When should we all pitch in to build a kek church? Where should it be placed? Id say either the UK or the USA seeing as how they were the first ones to use Meme Magic to make a difference in the world.
Kek Church
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Should happen.
Plan crash site, alps.
I would really like to see this pushed personally.
I'd support it.
But where though? And what should it look like?
In the USA. Crowd fund a temple. Use the temple as a base for computer operations and a permanent religious presence on the net. Sites beyond this one.
Perfect for a shrine. Any french cultists in the area?
And maybe we could get a full size Kek statue with the hieroglyphics written on a plaque under it. And we could all bow down to out righteous meme overlord.
I like it.
If you planned it out and started a crowd fund site, and spread it around the boards, I actually think you might get enough to start your temple. Seriously. It would be sweet. Let me be a part of it.
You can't make the worship of a chaos god into an organized religion and expect the worship to lend the god power.
Yeah let's build a church for a god of chaos. Fuck off shithead, this place is his chapel.
it wouldn't be an organized religion. Just a physical place for expression of the movement.
Which crowdfunding site do you think we should use?
Fuck you
If Kek Worshipers want to worship they will. Building a church is organizing things. The only way a church to Kek could work is if it naturally evolved.
Fuck you.
We can build whatever we want. And you aren't the only person determining what does and does not get built or supported.
Any. Probably one of the biggest ones. The key is plan and what you present. You have to decide what's likely to be supported and what's not.
No, even then it's fucking stupid. You can't get repeating integers through prayer you fucks. Why would kek help a bunch of limp wristed faggots thinking some statue would help them commune with him so they could get a gf or some shit.
Because it probably would. People have physical altars in their homes. This would be a bigger version of what already exists.
Buy an internet cafe and convert it into one.
You are a complete faggot. I hope you come to the correct solution and neck yourself before you come up with any other great ideas.
Your mother chews Juicy Fruit bubble gum. I am pretty sure of this.
Doesn't change you being a faggot. This is just as bad an idea s the guy who made that faggy t-shirt website.
Anything official aside, I would like to build a personal shrine to Kek in my house. Any ideas on how to please the god we awakened?
If you have the will and push through with it, you can make this happen. Nothing too difficult if you can get the funding and a focus for the place/religion.
Why don't we take over Israel and claim it's kek's rightful homeland
So, Kickstarter?
Also, build the church in either France, Sweden, or Germany so that redpilled ideas can flow into their countries
We need sanctuaries in all countries so a Web of meme magic appear.
Ok but where would the first big church be built?
memes change
pepe the frog wasnt used 4 years ago or 8 years ago
you should create an internet meme research program instead
Salt Lake City?
That is a choice the person who makes the church has to make. Where do you want to live? Is it accessible to many people? I honestly think this could be done. But like all plans you might have to modify things along the way.
Where's that place in Michigan with all of those filthy sandniggers? Build a pagan temple opposite a mosque and watch them chimp out and show how intolerant they are. Only fitting that the god of trolls should troll in real life, is it not, chaps?
He used heavily in 2010, thats when the meme magic started to rev up again.
Not a bad idea but Mormons don't need redpilling. Portland, Oregon or the Twin Cities in Minnesota would be better
Detroit, britbong. Great idea, though. Bless kek.
> Where's that place in Michigan with all of those filthy sandniggers?
>Organized religion
>Chaos worship
This is about the stupidest fucking idea iv'e ever heard in my entire life.
Out of the two i much prefer Portland. But that place is absolutely full of feminists and lefties. But the weird vibe of Kek would fit right in otherwise.
It would be great if somehow we got fortunes and built a skyscraper in NYC.
>not buying some old pedowood property and cleansing it spiritually with Moloch's arch rival
r u even a follow of kek m8? don't do it to honor him or some shit
do it for the vine
do it for the luls
It was where Kek made himself known to us through our Baneposting and revealed the power of meme magic
who /unironically convinced by the digits/ here?
We're gonna need to expand first but if we do, it would be right next to Trump Tower
Nice get. Kek is watching over us tonight.
That would be amazing.
> that place is absolutely full of feminists and lefties
Not bad. That would be a good place to start a missionary to convert people
yfw we are creating a power structure
I thought this thread was the church gathering. Instead it's a faggot trying to ORGANIZE CHAOS.
me senpai.. I believe, shadilay
y tho? the unorganized mass of anonymous leaders is more fitting
The church of KEK cannot be contained to stone or brick. We worship in our hearts, we worship as we work, we worship as we check these.
Less to organize chaos, more to spread the message.
it should be a white identitarian church though, but yes
Wow. This OP faggot oozes with Plebbit. Go farm some karma cuck. We true anons dont like publicity or recognition. We jew-tactics now:
Behind the scenes
Pulling the strings
KYS faggot. Kek dont want organized shit, he God of chaos.
Worshippers of Kek.
Followers of Chaos.
You mean convert normies and have Anons in broad day light acting like self-righteous burgers?
Meme magic stays here faggot.
Checked. And image is cool
Nice get faggot
>Bringer of light
I really hope not. Because we know who that is.
is pepe kek?
North pole. KEK rules all.
Build it in Armenia
Tripfag is a faggot
Looks like it
Stop being degenerate and become a christian or muslim you cucked shits..
We can start off small by building Kek shrines like with Ebola-chan.
lets do something like this with digits painted on them
pol is a Christian board
Jews have their synagogues where they meet up and plan shit.
"KeK Churches" is where we anons would meet up and plan our strategies for world domination.
We will be like the Jews, only with good or neutral intentions. Or with just the intent to oppose those who try and control.
KEK is beautiful
KEK is god
KEK is everything
It should be build in the land of kek, Egypt
if youre serious about spreading kekism, someone needs to mass produce kek statues. Theres one on sale on amazon for 1about 1k usd, and thats retarded. ALso kek bumper stickers, keychains, and patches.
I don't think this is what Kek would really want us to do, fellow burgerbro. He is the god of chaos, and I think it would be irresponsible to try to contain that. We have seen what he is capable of, I wouldn't want to make that power angry. Also, a religion always ends up as some sort of control which leads to preverted teachings and acts. Chaos cant be contained.
Why not make a online virtual temple? For free.
Praise Kek!