Saw this on kikebook as a response to memes being shared by liberals about trump being a bad business man, can we get some counter facts about trump being a good person we can throw at them?
Trump the kind
He's president of the U. S. of fucking A (baby).
He must be a good person!
You could show the left Trump fighting a apache helicopter with his bare hands to save 100 babies and they would find something negative about it. When are you going to WAKE the fuck up and realise that they are beyond saving?
What are some good ways to piss of liberals?
They laughed at me when I brought up Hillary's emails, they think I'm uninformed for reading WL, and they just always carry this shit-eating grin when they hear about my support for Trump.
It ends tonight.
*piss off
these are all actually real
tell them the truth about trump
>trump is PRESIDENT
Bring up Hilldawgs pay-to-play.
There's a 10 minute video on kikebook about this too. He's done all sorts of shit that the media skimmed over. People play it off saying he's feeding his narcissism complex. Can't post the link because muh spam system but it's on the Donald Trump News page, dated Aug. 20.
God Bless Emperor Trump!
I remember seeing a story on the news once how some car he was in on a highway or turnpike or something went flat, so some guy stopped to help him, and fix the tire.
Then, after that Trump paid off the guys entire mortgage because he helped him.
This made me cry when I watched it the first time.
>I am also a boxing fan
>saved a womean
There was a pastebin of good stories like that on YouTube during one of the early battles of the Great Meme War
Tried that, and thanks for reminding me.
One of 'em told me it's alright, and to calm down when I was getting visibly upset. I said "yeah, it is alright, because Trump won."
His jimmies were unfortunately not rustled. Deep down, I think their laughs are hiding PAIN.
WikiLeaks ammo won't do me any good, I've learned.
> womean
> not womyn
Wow, thats a pretty good one. Found a link for it here.
Funny thing: Snopes doesn't seem to list and of these positive stories.
"Really makes you think"
Remember the flooding in Louisiana? While Obama was golfing in Japan and Hillary was taking a nap, Trump led a convoy of trucks to donate food and toys to the victims.
Remember Hurricane Matthew? He did the exact same thing.
Liberals probably never heard about it because the MSM didn't cover it.
Wtf I love trump now
I am literally shaking.
Really makes you think.
Martin Farias (guy streaming over periscope) just got arrested!
>"okay guys I've got to go"
>stream ended
trump is a good dude, really
it really is tragic that most braindead liberals will never see that
Liberals will just dismiss it as a PR stunt for his presidential campaign.
Sorry guys wrong thread.
Explain how certain policies of her's would be bad for the US. Like the no fly zone over Syria.