The Elephant in the Room

So Sup Forums, what if anything can we do about the women problem?

Being as women vote overwhelmingly Democratic, are fiercely defended by most men because of biological reasons, are in a position in society where they never have to grow up, only come over to the Republican side after they get married (and not many are getting married anymore), and would have to give up the most comfy position in society any demographic has ever seen in all of history in order to fix this mess that we've made with the economy, gender relations, and the state of the whole of society. How is this doable in a Republic? Can we do anything? Are there any practical solutions? Or are we just going to have to eat crow after 4 to 8 years as the pendulum will swing back the other way?

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Secretly repeal the 19th Amendment, say that Soros did it...


LGBTQIA+? Are they literally just adding shit to the back of that now or what?
However this stats aren't surprising. Women like bullshit majors which teach garbage, and are highly susceptible to brainwashing.

now post the one for white women

Men and women share the same teeter-totter.

If you want a more submissive woman, then in means you must behave like a dominant man. This does not mean to abuse women; this means that you must be a MAN. You must be a strong protector and a foundation when they are unstable.

The rising fire of mouthy feminist cunts is only fueled by the gasoline that is the cuckolded western male.

ok, I think I will

This will backfire. Women are heavily influenced by adhering to social norms.

If you want to win women over, treat the women who follow strong men as they should be treated, as a valued partner, but not an equal partner.

Fuck white people

I thought they were going to end it at LGBTQ+ because the plus would mean "and many more" or something, but they threw that shit out the window pretty fast, what's the point of the + now?

fuck white women.

Post the white women map now. Female suffrage wouldn't even be the worst thing in a world without Jews.

i think a "people who actually work for a fucking living" poll would be more appropriate

That'd be an interesting dynamic as the last stat I heard was 50% of American households receive some sort of government gibs check.

Fuck if I know. Near as I can tell the far lefties don't understand how scientific classification works so they just make shit up as they go along. LGBTQ and the plus I was familiar with but this I and A shit I literally have no idea, and nothing is concrete enough for their to be a good resource to look it up.

true enough its the people who work and have to keep up quantifah's 6 kids are the ones that voted trump i foresee big changes for the leeches

god I want to live in oklahoma

You can only reply to this post if your state went red in this map.
LA reporting in.

White women were a majority Trump.

A social norm is that women hate other women.

hippy faggots set north carolina on fire because they didnt like the results

>College educated

Bunch of women with useless degrees in liberal arts, gender and women studies.

They speak like they are doing nuclear fusion.

>College educated

Bunch of women with useless degrees in liberal arts, gender and women studies.

They speak like they are doing nuclear fusion.

White women voted 50%+ Republican this election. The problem is dindus.

Black and Hispanic women would have made that up (they'd vote more than the men)

White women voted more for Trump by a small margin

I is intersex (aka hermaphroditism, which affects like less than .01% of people) and I'm pretty sure A is allies (aka "normal" people deluding themselves into enabling the mentally ill).

I thought that 538 was totally wrong

>nate cardboard
>ever right

Many women voted for Trump just because she was a woman. Though, it'd be better to show the electoral results' map of white women rather than all women because all non-white women voted for Clinton.

>fivethirtyeight posting data based upon their shitty projection and exit polling after the actual vote data which proves it all wrong is available

Color me surprised.

Just leave them be. Women are their own worst enemy, eventually society will just get tired of their narcissism and strip them of rights they should never have had, like voting or working, and everyone will be happier

Why did so many Hispanics vote for Trump? Aren't illegals their family members and friends?
What was their motive?

1/3 is a lot considering he called them rapists.

Doesn't 'the elephant in the room' refer to something everyone sees, but no one acknowledges?

The problem you are talking about is very frequently acknowledged here. Therefore, you're new here or stupid. Either of those is enough for me to decide that you are not worth talking to.

Based on polls only forecast. We all know how accurate all those polls were. They had Hillary winning by a landslide.

>The Elephant in the Room

There are many elephants in the room.

More people voted for Hillary.

Most young people voted for Hillary.

Cambridge voted 90% for Hillary.

It's a room full of elephants.

Because some Hispanics who aren't total leeches and actually think about the world don't want the USA turning into the country they just left. 3rd world people need to stay in their containment zones.

That's why 'minorities' are mostly made up of leeches and sub-human trash, but then small parts of those 'minorities' contain the most based people you will ever meet because they understand the importance of Western/Anglo/European culture and values/ethics the same way we do, but have the added perspective of coming from a 3rd world background.

Democratic party is rooted in empathetic emotion. Republican party is rooted in tradition and objectivity.

They are actually pretty Catholic and conservative, and the other thing is that after they've been here a few generations they are basically full burgers and hate illegals as much as any other American.

This, especially for Cubans.

Issue isn't women.
It's non white ones


>mfw I am white, a trump supporter and now a protected class

I often wonder what the few women who browse Sup Forums think when they scroll through these threads

People voting for what they believe in is never a problem.