Thanks for killing Sup Forums, Katrina
Thanks for killing Sup Forums, Katrina
newfags don't understand that we need the attention
we really don't, but we also don't not need it. It doesn't matter.
we're at critical mass. any more more normies and this site will be unusable. the userbase has fucking doubled since april.
1st rule about Sup Forums/pol is: NEVER SPEAK ABOUT Sup Forums/Pol
don't talk about our super secret club
some will run away anyways since this is considered a "white supremacist" board and cry like a baby about it on tumblr
>this can't be real
>check twitter, its fucking real
Holy fuck
>its real
This surprises you?
Who is this?
Who is this woman
I like the way you think
That's not how it works
I'd eat out Katrina Pierson's asshole, just sayin.
Check the catalog next time, cunt.
Her and Tomi from the blaze
This site is at critical mass and Chinkmoot has had to sell the NSFW boards out to Malware ads.
This was never done secret club. Fuck off retard.
>Implying this won't just bring another wave of immigrants to Sup Forums and ruin them even more
Win win for us
Proves Tru p knew about us all along and at the same time shits all over yet another board
I wonder how many teenage kids come here. I'm imagining 14 year olds drawing (((echoes))) around names in their history books and swapping nazi frog memes in class.
I've been smiling all week
Some disgusting fatass attention whore.
I realize that, but Sup Forums is getting too big for its britches. Gookmoot can't pay the bills.
Looks like you didn't get the memo
We've all shifted to 8pol just after the elections.
Have we reached peak negro?
Sup Forums lives for idealogy, not an edgy place for rejects. we go mainstream and shape the world in our image
We love you Hurricane Katrina!
Didn't she get Cruzmissled?
How can you even ruin Sup Forums? If anything it'd make all the other boards (yes, including Sup Forums) even more unbearable.
Sauce on this?
Redpill the normies.
Tiffany Capotelli, or something along those lines
ugh Tomi is such a babe
We're already well known.
>my sides
We clearly haven't, there's people like you.
Why does Sup Forums exist?
How often was it hacked, raided and taken offline by the FBI? How many Enemies did this Board make? What is Scientology? What is Anonymous (Guy Fawkes)? And much more...
It doesn't make sense. Yet, why does it feel so real?
I feel like I'm reading the onion with these articles.
Where do we regroup?
Ugh. Agreed. Based babe.
You Welcome based sexy-hawt-woman.
Sup Forums should be NOTORIOUS not famous
Remember when we tried to connect her to the Ted Cruz sex gate?
You're welcome!
TorChan? Normies are too lazy for .onions.
Hello, Ms. Pierson. I love you. I've loved you since Trump first took that escalator ride over a year ago. I was captivated by your fiery charm, your wit, and your passion. Your deep eyes, the soft accent of your clavicle, the pout of your lips... I find you irresistible.
To be honest, I'm a pretty attractive guy. I know the image that is associated with Sup Forums, but the truth is that you would be pretty impressed with my cock if I showed it to you.
Will you please give me a chance and go out with me? I think we'd have a lot in common (Trump, for instance). Please post if you agree. I'll be your personal digital ninja, and I'll do it for free bb :3
What the fag newfags!? Sup Forums dont want to be recognized. Its part of our board here to be ANONYMOUS. If you really want people to circlejerk for you go to plebbit, retard. Fuck normies mang.
We do jew-tactics here. Behind the scenes, pulling strings. For the lulz
It's WaPo so you're not far off
Based fine mulatto
Congratulations /newpol/ you helped the republicans win an election. You were simply tools. Normal fags are the reason this board is nearly pure stormfag now, these fat fucks didn't understand that we used to do it for the lulz and joined the real stormfags.TFW NOGF
Now it's /x/ tier retards praising KEK and meme magic(lol), being unironically racist all round bigoted, and genuinely believing a retarded orange demagogue will rock the status quo or MAGA.
Oh and as a bonus they've helped Putin massively further the geopolitical goals of Russia.
Hillary sucked too, but probably less. Patriot act aside Obama was a good president who would have great without his hands tied by the senate. If he were white you'd be far nicer to him.
Bravo /newpol/ you're all retarded.
Not to mention torchan is shit.
this. people need to shut the fuck up. I hope all the newfags start leaving once trump is in office. the more media and twitterfags are attracted the less effective any mischief or investigation is.
Fuck off reddit newfag. Board quality is inversely proportional to user size.
we did it guise
It already happened. 80% of posts on Sup Forums right now are attention-seeking or meme replies, and all these new people genuinely think this is how it's supposed to be.
what about her ammo necklace?
double chan?
It's not going to kill Sup Forums Normies who come here will get mental disorders, new lurkers will be fun to have around. The Washington post article about the celebration threads was much worse attention than this. And we're still up and running.
>Gookmoot can't pay the bills.
He can, he's just greedy jew. He's doing the same thing he did over at 2ch, tell people that shit's going downhill really fast and if he doesn't do something about it the site will cease to exist to justify his actions. However when questioned about details he tries to derail the thread by acting retarded and refuses to answer.
Literally who?
>implying there is someone who doesn't know about Sup Forums
This ship has sailed long ago, newfriend.
Trump's national spokeswoman, dumbfuck
some grubby spic that has a 5-head and shills for Trump. Nasty woman!
>its real
What the fuck
>implying they won't end up on Sup Forums
Yeah one of us. The average retarded voter, congrats on being on the popular shit tier side of politics.
i knew we were always right
>muh super sekret club
Sup Forums is in the news at least once a week. That's been the case starting from Chanology.
>Sup Forums's Sup Forums boards
FUCK they know about the secret Sup Forums board, SHUT IT DOWN!
how does this site not make enough money to sustain itself? How does Reddit do it?
>board quality
this place has come a long way from a site that was originally designed to discuss video games and share loli porn.
That's literally what I tell some of my normie friends who ask once in a while....
Are we just going to all send her love letters proclaiming her to be the most ravishing woman we have ever seen?
I don't know how reddit works, but doesn't it also have ads? I'm sure they profit a lot from ads since the userbase is bigger, and more people donate.
Sup Forums is a non-profitable site. Most retards use adblock and don't buy the Sup Forums pass. The userbase is low despite the server having to be so large for archiving threads with image.
i aint telling you newfags shit
Reddit doesn't host most of the content on itself like Sup Forums does.
If you want to post a pic you post a link to imgur, though I believe the is a reddit image thingy nowadays.
Kek, and also the classic adolf mustache on every face you see. I used to do that when I was in high school (~2007)
>Sup Forums is in the news at least once a week. That's been the case starting from Chanology.
Long before Chanology bongbro
Let them come. All it takes is 6 months of casual browsing for the redpill to take hold.
It does, niroshima is just trying to sell his Sup Forums pass
you mean the one you can only access with Sup Forums platinum? Good luck those faggots will never find it.
8ch /4pol/. Setup when the fischbein thing happened. Otherwise you get pic related from 8/pol/ when a bunch of us turn up
Well done Sherlock.
So one user leads to perfect board quality? It all makes so much sense now
That's why he usually posts in word on his own PC.
He is largely right though, this board is so full of normies right now. I'm bugging out for a month.
I guess so, I think I'm gonna stay a while longer for the news and the occasional laugh at least