>the dems are gonna be pushing this guy in 2020
Holy shit. They really have learned nothing.
The dems are gonna be pushing this guy in 2020
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying it won't be Yeezy
look after they tried pushing hillary fucking clinton, i think they'll choose anything over trump.
if yeezys fucking serious, they might actually vouch for him
>implying this faggot will beat Trump
You've got a long 8 years of shilling ahead of you. Good luck, friend. Seriously.
His name is Kanye "Bush don't care about black people" West
Kanye can't put a fucking sentence together that people understand, I hope he runs but getting backing is impossible
Who is it?
LMAO I hope they do, he lost the VP debate because literally no one likes him. He's creepy, obviously dumber than other candidates and deserves death.
this nigga a little light in the loafers if you catch my drift
I never ever implied that because that would be fucking stupidity.
Post your predictions of 2020
>Sanders' corpse
>Clinton's corpse
>Howard Dean
>Tim Kaine
>Elizabeth Warren
I think they are honest to god going to run Warren "hey she's like Bernie AND Clinton, what could possibly go wrong?"
Next election we should meme Pence as President and Trump as Vice president just to fuck with everyone.
No, 2020 will be her turn... third times the charm.
And I heard they are trying to oush a muslim as the DNC chair. Really going to capture those working class christian whites!
The left is cannibalising itself faster than BLM.
I want this just so Trump can troll her over the Native American thing.
Just like the Republicans pushed Ryan in 2016?
Oh wait.
haha that that would be a real funny meme you are a real jokester hehe
I distinctly remember there being a get with Kanye running, and possibly winning, in 2020
We've already memed Trump into reality, and Kanye made an announcement at one of his concerts that he would be running in 2020. No point in not memeing Idiocracy into an actual thing
If that's the case, archive/hard archive all the shit on him you can before the lefties scrub it surreptitiously in the interim.
>I think they are honest to god going to run Warren "hey she's like Bernie AND Clinton, what could possibly go wrong?"
She's the worst parts of both, and Trump already has his patented nickname coined for her.
There is 0 chance of Tim Kaine ever going anywhere near the Pres/VP spot ever again after being an embarrassment in the Pence debate.
>"hey she's like Bernie AND Clinton, what could possibly go wrong?"
More than anything they'll think, "no one could possibly vote for Trump a second time, we've got this in the bag".
Next candidate will be establishment again and they'll lose again.
I preferred her Native American name, All Talk, No Action.
If Bernie runs in 2020 he wins.
Unless he somehow embarrasses himself in the next 4 years.
Try and not vote for a BLACK woman you misogynistic racist cis white male scum
he's fucking kayne west, known as one of the most idiotic people in america. he's even in a sex tape for fuck sake. his wife is a well known whore
Nah they're gonna push Michelle Obama; Elizabeth Warren might run but Michelle would stomp her.
And if you thought Barack was bad...wait till you see the epitome of Black Power! and Women's rights! with Michelle
Just let it happen. They clearly do not understand the gravity of their situation, or they do not know how to approach the modern post-millenium world.
Here's the thing OP: the Democrats only have two elections left to mount a comeback. If they don't at least make gains downballot then the GOP will seal up their gains during the 2020 Gerrymandering. What's more, during this time the GOP will make great strides in fucking over the Dems' new base by implementing a national voter ID (known as a "passport"), immigration quotas and legalizing Right-To-Work laws through the SCOTUS. But the real damage is yet to come, all the GOP have to do is flip one more state to get a 3/4ths majority required to Amend the Constitution.
That is the point, likely sometime in the 2020s, when America returns to being a one party Republican state like it was from 1860 to 1900. The neoliberal Democrats who buried their own party will be dying off by then without any replacements except a smattering of hardcore SJWs and black that are slowly chipped away by increasingly gentrified hispanics and blue collar Republicans.
>4 years later still asking for tax returns
I honestly think they're just going to prop up Warren, which is an equally retarded idea.
I hope Kanye doesn't run because I actually like him. He's a socially retarded savant of music.
Tim Kaine is now got a paying gig, so we're OK for now. He's working as "Genders the Clown" and is really happy with finding his true calling. I wish him the best, but I don't recommend you hire him for your kids birthdays.
stop, you're making me erect
Except I think that she actually doesn't really want to run, unfortunately. She crazy, but she not that crazy.
Tbh I found hi concession speech really inspiring especially the part when he says
"They kilt us but they haven't whupped us yet"
i like this timeline
Neither could Trump.
The 2020 nominee will be Steve Bullock (D-Montana) running on the Sanders platform and a "Real Deal" focusing on green manufacturing/infrastructure jobs in the wake of another recession after Trump decides eliminating the estate tax is more important than "BRINGING THE JOBS BACK". The Rust Belt swings just as hard against Mike Pence (Trump pussies out of running for re-election) as it did towards Trump in 2016. Republicans and corporate Dems knocked out in one fell swoop.
>all the GOP have to do is flip one more state to get a 3/4ths majority required to Amend the Constitution.
What would they do with that?
Wrong. Two words: Kamela Harris. She is going to be California's #2 Senator on Jan 1st and the Democrats will give her the same treatment Senator Hilary was given back when she was elected in 2001. It has already begun:
She will run, SJWs will love her, and she will loose hard because even after four years of Trump the racebait shit won't work twice. This is when the Democrats are truly up shit creek as the GOP will be able to Gerrymander and legislate their way into a 2022 and 2024 victory.
Katy Perry would be the perfect democratic candidate
I don't care who they run in 2020 The incumbent is going to landslide even harder post WALL
Good luck getting close to a tie in the PV when all your illegals have been deported
There is literally a 0% chance the democrats wont push a nig or other minority in every future election after clinton shit the bed with those demographics.
>Steve Bullock
literally who
They'll try to pull that shit again but it'll play out more like the RNC and kanye west will win the nomination.
They'll need to find someone who actually wants to run. Michelle Obama has made it clear that she doesn't want to. Come on, everyone knows she's lazy. She's looking forward to her retirement.
The best thing about liberals is that they truly never learn from their mistakes.
They let their arrogance and hubris cloud their judgment.
Which is like 70% of why Trump was able to win.
The Democratic Party is dead. In its current form at least.
Clearly no one gave them the memo yet.
you will eventually grow up
Dems from Montana exist?
Trump could capitalize in the zeitgeist and could brand though. Kanye is actually retarded at everything besides music, and I like him.
>Steve Bullock
Are you bullshitting me!?
>implying he won't be fucking dead in 4 years
Dems have won the last four MT gubernatorial races in a row. Bullock just won re-election while his state voted for Trump by over 20 points.
would fuck her desu
This fucking guy? I wish. This clown would be beaten easily by President Trump. You'd think they'd run someone better like Webb.
uh huh honey
Looks like the kind of guy that would star in cuckold porn. Not even memeing I think I've seen a guy that looks just like him in one.
Webb hardly had his foot in the door this election and they shoved him out. The elite Dems hate Webb.
They would end birther citizenship job one.
Terms limits could be imposed by the states, because God knows that Congress will not impose limits on themselves.
We could also reword the 1st and 2nd amendments so they couldn't be be undermined.
They also could amend the poll tax amendment to exclude voter ID laws.
>Tim Kaine
They really want a female president that badly huh?
Webb comes in after their homosexual/muslim/mexican pandering ends and they realize they need to make White Americans happy again.
yeezy season approaches
fuck whatever y'all been hearing
They have no one with Obama out of the picture.
What would Trump's nickname of him be?
Kaine was so irrelevant in this campaign that he didn't even bother to give him one.
My bet is on "Creepy Kaine."
If Trump manages to get gdp growth back through stimulus and cracks down on illegals (whether or not the wall gets built), he'd probs win versus anyone in 2020.
Foreign policy isn't that relevant in people's mind, so he can do whatever he wants in the middle east - maybe giving the military something do like bombing the shit out of sand niggers in Iraq and Syria would boost his approval ratings.
I hear when you die you shit yourself, so that's looking like a near certainty for Sanders.
Smelly Nigger
As a Californian I hate this fucking gun grabbing cunt.
So you watch cuckold porn? Lmao cuck
2020 Ima run the whole election- Kanye "Yeezy Yeezy just jumped over Trumpman" West.
a possibility, yes. She's a huge cunt who personally tried to ruin a friend of mine who works in the SF legal system because she dared to point out how corrupt Kamala is.
Another obnoxious possibility is Gavin Newsom. He really really wants to climb that ladder to governor, then president.
she has absolutely no charisma, another fake smarmy bitch like hillary
Already it has begun. The GOP will begin legislating themselves a permanent supermajority in about ~67 days when Congress returns.
Even if the economy slips into recession 2018 will likely not go well for the Democrats because they just don't have any fresh blood while Trump will begin really delivering on his trade policy (ie heavy hitters like free trade being killed or an oil tariff, which will cause local economic booms in swing states). Then in 2020 they will run Harris (see above) and loose bad.
You're assuming the DNC isn't full of retards who suck each others' dicks. Harris is the one being groomed for the Presidency because the party politburo is almost exclusively made up of cosmopolitanites now (ie faggots from California, spics from NM, NOVAfags, niggers from Baltimore and Massholes) who cannot see past their own ideology. They'll go down with their ship.
Of course, they COULD stop being stupid and do as you say. But they could have done that this year, too.
God I hope they get rid of hate speech provisions and affirmative action. I'd cum so hard the Yellowstone supervolcano would recede into the core of the earth out of sheer inferiority.
Bernie already embarrassed himself by getting cucked by BLM on a national stage, saying that white people have no idea what it's like to be poor, and most egregiously, bending the fucking knee against Clinton even after it was revealed that the DNC conspired against him the entire time. Bernie is just a sad old cuck, and those three main points can be railed against him until his death. He'll never have another shot at being president
Hi, Steve.
If they push Kaine, Virginia will be Red as all hell.
Fuck this piece of shit.
At least he's not Hillary.
>implying Kanye won't run as a Republican once he learns Democratic economic policies
>yfw the dems were looking to the 2020 election the day after Trump was elected
NY Times opinion piece in Sunday's paper is saying 2020 will be an easy win for Trump vs Liz Warren/Corey Booker
Oprah Winfrey.
>running another socially retarded "how do you do fellow kids" white woman
When will they learn?
Look up the results. Brian Schweitzer was elected in 2004 and 2008, Steve Bullock in 2012 and 2016.
God willing the DNC is flushed out in the next few months. Speaking as a social democrat/populist who supported Sanders, Hillary's performance in the tradititonally Democratic Rust Belt--which voted for the black guy twice!--was fucking pathetic.
In all likelihood they'll run a spic in an attempt to bash Trump morally and only get 70% of their vote while black people turn out at Clinton levels and white people continue to get isolated from the Dems
>Cory Booker
Please god no. He literally attacked Obama in 2012 for being too harsh on Bain Capital. He should be a Republican.
Webb started hating the DNC as much as they hated him when he ran in the primaries this year. He figured out exactly what was up and dropped out early on of his own volition, then stated quite clearly that he would never, ever vote for Hillary Clinton for any reason.
Newsom might make it to Governor, but his competition is LA's former mayor Tony Villa (aka Antonio Villaraigosa). Aside from being a beaner, LA's population is ~10 million while SF's is only 850,000 (Alameda is about 1.6 million). Villa is also an extremely popular Mayor due to Measure R which rebuilt LA's streetcars, while Newsom is loathed for his botching of (so far) the new Eastern Span, Van Ness bus lanes, Geary bus lanes, Central Subway, the TTC ($3 billion for a concrete pit) and the Caltrain Downtown Extension.
if they really wanted to win theyd start grooming Bernie now. He's the only one that could rally the sort of support that could rival trumps enthusiasm. But they wont. They'll shovel out yet another stooge and trump will shit all over them.
This is bullshit. MT is the reddest state there is.
If Barack is actually a closeted homosexual, I doubt he will want to go back to the White House.
He should get a bunch of cosmetic surgery and become a real elf. I might consider voting for him then. At least it would show dedication, and the international banter would be hilarious.
Good points all, which I'd forgotten or didn't know. Newsom's ex-wife is so much smarter than he is, it's just pathetic. Villaraigosa is a thought for sure. Wonder if he actually wants it...
What's really funny though is the idea of liberals having to deal with the fact that not only did Americans decide to elect Trump once in what they consider to be a fluke, they'll have to deal with the fact that we found him pleasant enough to elect again.
Then he would have to change his name to Tim Candy Kaine.