you eat blood sausage too you pig
The reality of what?
Vegans with cancer?
I'm sorry, m8, but all consumption classifications matter, vegans aren't some special class who get special treatment.
What makes you think aliens won't eat meat? Chances are the fittest creatures to evolve a mind capable of rational thought will always be omnivores.
Explain how the fuck killing plants for food is still legal in the world? We don't live in the 1500's anymore.
Literally no one can rationally defend eating vegetation.
>It breaks my heart to know that cattle are thinking creatures that feel fear and pain, it really does, but their sole purpose on this earth is to be consumed. If that purpose is removed from them then they become a pest to be destroyed like all other wild animals.
And? Not being born is better than a short life in slavery filled with extreme terror, abuse and murder.
>Lions are frugivores
>Cats are frugivores
>Wolves are frugivores
>Tigers are frugivores
Nigger, what the fuck are you talking about? Those are all carnivores. Frugivores are creatures whose diet consists primarily of fruit, nuts, and other high energy density foods. Many of them eat meat, as well.
That's our fault for domesticating them.
Plants do not have a nervous system and therefore do not feel pain in the way that animals do. But let's assume they did - if you stopped eating meat way less plants would die overall. Producing a single pound of beef, for instance, requires sixteen pounds of grain.
If one is legitimately concerned with mitigating the amount of suffering in the world, then there is simply no way to justify eating meat, especially if one believes that plants also suffer.
That meat causes cancer.
>muh naturalistic fallacy!
Humans, as a group, to not engage in immoral behavior. Murder etc are immoral precisely BECAUSE they are innately revolting. Deviant members engaging in deviancy is no proof that the natural is anything less than moral. Indeed, to argue for a moral system that prohibits natural human behavior, that is, to argue for a "moral system" that is unarguably inhumane, is both absurd and abhorrent.
>b-but muh utilitarianism!
Carnivorism is perfectly compatible with Positive Utilitarianism, and Negative Utilitarianism (from which vegfags derive their "morality") is ludicrously grotesque, as Smart put it:
"Suppose that a ruler controls a weapon capable of instantly and painlessly destroying the [world]. Now it is empirically certain that there would be some suffering before all those alive on any proposed destruction day were to die in the natural course of events. Consequently the use of the weapon is bound to diminish suffering, and would be the ruler's duty on NU grounds."
We see then that veganism is the not merely the subjection of the moral for the amoral, but the subjection of the moral for the immoral. The Vegan is shown to be either a monstrous degenerate who wishes to extinguish Life itself, or simpleton you doesn't understand the philosophical underpinnings of their 'morality'.
Thats fucking bs. There is enough space in this country to raise enough livestocks to feed everyone. How do you think it worked in last 100 years before factory farms? The reason they put them in warehouses is to save money. Its all about making the product cheap and making money for the company.
>extreme terror, abuse and murder
WHAT A HORRIBLE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Those are all carnivores
Nope, according to Google they're frugivores
And I trust Google over you
Since you're retarded
For using a term such as frugivores
you fucking retard
Everything causes cancer
If you don't want to do anything that causes cancer, you should kill yourself
Google is not a source, you stupid fuck.
plants react to outside stimuli like you or me. They even respond to sound and voice. How can anyone justify the senseless slaughter of peaceful organisms just because its "less smart" than a shit eating pig?
>non sentient
animals in the wild die horrible deaths. at least in slaughterhouses it's quick and efficient.