Do you understand the consequences of your actions now Drumpftards?

Do you understand the consequences of your actions now Drumpftards?

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Do liberals really believe hes just gonna start nuking shit for no reason?

Jews are so silly.

...this could be used to describe a number of similarly well loved polotical leaders. What was his point?


>implying there aren't lots of reasons

Have you seen how much of the world is COVERED in niggers? Literally most of it!

Trump is literally saying he's going to end conflicts left and right. Hillary during her campaign was saying she was going to do stuff that would likely escalate shit.

Wow global warming is faster than my favorite blue hedgehog sex symbol

These tweets from Jews are just wild. I'm almost starting to think they seriously believe this stuff. There is some kind of neurosis at play that must be genetic.

>Hillary was actively petitioning for WWIII with Russia
>Oh noes Trump's gonna nuke stuff

Literally what the fuck? How the fuck do these people function in day to day life with literally zero critical thinking ability?

Whatever, let him blow us up then. Rip off the band aid and send us to hell already.

Of course a Jew's first thoughts about obtaining power are killing billions of people and destroying the planet...

You really can't make this shit up.


Oy vey!


Nukes aren't the fun way to kill the undesirables 2bh

Concentration camps and mass executions

(((You))) have it.


I've gotta say, Clinton getting people to believe she was the anti-war candidate while talking about provoking Russia in the same breath truly was one of the greatest persuasions of this election. I've at least got to give her that. Trump said he didn't want to get into any new pointless wars and only wanted to take out ISIS in a coalition with other nations, and yet Clinton had people thinking he was going to launch nukes if he got butthurt on Twitter.

thanks to Shillary the whole world knows it's about 4 minutes, faggot
>saged and hidden

It's four minutes Hillary told us dumbass.

>implying people dying is a bad thing
these liberals are so naive, they needs to be taught some fucking lesson about life.

We know exactly what we are doing.

>Hillary actively trying to push a war with Russia
>No one cares that she could get the codes
>Trump wants to get along with everyone
>Liberals thinks he wants to murder everyone

Where do people get that Trump is, like, pure chaotic evil and wants to kill everyone for no reason?

Is it even possible to fall that hard for your own shilling?

Better than Hillary having it.

My dad does.

They said the same about Reagan. Liberal losers need a new playbook.

Pretty stoked senpai.


nothing like a good old nigger lynching

>Hillary and only hillary pushed to kill gaddafi.
>hillary wanted a tough regime change for her resume.
>hillary lol'd when learning gaddafi was raped and murdered in the street.
>40,000 people so far have died in the libya civil war.
>hundreds of thousands of Africans flee to europe through civil war town libya.

This. I just want to die already

Give me the sweet release



these faggots have no idea how many fucking dune coons we've killed over the last 30 years to line the pockets of jews. just fat and happy in their little studio apartments pretending to care about life

Finally, we're overpopulated anyway.

So this is what goes on in the mind of a liberal?

Trump walks into the oval office and just starts blasting off ICBMs to all corners of the globe?

Liberals have no fucking idea what they want anymore. They can't even decide if it's okay for white people to wear safety pins.

They are so far gone in a world of utterly worthless concerns that it's just... jaw-dropping.

I really do hope Trump ushers in an age of peace and prosperity just to see how the left tries to rationalize it through their mental gymnastics.

Think of the happenings
it makes my dick hard

They'll probably just say it was from Obama's influence. I guarantee it.

this cant go on

>Pretending to not know about the deep occult controlling the nukes
Get framed.

Why does everyone keep talking about the nukes and launch codes like every president gets a huge red NUKEM button which automatically launches every missile specifically to kill everyone on the planet?

cause hes gonna get anggy and then hit the giant button on his desk like in timmy turner

Ya Dunn goofed

Im literally shaking,.. I havent felt this way since 9/11...

Hey guys, time traveler here. I brought actual footage of Trump's first day in office. Let this be a warning:

Neutron Bombs, nigga.

Shit's the future

Would be nice, but experienced world leaders are already circling like vultures to manipulate the inexperienced newbie.

I guarantee it won't end well. Trump is way too impressionable and the likes of Putin and Shinzō Abe are already descending on him.

>The guy that wanted to prevent the UK from being ruled by Germans they didn't vote for is a fascist

>Libs don't know how usa works
>Muh popular vote meme
>Trump can do what he wants after all the usa is a constitutional federal dictatorahip republic. We're there are no check and balances

Trump goes nuclear

Hillary would have done it in 4 minutes. So with Trump I get 26 more minutes to fuck as much as I want.


but seriously, I need to watch seasons 1 and 2 again

It terrorizes me that these morons really think Trump is going to open concentration camps and fire nukes randomly.
This is brainwash level of stupidity.

>implying that's not what we desire

that's true for all American Presidents, moron

your argument is basically "1 human being has the ability to kill us all in x seconds.... think of the children!"

Trump isnt' some spastic off the street, he's a genius businessman, who through his own intellect, slayed a Bush, a Clinton, and 16 other cuntbags. do you really think if Trump was such a clueless clown, that he could have done that?

Yes, we understood when we voted for him.
Yes, we want this.
Yes, it's far better than Clinton
Cry more faggot

Tbh I don't care if he kills us all. The Cubs won the world series. I can die happy now.

What consequences?

The mass hysteria is amazing. They just have to keep upping each other with panic and fear mongering and heightened emotional response, each time outdoing each other in unbridled neurosis. Foetal at the javitz centre was just the start.

This is why the root word hystericus means of the womb.

It's amazing. I don't even know how to respond to that.

What's not to understand?
