Sup Forums's on the fritz, but it's not the end of the world. Let's make lemons into lemonade:

Sup Forums's on the fritz, but it's not the end of the world. Let's make lemons into lemonade:

Convert your favorite images from your Sup Forums folder into ASCII and post the results.

Other urls found in this thread:


it literally just got fixed m8


Let's not and say we did

The issue was resolved but still cool thread idea.


Timing of the year, old chum.

Nice idea, worst possible timing. Sorry OP

>HA HA! ... poor timing!


For you




THX for this address user. Now i post reaction images on youtube.


Oh thank God. One more test .

Am I doin it rite?



That does it. Let someone else do this.




⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀ I F U C K I N G W I L L⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀


>tfw beat me to it

Does anyone know what the fuck happend anyways?


No, but I'll humor you anyway.

⢀⢀⢀⠔⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠑⡄⢀⢀⢀⢀wheres my fucking steamed

The image served died and reincarnated.

every cartoon in one image

⢀⢀⢀⠈⠂⠁⢀⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⢀⡅⠨⢛⠅⡸⠐⢄⣚⣊⡰⠁⢀⢀⢀⠈⠦⣀⢀⢀⢀Hello I'm Dr Pig and today
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡅⢀⢀⢀⠈⠁⠂⠉⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠉⠐⠢⡀ we're going to learn how
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠴⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡠⠤⠐⠂⠈⠉⠉⠉⠁⠒⠤⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⠑⢄to break free of the
⢀⢀⢀⢀⣀⠄⠊⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⠔⠉⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⠢⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠑⠄digital void.


⢀⢀⢀⢀⡎⢁⠔⠁⢀⢀⢰⣿⣦⢀⢀⠈⠑⡄⠹⣆⢀⢀⢀⢀ JUST KEEP PUSHING
⢀⢀⢀⡰⠁⢀⢄⢀⢀⢀⣾⣿⣿⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⡆⢰⠂⢄⢀⢀⢀⢀ YOU'LL EVENTUALLY
⢀⢀⠊⢀⢀⢀⢀⠑⢤⡀⠘⢿⠟⢀⢀⣠⠔⠋⢀⠜⢀⢀⢃⢀⢀⢀⢀BREAK THROUGH



⡰⠁⢀⢀⢀⡀⡰⠁⢀⣄⢀⢠⡖⢆⢀⢀⡤⡀⢀⠘⢆⢠⡀⢀⢀⢀⣠⠊⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀I FUCKED UP
⢀⢱⣄⢀⢇⢀⣀⣠⠄⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠘⠲⢤⣤⡧⡞⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀CALL 911
⢀⢸⢀⢀⡇⢀⢠⢣⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡜⢸⢀⠘⡀⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀NO MEDICAL PROCEDURE
⢀⢸⢀⢀⡇⢀⠈⣡⠞⡆⢀⢀⢀⢀⢰⡉⠳⡜⢀⢀⠃⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀ CAN FIX THIS

⡄⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⠳⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠐⠤⣄⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢠⠃⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠃⢀⢀⢀⢀i am
⠑⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠑⢦⢀⠈⢢⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⡱⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡠⠃⡠⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡜⢀⢀now the

Here you go Superintendent Chalmers



⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢸⠘⠄⢀⢀⢀⠰⣀⣀⡼⢸⢀⢀why is there an imprint of a doctor's
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠘⢲⠆⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡃⢀ face in this hamburger, skinner?




I know where this is going


This was clever

⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡔⠁⢀⢀⠈⠉⠉⢀⢀⢀⣀⣀⣀⡀⢀⢀⢣⢀⢀⢀thats just from the design of my spatula, ho ho ho


dots? Really? how lazy and incompetent can you get. You got that shit from redddit, right?



⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣸⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢰⣯⣯⣭⣭⢭⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀i thought you said these
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣴⠋⢣⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⠉⠉⠉⣏⢀⢀⢀were steamed hams



⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣠⣮⡀⢀⢀⢠⠶⢒⣒⣲⣶⡞⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀whats happening with these
⢀⢀⢀⢀⣠⠶⠋⢡⠏⡟⠶⡶⡬⣩⡍⣉⡀⡴⢳⣄⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀hamburgers, skinner?





⢸⣿⡇⣿⢸⡇⢀⢀⢀⢎⢀⢀⢀⠈⣀⣠⢤⣔⠶⠒⢢⢀⠈⡄⢀⢀⢀you could say they're
⠘⣝⡗⢙⡣⠃⢀⢀⢀⢀⠉⠉⠉⠛⠒⣻⣁⠰⢾⣉⠟⢀⢀⢃⢄⢀⢀⢀delightfully devilish!

⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢰⠁⢀⠈⠒⠉⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢤⣠⡃⢀⢀⢀I HOPE YOU'RE PREPARED
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠰⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣇⠙⢶⢤⣀⢀⢀FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE LUNCHEON

⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠇⢀⢀⢀⠃⢀⡉⢀⣀⡀⢀⢀⢸⣁⣀⢀⢀⢀GOOD LORD

⣿⣿⣷⣿⣸⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀⢧⣀⣀⣀⣀⣠⡤⣴⣲⡯⠟⠁⣈⡇⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⢀EMBRACE THE LUST
⢣⣃⡏⠘⣡⠇⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⠛⢉⣳⣀⣠⡾⣉⡡⠋⢀⢀⢹⢤⡀⢀⢀⢀SENPAI CHALMERS

⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡼⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠸⡀⢀⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⠸⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀euh- embrace the lust?
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢸⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠙⠲⠶⠞⠁⢀⢀⢀⠳⣄⢀at this time of year, at this time of day
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠘⡆⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢈⡇⢀⢀in this part of the country
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠙⠦⣄⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣀⣠⣠⡴⠋⢀⢀localized entirely within your living room!?



⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⠓⠦⣄⣀⣻⡀⢹⡁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀I CONFESS LOVE
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⠉⠉⠉⠉⠋⠑⠲⣄⢀⢀⢀⢀LOVE FOR SKINNER!

Dude........ you don't just let the machine do the work, you edit the image and try different settings. If the final result looks like shit, DO NOT FUCKING POST IT.

⢀⢀⠈⠳⡀⢀⢀⢀⠈⢀⢀⢀⢀⢠⣀⡴⠛⠉⠁⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡆⢀⢀⢀⢀I shall ascend to sky hell
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢳⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣰⣢⣄⣀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡸⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀and inform the demon angels of our marriage!


Go back

Tiny personal ungulates



Haha made you look.

⢀⢀⢀⠳⡀⢀⠘⡆⢀⢀⢀⡾⢿⠃⠁⣀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣠⢾⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀see you soon,
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢳⡀⢀⣹⢀⢀⢀⠁⠈⢀⢸⡠⠶⠿⠭⠽⠚⠁⢱⢀⢀⢀⢀you sexy ham steamer you
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠸⡀⠈⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀in your absence i shall wait
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⢻⠟⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡜⢀⢀⢀⢀ i will love you more and more
⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⠴⠖⡾⣄⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⣠⡞⢹⠲⡀⢀⢀⢀⢀ until my love can no longer grow
⢀⢀⡜⢰⠻⣆⢸⢰⠃⢀⢀⡇⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡴⠃⢀⢰⠃⢀⢀⠹⡄⢀⢀⢀⢀then i shall dine
⢀⣸⠁⡇⣠⠋⡸⢸⠤⢴⠃⡇⢀⢀⢀⢠⠞⢀⣀⡤⠋⢀⢀⢀⠖⠛⠋⠙⣄⢀⢀⢀⢀dine on steamed hams
⢀⡇⢸⢰⠃⢀⣇⡎⢀⢸⢀⣇⢀⣀⡴⠋⢰⠋⢀⢀⢀⢀⢀⡏⢀⢀⢀⢀⠈⣇⢀⢀⢀⢀until you return



>ugh i hate this thread, know what i should do? break the rules over and over until it's removed entirely


Toeing the line, aren't you?

this is why no one likes ponefags


This was a whole lot better when I was doing this with Sup Forums.

Why are you mad though?


Serious question, is this or is it not breaking the rules?

because you don't even know how to respond let alone know the rules


Best show of 2017, not even memeing.

He had to know it was fixed because he posted a picture you fucking retards








100% Approved.

OPs could post pocs through most if not all of the incident
you nigger

Sup Forums has always been the most butthurt group when it comes to MLP stuff, even back then. They are the real reason GR#15 exists.

>All pony/brony threads, images, Flashes, and avatars belong on /mlp/.
It says "threads", not posts/comments. So I guess this is technically not against the rules.

The way you express yourself makes me think you are pretty new.

The ratio of good to bad episodes says otherwise.
